Sentences with phrase «idea of grace»

But the popular religious idea of grace does not come close to what I believe the Bible teaches about grace.
The Renaissance went even further, and dismissed the whole idea of grace.
Perhaps the reason we have such a hard time honoring others with our words is because the idea of grace is something far too many of us have heard about, but few have truly experienced.
There are so many ways in which faith represents itself, but the part that always sticks with me is the idea of grace.
I love the idea of grace and divine forgiveness for failings.
Immortality is not really a religious idea when it stands apart from the idea of grace, that is, when the destiny of the souls is not seen as ultimately one with their origin.
If I really embrace the idea of grace and believe it on a level beyond a simple mental agreement, then it doesn't matter if I'm out there «naked.»
You are proof texting and changing the meaning of scripture to suit your idea of grace and works.
So far, I have talked with numerous people of the following religions: Judaism, Mormonism, Christianity (which has a wide variety of ideas of grace, most of which would not agree with my definition above), Islam, Santeria, Jehovah Witness, and Native American spitualism.
Obviously, for Christians, salvation requires a commitment to Christ, but the idea of grace is that salvation can't be earned — it can only be received.
They don't like the idea of this grace thing getting out of hand.
Because he conceives radically the idea of the grace of God, he makes it plain that God's forgiveness must be for man an event in time, that the relation of «I» and «Thou» exists between God and man, that God stands opposite to man as another Person over whom the man can have no sort of control, who meets man with His claim and with His grace, whose forgiveness is pure gift.
Likewise the idea of the grace of God is not radically conceived; for God's grace appears here as a kindly overlooking of sins, standing in opposition to His justice, as it were overcoming His justice.
At the end of the day I think there are a lot of reasons to be against the death penalty, but for a Christian who believes that Jesus died to spare us from death and this idea of grace or as Scripture says «mercy triumphs over judgement.»
Thatâ $ ™ s why I find hope in the idea of grace.
When you mention the word sari, the idea of grace naturally follows!
Let me say right up front that I truly love the idea of grace, and I have been fascinated by the word and the constellation of concepts it represents for a very long time.
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