Sentences with phrase «idea of love»

All our characters are struggling with the very idea of love.
Chris Orr RA plays with ideas of love, ensnaring the viewer in a multiple - narrative image where every element has a similar or complementary partner.
Picking at ideas of love among the soulless, of souls among the manmade, of unicorns versus sheep, Villeneuve channels Dick by way of Scott as well as a bit of James Cameron and more than a little Spike Jonze.
Presented in three chapters, the exhibition draws on Surrealism's idea of love as «amour fou» (crazy love), new visions of love which emerged after the 60's and the often problematic concerns of contemporary love.
Here again it is not by a general idea of love that this is achieved, but by the really lived love of God in Jesus Christ.21
how do your fellow faithful feel about an alternative idea of love?
Although the Christian idea of love has become familiar, almost banal, its peculiarity has to be stressed again in each generation.
In this first preview Deepak Chopra and Randy Tanzi discuss whether the brain is a noun or a verb, and in the second preview, Gabrielle Bernstein tackles ideas of love and true happiness and how to use them to create phenomenal life changes.
If you haven't been in a relationship before, the whole idea of love and romance might sound strange and exciting
Phantom Thread, as its writer - director made clear in comments after the film was shown to industry types in New York on November 26, is Anderson's idea of a love story.
Artist Statement We have this singular idea of love, and it isn't cutting it anymore.
So the idea of combining ideas of love and being one with the Universe and warping space and time and sound and vibration and frequency — all these ideas that seem to be kooky, and sci - fi is really an invitation for young people to be courageous and dream big.
Interpersonal attraction is a term often vaguely used as an umbrella word for other diverse ideas of love.
This book draws on Surrealism's idea of love as «l'amour fou» (mad love) and new visions of love which emerged after the 1960s.
«Every Day» is a new rom - com that explores the idea of loving a person based purely on their inner being and not their exterior body.
They used the idea of love your neighbor and turn the other cheek to pacify their subjects.
I mean really, if that's your idea of love, I'd rather not see your idea of hate.
I like the idea of loving one another and loving your enemy instead of hating them.
Without it the glaring injustices, the inexplicable tragedies and the unsolved problems of this life make nonsense of the idea of a loving God.
It is not only that a new idea of what love is has come into the world, though we need not deny there is something new in the way the idea of love will ever after be understood.
And the church as a loving community committed to the idea of loving and serving neighbors and thus is an act of praise, not as a community that self - serves only after you conform 110 % to the doctrines taught in the 4 month long new - members brainwashing class.
So, why did these Pulaya candidates respond so positively to the idea of a loving God?
She says that she has done so for love, but J. B. mocks the idea of love in a world where one must lose what one loves most.
The simple fact that these feelings exist demonstrates that the idea of love can not be dismissed as irrelevant to the abortion question.
So, it makes sense that in next song, «Time of the Season,» we leave the couple - love world of Odessey and Oracle, the world briefly made nauseatingly sunny by «Friends of Mine,» and explore (after darkening the lights) the idea of love / sex detached from permanent coupling.
Slowly but surely their understanding improved until finally, with Jesus, they arrived at the idea of a loving heavenly Parent.12 There are several problems with this.
Is such lawlessness Jesus» idea of love?
Most folks like the idea of an all loving God.
The remnants of Ehrman's faith were eventually swept away altogether when he later struggled to reconcile the idea of a loving God with the suffering he saw in the world.
He values the idea of us loving them and encouraging them, no matter what.
The Inquisitor eventually comes to visit him in his cell, mocks him, berates him, denounces him for his failure and the failure of the ideas of love [167] and servanthood and the exaltation of human freedom that he brought.
If there is no God, who is to account for the idea of love... the love you have for your spouse / children / loved ones?
Please let me know when your holy scripture is at least interactively consistent because obviously the idea of loving the world so much he sent his only begotten son to die is woefully inaccurate.
Ugh, the idea of loving someone we fear is totally abusive.
Of course if the idea of love came from the bible, it would be much different.
It seems to me that I need something other than what I consider to be love to base an idea of love on.
In Christian thought we do not first get an idea of love which is then illustrated by the history of Jesus.
In some cases their fears are justified, but in most I think they've just confused the idea of love with the idea of niceness.
That's 6 passages pointing solely to the idea of loving your neighbor — and a few of them call that idea the encapsualtion of what this faith is supposed to mean.
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