Sentences with phrase «idea of religion»

All cultures develop differently, due to many factors, and each culture develops it's own idea of religion.
As humans become ever more advanced, abstract ideas of religion, god and the soul will be transformed into something we can only begin to comprehend.
Does a judge applying ideas of a religion to judge, violate the right of freedom of religion?
(since he was being judged by ideas of another religion / belief system?).
As a young evangelical, I was looking for theologians who could help me break the stranglehold of liberal Protestantism and its faithless idea of religion as purely personal «sentiment.»
Only a philistine would dismiss the very idea of religion out of hand: so many people find it meaningful that to see them all as misguided would be hugely arrogant.
Isn't the whole idea of religion to end up in heaven?
Leonie Caldecott writes in a style and with assumptions that make her offerings interesting and acceptable to people who have been brought up to believe in a market - place idea of religion, that it's «all about choice» and that we need to evaluate belief - systems in the light of our own knowledge and skills, or what we imagine to be our own knowledge and skills.
in fact the basic ideas of religion come to surface naturally, and always have.
Gorsuch appears too mixed up with diverse ideas of religion, spirituality, higher power, steps, religious institutions, Christianity, and the «Christian God.»
Yet Lindbeck's approach posed great challenges to liberal ideas of religion as some «universal feeling about the ultimate.»
The implication of the question was that we know immeasurably so much more now than ever in the past that ancient ideas of religion have become obsolete.
For a raunchy animated comedy that dealt with heady ideas of religion, that wouldn't be a tough sell.
Idris Khan's second solo show with the gallery, will consist of two major sculptural installations and a number of new photographic works that interlink seemingly disparate ideas of religion, Minimalism, music and poetry Khan's new body of work has a more formal engagement with the material he appropriates, in order to elicit a kind of lyricism and spirituality using a Minimal aesthetic.
Some suggest that the very idea of religions, in the plural, came from a pluralistic society with a democratic form of government.
man has misused religion and used it for domination ever since man came up with the idea of religion.
People who attack the idea of religion (which is happening on this board) because the RCC does not do enough to eradicate poverty should also attack the idea of secularism because the Brazilian government has not done enough to eradicate poverty.
He was followed by Jeremy Bentham, the first Utilitarian and a man who had «the declared aim of extirpating religious beliefs, even the idea of religion itself, from the minds of men».
Your idea of religion started probably less than 100 years ago.
Believe me, that isn't my idea of religion.
If the idea of religion as an entirely private matter» no longer welcome in the public square except as it validates public policy» seems like a new development, Shaw illustrates that its seeds were planted long ago and nurtured by a desire for inclusion within the prevailing culture.
(And yes, if you look over the now 1167 comments, about 600 are either bragging or slamming the ideas of religion.)
Despite its considerable currency, the idea of religion as sacred canopy seems not to have been grasped in more than a superficial way in much of the literature.
But there surely is a contrast sharp and unmistakable between this idea of religion and some of the characteristic attitudes of Jesus.
This idea of religion in some ways having to be able to solve everything, including character flaws, sounds so promising but often fails to deliver.
Hey interesting thoughts, i checked out something pretty wierd the other day, along this idea of religion.
The idea of religion is so much a part of us as humans that we really should ask «what is the right religion» than asking «why even bother?»
I actually like the idea of religion, but most people do exactly what you do, outline it for everyone else.
God's idea of religion is not a building with the doors fastened against outsiders, huddled in a holy masquerade of facades and fancy robes.
Lot's of people get so burned in this life by disappointment or loss or whatever that they reject any idea of religion or meaning in their lives.
In retrospect she believes that God was working through her imagination even as she dismissed the idea of religion as irrelevant.
Because this statement of Whitehead is central to his idea of religion, and because some of the words carry a connotation peculiar to his thought, a few reflections may clarify his meaning.
I can understand the idea of religion as a guide you can use to help you move forward, but the whole idea of using the Bible as some kind of legal case book is just repugnant, because the cases that are made are almost invariably regressive and inhuman.
This link says that the founding fathers didn't even like the idea of religion in the system.
The people who come to his Church for counsel are often toying with the idea of religion, rather than truly embracing the concept of confessing their sins.
How is the idea of culture tied into the idea of religion?
He believes that art celebrates human existence on a spiritual level and transcends the ideas of religion - any religion as well as the ideas of race.
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