Sentences with phrase «idea of using social»

We found this one particularly crucial for those looking for a job — especially the idea of using your social media profiles.
This is exactly why educators give up on the idea of using social media to support their practice.
Howard Stern's intimately live - Tweeted account of Private Parts this past weekend brought renewed attention to the old, good idea of using social media as a platform for making movie - watching and other entertainment - consumption a more intimate, communal experience.
I love the idea of using social media trends for content ideas, but the time and effort involved in monitoring and writing fast enough to keep up with trends is a daunting challenge.
There has been much talk about social media scores, but social media outlets have backed away from the idea of using social media scores to determine creditworthiness because they would have to abide by the same regulations as the credit bureaus.

Not exact matches

But the idea of a central place where ordinary citizens can submit news has been overtaken by the social web — that's effectively the way millions of people already use Twitter, for example.
So with this in mind, I thought it'd be interesting to dive into seven of the most popular goal - setting strategies used by marketers and see if any of the ideas here might resonate with you and your social media marketing.
I've started to use your ideas, themes and language within professional development sessions for leaders in schools and social services in our quiet corner of very rural England.
For example, Michele Bachmann has her own off - beat, opinionated social media flair, taking to Facebook make quips such as: «Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; thank you Governor Perry for using my ideas for your tax plan.»
The Winklevoss twins, who gained widespread media attention in 2004 for suing Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg claiming he stole their original idea (ConnectU) for what would later become the popular social networking site Facebook, are the founders of the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, which will be used to set the price of their ETF.
If you have an estimate of your monthly Social Security retirement benefit (in future, inflated dollars), you can use the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), Ballpark E$ timate Online, to get a basic idea of how much you need to save before you retire.
You'll learn how to make ideas stick, how to increase your influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to spread information and influence.
If you've been doing social media for a while now and have got past the naïve «I'll use social to sell stuff» stage, you likely have discovered the value of exchanging ideas and building relationships.
Bultmann seized what he could use of these ideas: the anxiety produced by the existential question; the dread produced by the answer of death to all; the attempted flight into worldly business, social status and ephemera; the rare courage to begin an existence which would be authentic because open - eyed.
And since Whitehead also states that «The use of philosophy is to maintain an active novelty of fundamental ideas illuminating the social system» (MT 237), it is obvious that the challenge which Pixley poses is eminently fair and can not be evaded.
This latter tradition is the tradition that includes the Augustinian conception of good politics as a just, and thus peaceful, social order; an associated conception of international relations; and the idea of just war defining the instrumentality of the just use of force in the service of both.
This gave it a distinctive social space a term Burgess uses often, though he does not cite the literature that developed this idea of the churches place in society generally or in East Germany specifically.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer thought that the idea of vocation had been deeply misunderstood, especially by those among his fellow Lutherans who had used the concept as a way of vindicating the status quo and validating such institutions as marriage and wage labor as preferable to all other social or economic arrangements.
My use of «principalities and powers» refers to the idea that social reality is an integration of spiritual and material forces that circumscribe human existence (PAP).
We learned the importance of understanding the social location in which ideas arose, the uses that have been made of them, and what is actually heard in words, whether consciously intended or not.
Some practical points: If you're just starting out, some opportunities that make a lot of sense for platform - building include: writing guest posts for popular bloggers who share a similar audience, writing a regular column for a newspaper or online magazine, seeking out speaking gigs (paid or unpaid), participating in conferences (for networking opportunities as well as exposure to new, inspiring ideas), using social media to share your message, and requesting interviews with popular authors / speakers / leaders to feature on your blog.
That's just one idea, you could use the same principal on lots of different social networks or announce the winner in a blog post.
What is really being pushed on parents here is the arbitrary social idea and / or judgment that the earlier the infant does not need intervention the better (in some way for the infant and eventual child and adult) and this concept is inappropriately used as a weapon often by false claims suggesting that if an infant or child can not by some pre-determined age «self - soothe» it never will, or that something is either wrong with them, and is in need of repair, or that their parents are deficient (for not setting «boundaries»).
If you link up, you permit me to use your pictures / ideas as part of future posts and / or social media.
Remember you can follow along on social media by using the hashtag #playfulpreschool and check the bottom of this post for more ideas from the team!
In other words, let them get used to the idea of even recognizing you as a «social» being before you expect them to accept or even tolerate the inclusion of a new «significant other» in your life.
«Over the years I have tried to use images and ideas to cut through complacency and apathy while trying to raise consciousness about an array of social issues from discrimination and human rights, to health and the environment» notes Chaz Maviyane - Davies on his work.
First, the term acquired distinct meaning in the late «90s domestic political discourse of Hungary and is specifically used to describe thinking and politics associated with neoliberal economic policies and a set of progressive social and cultural ideas.
Virality — The word «viral» is nowadays used a lot, but it links to an older idea that we are influenced by the behaviour of the people we are socially connected to, and that because of this, certain behaviours - everything from how we look to whether we are obese — are copied, replicated and spread through social networks.
He also called on all concerned Americans to write letters of objection to newspapers, harangue their local elected officials and use the hashtags #NotNormal and #DontNormalize on social media to decry any effort to present Trump's ideas as mainstream.
It's also a concession by Department of Social Services Commissioner Steven Banks, who was once a fervent critic of the use of hotels to house the city's homeless, when he described the idea as «poorly conceived.»
The belief that the two types of pain are neurologically the same has led to some new ideas about how to treat social pain, including using traditional painkillers, such as acetaminophen, to try and ease emotional suffering.
In one study that confronts that idea, cognitive scientist Daniel Casasanto of the New School for Social Research in New York reasoned that if people use their physical perceptions and motor experiences to construct mental simulations, then physical characteristics that cause us to interact with the environment in systematically different ways should in fact send people down different mental pathways.
Here for the first time (give or take one or two irritatingly anachronistic uses of the word «feminist») I found myself unconvinced by this generally sympathetic and entertaining writer, partly because the idea of defined social purpose might tie physicists too closely to the prevailing orthodoxies and pieties of the day.
But the idea that they could have had a use in communication is neat: we have very little insight into the social behavior of dinosaurs, and if more finds produce evidence that shafted feathers grew exclusively on ornithomimid adults, then paleontologists might be able to craft a theory that focuses on communication and signaling.
«I wouldn't put a lot of stock in saying what's going to happen with Facebook one way or the other,» she says, «but the idea of using a SIR framework to study social network usage is cool.»
In myexperience, most of these people in a steroid user's social network have no idea that the person is, in fact, using steroids.
If you link up, you permit me to use your pictures / ideas as part of future posts and / or social media.
Corner describes the London College of Fashion as being centred around the development of ideas, with the staff and students using fashion, alongside cultural and historical practice, to challenge social, political and ethical agendas.
As an author who uses social media to extend the shelf life of my titles and those of my social media clients, it's imperative for any author who has an idea to start thinking about their social media strategy.
People were just so used to meeting potential mates at social events or through friends and family that the idea of turning a virtual stranger into lifelong love was far - fetched, to say the least.
However, unlike the younger set who tends to use social networking sites to pass time, Boomers find groups of similar sensibilities, share ideas and generate passions for changing social systems.
I think facial recognition has so many other uses outside of dating, for social and business applications, and I am looking forward to new entrepreneurial ideas in that space.
On Chesil Beach is a minor story by design, one that uses a lovers» quarrel to interrogate evolving social values, but sometimes it's the most minor stories that contain some of the most overlooked ideas.
That type of project allows students to see how relevant and powerful writing and storytelling can be and how they can use social media to spread a positive message or idea.
As you get enthused (I hope) about the idea of using supportive social media tools, you may feel that you need to tackle a bunch of them at once.
The group is traveling not only to learn about education in Finland, but also with the intention of studying how social media tools can be used to communicate and share ideas in real time with others all over the world.
The idea was that expert inspectors would comment on standards of pupil achievement, the strength of the principal's leadership, the use of school resources, and the quality of what we called, rather quaintly, «social, moral, spiritual and cultural education.»
The idea of this PSHCE lesson is to have children Identify the different social networks, describe how poorly and well they can be used and analyse pictures showing the potential issues with social networks.
The idea of this PSHCE lesson is to have children Identify the different social networks, describe how poorly and well they can be used and analyse...
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