Sentences with phrase «ideal guide»

My previous ocean and river cruises with Viking were spectacular, and they would be ideal guides for exploring the coast of Norway and cruising above the Arctic Circle.
As owners of a popular design company in San Francisco, authors Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo are ideal guides for launching year - round adventures in wreath making.
It serves as the ideal guide to make informed choices on the composition of the application.
This collection is the ideal guide to making craft time fun for kids of all ages and developmental levels:
Lucinda Chambers is an ideal guide for aspiring stylists, and her self - directed course is available to anyone around the world on BoF.
Such eclecticism helps make Tavernier an ideal guide for a tour of nearly half a century of French cinema.
This placemat is an ideal guide to encourage regular speaking in lessons and work on pronunciation skills.
The Coalition is absolutely right in suggesting the ideals guiding the Gonski school funding reforms have been corrupted.
The answers to these questions and many more make Curriculum 21 the ideal guide for transforming our schools into what they must become: learning organizations that match the times in which we live.
These ideals guide the development of the National Board's standards and assessment.
Our Top Pick in Cookbooks for December, Sweet by Valerie Gordon, is the ideal guide to the most gorgeous and delicious sweet treats of the season.
Fortey again proves himself the ideal guide, with his superb descriptions of natural beauty, his gripping narratives, and his crystal - clear, always fascinating scientific explanations.
is the ideal guide to motivate and train you to get out of debt.
King's adventurous spirit and taste for the unusual make her an ideal guide to some of the lesser - known wonders of the world.
Tom Wilber, again, is an ideal guide to how this is playing out (mostly in the courts).
(The extraordinary books of Brian Fagan are an ideal guide.)
Through vivid chapters that describe the history and theory of citizen science, detailed examples of brilliant citizen science projects, and a look at the movement's future, Citizen Science is the ideal guide for anyone interested in one of the most important trends in scientific practice.
Are you looking for an ideal guide to help you create a head - turning career profile?
The template acts as an ideal guiding document while drafting the resume.
There are multiple reasons why this safety consultant resume sample is an ideal guide to go off of as you create your own resume.
And with more than three decades of success teaching mindfulness practices and exploring their scientific underpinnings with students, clients, and mental health professionals, Professor Siegel is an ideal guide.
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