Sentences with phrase «ideal schedule»

You'll have to figure out the most ideal schedule for you.
This job will allow me to continue to use my nursing skills on a more ideal schedule.
Blocking out time guarantees that, at the very least, I'll be aware of my ideal schedule when things get crazy.
«Fix your ideal schedule, then work backwards to make everything fit — ruthlessly culling obligations, turning people down, becoming hard to reach, and shedding marginally useful tasks along the way,» he suggests.
Come learn about infant self - soothing, ideal schedules and sleep times and the # 1 secret to good sleep that will revolutionize the process for your whole family.
The good news is that they can handle their time once they know how to plan their ideal schedule.
With an ideal schedule arranged, busy mothers will have more time for themselves.
I think us mom's need to go easier on our selves and try to not be so perfect, do everything the same as whatever mom we are comparing ourselves to or evenstick to our idea of what an ideal schedule would be.
But despite ending up with the ideal schedule, something does not seem quite right.
Your child may not be able to conform to your ideal schedule every day, especially when you introduce it.
Check out mastery course for some great guidance on designing an ideal schedule.
An ideal schedule would be to do A on Monday, B on Tuesday, rest Wednesday, do A again Thursday and B Friday.
All of my hard work paid off, and now I get to bring Moonshadow's Guardian out on my ideal schedule, not a schedule based on when I could actually afford it.
An ideal schedule to get into is actually to trim the nails following taking a bath.
I maintain, however, that peak performance requires planning around your body's ideal schedule.
The Times has a graphic [PDF] that sets out the ideal schedule of events in a clear fashion.
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