Sentences with phrase «ideal state»

The tablet consumes a third of the battery juice in ideal state itself while WiFi sucks the power in a flash.
The Concept: Feeling relaxed is your body's ideal state of balance, yet these days it's more common to feel tired - and - wired than calm - and - content.
G - Flux has unlocked the secret to achieving the body's ideal state of balance in terms of energy input and output.
On the other hand, we might think of a zen - like lack of stress as an ideal state, but according to science, if you have too little stress in your life, it's a good bet you struggle to stay engaged and excited at work.
In response, the classical theist can argue that the recognition of the law - abiding, determinate character of nature also explains why our natural order, even though created by a wholly good and powerful God, might not represent the ideal state of affairs.
In The Jesuit Missions of Paraguay and a Cultural History of Utopia, Girolamo Imbruglia shows how the reducciones became a potent symbol in European debates about the ideal state, particularly in eighteenth - century France.
Perfectibility implies an ideal state of things standing in contrast to the actual state of things.
There is among the orders no ideal state, no ideal marriage, no ideal economic system, as though God's Word should be equated with some abstract ideal structures of life.
As has already been stressed, here the conservatives as well as the revolutionaries start from presuppositions which are objectively quite unjustified, for they regard either the past or the future of the Church as an ideal state.
We know from the work of Andreas D'Souza that Jesus was identified with the ideal state of sainthood — the perfect goal of all the saints.
Whereas it may be true that there is an ideal state of affairs for all the things affected by a person's actions, it is not at all true that it is ideal that they should be made to realize their ideals by his actions alone.
Christian moral thinking has accepted this and has given marriage a special blessing, surrounding it with the aura of divine approval even if it has not always realistically grasped the fact that marriage is not inevitably an ideal state and that to insist on its continuance when love is absent is to condone what in effect is legalized rape and hence hardly an appropriate symbol for the Christian idea of marriage as representing «the mystical union of Christ and his Church.»
Remove the steaks from the grill a minute or two before they reach your ideal state of «done - ness».
They were perfect, too, in an ideal state for baking.
I know what Maldon feels like in my hand and how much to reach for to achieve my ideal state of saltiness.
Perhaps the ideal state of England — the nation — in relation to England — the team — depends on the quality of the side.
As someone who cares deeply about the millions of kids dependent upon school meals, I don't think that's an ideal state of affairs.
Aristotle's ideal state is not simply a watchtower edifice to prevent violence against persons, its aim is expressly their development and well being:
Also, while identifying The Prince, rightly, as a profound departure from the ideal state theorising that had previously (and still does) dominate normative political philosophy — and as the first example of a more empirically guided and morally neutral political science — Unger overlooks Machiavelli's culpability in this damaging division of academic labour.
Rhode Island is the ideal state to address the connections between the opioid and hepatitis C crises and demonstrate the benefits that are possible for public health preventive efforts.»
It's not an ideal state to be in with an active baby, in my opinion.
Being in the ideal state to digest and assimilate food is the other half.
This will allow your muscles to fully recover without risking your condition and gains, and put you in an ideal state for the upcoming period of heavy training.
Yoga was designed in mind to ensure that people are able to certainly come back to an ideal state of health which our body craves.
Our premium Ashwagandha provides you with both alertness and relaxation simultaneously, you'll be in the ideal state of mind for getting work done.
While the ideal state is along your feet, if you are really stiff, you could place it on your shin or grab your ankles.
Doing things you love puts you in the ideal state of mind when meeting new guys and girls, and attracts others to you.
Reynolds, like many men, dreams of powerlessness as an ideal state — as a gateway to coddling his mind for his art, though, of course, he can't know true powerlessness, which informs his vicarious fantasies with the assurance of safety.
Massachusetts was an ideal state to conduct the study, as the amount of snowfall in the state has varied widely from year to year, with days with more than four inches of snow experienced by the average school ranging from just a single day in 2007 to nearly five days in 2005.
To learn more about why learning professionals must be more aware of these consumer desires and work to find innovative ways to bridge the gap between current state and ideal state, download the free eBook 7 Consumer Realities That The Learning Industry Can No Longer Ignore today.
Furthermore, Maryland and Colorado are ideal states in which to study weather - related cancellations.
In chapter 2, Burkeman writes, «For the Stoics, the ideal state of mind was tranquility... to be achieved not by strenuously chasing after enjoyable experiences but by cultivating a kind of calm indifference towards one's circumstances.»
Similarities to capitalism, in fact, are quite significant, including a focus on materialism and the theory that the «ideal state» has an abundance of goods.
But we are very far from reaching that ideal state....
Barnes often muses on the relationship between viewing art and discussing it: «Braque thought the ideal state would be reached when we said nothing at all in front of a painting.
While there are different opinions about the ideal state book reviewing should be, several responses from external parties bring in fresh efforts to lessen the negative effects of author - bashing behavior.
That set - up makes it an ideal state to try out a state - wide library e-book collection.
While we enjoyed putting this list together and considered the factors that we viewed as top contenders for what women would want in their ideal state, your priorities may vary.
He proposed market efficiency as an ideal state that real markets can only approach.
North Carolina is considered by many to be the ideal state to reside in — from the pristine beaches, to the stunning mountains, it's a state that has it all in terms of geography.
This may be far into the future or represent an ideal state.
Suited for persons suffering from weight issues, fatigue, stress, depression and anxiety, the SHA method is focused on recovering the ideal state of h...
But even this argument presumes an ideal state for game systems — that some given system can be «correct.»
Each material is fed through a process of abstract painting where they become imbued with an artist's enchantment in their ideal state.
The quiet landscape of a body of water or a beckoning field provides both a literal and psychological place of discovery and confession; or simply a metaphoric snapshot for an ideal state of being.
Foucault discusses utopia and heterotopia, the former being an ideal state and the latter being «places that do exist and that are formed in the very founding of society.»

Phrases with «ideal state»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z