Sentences with phrase «ideal vehicle»

This is why traditional participating products are recognised as ideal vehicles for long term savings and protection, even in the Indian context.
Annuities haven't been ideal vehicles in the era of low interest rates but you can partly annuitize now and continue to do so periodically over the years, as rates start to rise to higher levels.
The 532 - hp or 602 - hp V10 plus engine epitomizes the mid-engine drivetrain concept, providing ideal vehicle balance through its center of gravity and dynamic weight transfer characteristics.
This does not mean that the prevalent Church structures and practices of any particular age are inevitably ideal vehicles for the conveying of the substance of revelation's promise to the world or even its own members.
Although the 2011 Tacoma is far from perfect, it is an extremely ideal vehicle for pickup truck lovers and enthusiasts.
Honda R&D has been developing «super handling» technology for more than 20 years in the pursuit of ideal vehicle handling.
With removable seats (or stowable, as in the case of these two FCA vans), a flat floor and wide sliding doors, they're ideal vehicles for both plenty of passengers and the cargo that comes with them.
«The Spyder is the ideal vehicle for newcomers to motorcycles,» says Boisjoli.
They're also inexpensive and relatively eco-friendly to produce, making them an ideal vehicle for combatting malnutrition and «mitigating the livestock crisis,» researchers noted.
They are an ideal vehicle for the determination of workplace rights and obligations between an employee and his or her employer.
Rollover for Business Start - ups (ROBS) or 401 (k) business financing is an ideal vehicle for attaining part of the total funding in this situation.
Collaboration with Asia in the area of clean technology presents an ideal vehicle for advancing a proactive Canada - Asia strategy as it allows Canada to leverage its strengths in innovative research,...
Morison concluded that the ideal vehicle for long - term investment would have to be a closed - end fund, which means money locked in for up to a decade.
The networking sessions are world - class events with high - ranking industry experts and politicians, so they're an ideal vehicle for showcasing our business.
These are «an ideal vehicle for sell - side insiders to take advantage of their superior knowledge by offloading bad deals onto retail customers.»
They pair perfectly with a creamy brie, work well with something strong and pungent like a favourite blue, and are the ideal vehicle for a smearable cheese, like Boursin or goat.
California strawberries are hitting their stride right now making this dessert an ideal vehicle.
In the end, it was the nondescript flavor that rendered raw almond butter an ideal vehicle for raw cacao in this recipe.
Perfect Low Carb Pancakes are the ideal vehicle for all sorts of delicious toppings.
Cut he heftily and roasted, these veggies make an ideal vehicle for the pillowy whipped feta.
Outside of blogging, we might get inspiration from our friends and their choices - For example, buying a house or choosing their ideal vehicle.
The flavor is neutral, making the noodles an ideal vehicle for sauces and broths of all sorts.
It's the ideal vehicle for the creamy, velvety mousse inside.
That makes those types of magnetic fields an ideal vehicle for delivering energy into the brain without damaging it.
However, the Clean Air Act is not the ideal vehicle for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, Parenteau said, suggesting that pricing carbon would yield better and faster results than setting compliance targets for individual states.
Their ubiquity and long life makes them an ideal vehicle to carry therapeutics throughout the body, says immunologist Hidde Ploegh of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.
Red blood cells whoosh constantly through every blood vessel of the human body, making them an ideal vehicle to carry compounds that need to be widely dispersed.
PRISM incorporates a number of innovative features which make it the ideal vehicle for addressing used nuclear fuel and dispositioning plutonium.
It's a purposely banal approach whose neutrality is an ideal vehicle for subversive subtext.
Even as it entertains increasingly far - fetched detours, the film's folkloric narrative offers an ideal vehicle for this pictorial play.
At this point, there's only so much left to say about the most knotted political conflict in modern history, and a mid-budget thriller that ends in a massive shootout probably isn't an ideal vehicle to push the conversation forward.
Each map in Battlefield 2 adjusts in scale to support the number of players in the world, providing the ideal vehicle - to - player ratio and an optimized game play experience.
Indeed, The Lady in the Van is the ideal vehicle for Smith's Miss Shepherd whose eccentric humanity is the heart of Hytner's celebrated narrative.
It's an ideal vehicle for Amy Schumer, a comedy that's broadly funny, but also endearing and humane.
May 25, 2017 • Lowe's lived - in baritone is an ideal vehicle for this unreleased country nugget.
Also functional in a context that is less so is the work of the leads; Driver gets to show off the cool comic timing that still hasn't found an ideal vehicle, and making for a good contrast is the brash (sometimes overly so) McCormack.
Seeing the depths of human hatred towards a fellow being, «The Diary of Anne Frank» seemed the ideal vehicle to explore the awful levels of human suffering in a work for the masses, without depicting the gruesome horror he witnessed firsthand at the camps.
But in an age where the life of Alexander Hamilton can be turned into a hit Broadway hip - hop musical, perhaps bringing the Declaration of Independence into the digital age might not be such a wild idea and, in many ways, is an ideal vehicle to make the declaration relevant and interactive for young people.
With such warnings on the amount of sugar in young people's diets, it is clear that the school environment must provide a greater level of food and drink product choice that includes healthy options — vending machines can offer the ideal vehicle for this choice.
It is an ideal vehicle to deliver microlearning modules and more significantly, it can provide reinforcement at the point of need.
Mobile learning and performance support are made for each other and mobile devices are the ideal vehicles to support learners when they need a quick refresher or require immediate support to solve a problem or answer a question.
A pint down our local led to the observation of the ubiquitous pub picnic table as being an ideal vehicle for social interaction.
Math and Literature — A Match Made in the Classroom Literature is the ideal vehicle to help your students see the importance of numbers in their daily lives.
Schools have started fine - tuning their automotive tech programs to make them ideal vehicles for STEM instruction.
Learning objectives, if constructed properly, provide an ideal vehicle for making those inferences.
Provides information at the moment of need: Everyone carries a mobile most of the time, making it the ideal vehicle to provide performance support at the moment of need.
Web - based training is an ideal vehicle for delivering training to individuals anywhere in the world at any time.
«The attributes of the BMW i3 position it to excel as the ideal vehicle for municipal organizations,» said Ludwig Willisch, President and CEO of BMW of North America.

Phrases with «ideal vehicle»

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