Sentences with phrase «idealised portraits»

The work on display by female artists indicates the extensive range of the exhibition: Hannah Wilke (who died that year), whose autobiographical works dealt directly with female iconography as well as the effect of cancer on her own body; the performative, body - based work of Cheryl Donegan, referencing both video and gestural painting; the more traditional yet highly stylised and idealised portraits of Elizabeth Peyton, and the critical performance and media work of Coco Fusco.
The «approved» art style was propagandistic woodcuts which tended to focus on idealised portraits of reformers, scurrilous satiric depictions of Catholics or a lot of heroic martyrs being killed in a variety of gruesome ways.
While each country has its own traditions, an essential part of the festivities is the idealised portrait shot by professional photographers, which often aim to reproduce the fantasy world depicted in high - fashion magazines.

Not exact matches

Similarly, Monk's imposing self - portrait busts inspired by idealised Greco - Roman statuary, has each had its nose smited by a famous Italian artist of the Arte Povera generation, such as Jannis Kounellis, Gilberto Zorio or Emilio Prini, as well as by Monk himself.
The difference between a Peyton portrait and a Nan Goldin candid portrait is perhaps most indicative of this divide: Peyton's work, though progressive in many ways for her emphasis on the androgynous and idealised, pales in comparison to the dichotomy of Goldin's photographs.
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