Sentences with phrase «ideals challenges teachers»

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According to Chang - Kredl, it also challenges popular beliefs about the ideal teacher and a one - size - fits - all approach to education.
Effective leadership is a pre-requisite for a successful school; in successful schools head teachers and senior leaders understand the changing needs of their schools and their staff, continually communicate their ideals, vision and expectations, use robust monitoring and evaluation, balance support with challenge and plan ahead to sustain excellence.
Even when provided with ideal timing and multiple training sessions, however, teachers can make challenging students.
In an ideal world, if teachers and staff at a struggling high school voiced a strong commitment to improving instruction, developing their skills, and challenging their own beliefs about student abilities, their superintendent would just smile and say, «Great.
Schools face the challenge of creating cultures in which teachers come to view appreciating and being generous to others, acting with fairness and integrity, and formulating mature and resilient ideals as evolving and subtle capacities.
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