Sentences with phrase «ideas around the concept»

They learn some key ideas around the concept of biodiversity.
This resource contains guidance notes to help students build up their ideas around the concepts of conflict, forgiveness, justice and «conflict resolution».
They will learn some key ideas around the concept of energy and discover energy conservation tips.

Not exact matches

Seventy ideas were pitched, which were then narrowed down to 12 concepts, around which teams were formed.
Seth Godin popularized the word «tribe,» but his concept is more akin to people sharing an affinity around an idea, a movement, or a brand.
To examine how the traits of openness and extroversion affected the quality of ideas by individuals and in teams, the researchers assigned the boot camp participants to come up with concepts for startups in the Indian wedding industry, estimated to be worth around 2.25 trillion Indian rupees, or $ 38 billion, annually.
# 3: Set up Google Alerts around your subject area — In order to stay on top of the internet discussions, new inventions, rapid developments and other idea inspiring concepts for your blog, I've found it helpful to have a set of Google Alerts set up to come into my email.
If you want to grow your organic traffic for items related to «tea» I would suggest finding other high search volume concepts closely related to the topic, such as types of teas, tea leaves, infusers, cultural practices or differences, etc... the idea being to build content containing keywords, and more importantly semantic relationships around the topic of «tea,» with the end goal being to broaden the relational authority your website has for more long - tail keywords.
I sometimes have wondered if the more Deist or Spinoza god concept could be followed to the idea that a creative force jump - started this universe only to move on to a new project, maybe never to return, but I like the notion that such a creative force might still be around but perhaps, building on your notion, re-inventing itself and perhaps expanding the internal complexity of this universe as well as time goes on.
If we follow out the line of this plot, it is possible to place the entire cycle of concepts which revolve around the witness, to testify, testimony, in a larger cycle of ideas in a «juridical» turn where we find such notions as «envoy, to testify, testimony, to judge, judgment, to accuse, to convict, counselor.
The recipe is adapted from Mel of Mel's Kitchen Cafe's recipe for Killer Crunch Brownies, and I have to admit I changed them all around but the concept of a rich brownie layer and a rice krispie treat style top is purely Mel's (well, purely the concept of a former coworker of Mel's husband Brian but you get the idea).
«Idea is to make New York the first test market around the globe for new concepts and ideas related to branded alcohol products.
Anyhow, upon everyone getting located and the warmed justifications eliminated, is where the film encounter of Until Beginning truly begins.The story and activities within Until Beginning are centered around disorder concept and the idea of the Butterfly Effect.
Even though Michigan has one of the most iconic helmets in all of college football, we grabbed several Maize and Blue concept helmet ideas from around the web.
We grabbed several Maize and Blue concept helmet ideas from around the web.
While there have been many Michigan — Nike concept ideas floating around the web, there are few that can top this one featuring Air Jordan.
I love the idea that we can harness the power of social media and combine it with a grassroots, community - based distribution model, including a network of home - based Ambassadors as well as retailers and schools, to create a global lifestyle brand around the concept of living Barefoot, and bringing art and story to children from all walks of life.
Luckily, even the idea of taking time to celebrate a day like Ostara isn't all that foreign to most of us — the concept of rebirth and fertility as symbolized by eggs and rabbits appears in other holidays around this time of year (hello, Easter!).
Conservation and sustainability concepts are at the core of their everyday activities, and students will get the opportunity to collect evidence and share their ideas around local topics.
It's based around the idea of applying gaming concepts to political actions in social online spaces, basically rewarding people with points, prizes and recognition for taking action.
The idea is to capture a small asteroid, bring it into orbit around the moon using SEP, and then send astronauts to explore it — a daring and politically contentious concept called the Asteroid Redirect Mission.
It's sort of proof of a concept, or an idea that's been around for years,» said study author Dr. Hans Bisgaard, of the Danish Pediatric Asthma Center at the University of Copenhagen.
If you are not comfortable on the idea of going online because of the concept that most users that utilize it are the millennial, then do not worry as there are 50 plus dating site that caters people around your age.
There's a great idea lurking around in Rock Of The Dead's dumb - fun concept, but instead the game winds up being dumb even when it isn't trying to be.
If you take the concept behind The Truman Show, a man unaware of the control around him and mix that with a violent stoner film similar to Pineapple Express, you have an idea of the combination American Ultra was likely aiming for.
Lifeforce is an interesting concept for a film that is based around space vampires, and with that being said, it is an idea that should have been great, but as it stands, only ends up being good.
The levels are all based around a specific concept or idea, whether it's using your ink to reveal hidden platforms or battling Octolings in arena combat.
There're a ton of great higher concepts running around in the background of this movie that will keep you thinking, from the idea of fate vs. freewill and the allusion of both of those.
Sad and morbid in a way that's entirely glossed over by the flat stupidity of the entire exercise, the picture's essential concept revolves around the idea that a giant - headed, terminally moronic child has died to produce Casper and that said well - meaning simpleton entity becomes the only hale companion to a lonely, disturbed, overacting child.
That it flags around the middle once the initial concept has been drained dry suggests Baena didn't have that many story ideas beyond the basic premise.
Each idea and concept the director presents proceeds to bounce off those around them in a multitude of ways, the literal and the figurative joined at the hip in such a manner making heads or tails out of every presented piece is likely impossible on initial viewing.
Back in 2009, the idea of one friend accidently roofie - ing his buddies was a novel scenario, but the sequel proved the concept didn't have the appeal and flexibility for another go - around.
I get the feeling that Linklater comes up with an idea or event and shoots a film around that concept without a very scripted or plotted out journey to it.
I'm not going to spoil any of the game's strange twists — but suffice it to say that the level and enemy design is based around an «everything but the kitchen sink» concept which would seem sloppy and desperate in a less entertaining and technically accomplished title (koff... Comic Jumper... koff), but here it just feels like the developers had so many great ideas that they couldn't bear to leave one out of the game.
The DT Hub contains resources specifically created for the Australian Curriculum, including videos explaining the key concepts, detailed lesson ideas for particular content descriptions, and case studies from schools around Australia.
There are active learning tasks where students have to move around the room, written tasks for students to develop their question - answering skills, map and diagrams used to explain concepts, numeracy tasks to reflect the emphasis on math skills in the new specifications and video links to help explain concepts and ideas.
«When a teacher — even though he or she may have a required course — can shift the focus of that course around significant and important ideas or concepts, you'll find that tends to breed more interdisciplinary thinking,» she says.
In furthering our commitment to STEM learning, Toorak College is embarking on a new project to create a whole new building designed around the concepts of imagination, creation and implementation, and so it ties together ideas of strategic thinking, with marketing and even entrepreneurship.
JS: Absolutely, our pilot trial, while the findings are very promising and they do give support to our idea around how this program might be beneficial, it's not definitive, it's just one school that got the program compared to one other, but it's proof of concept.
During the academic year, 1,500 Year 9 students from state and independent schools across United Learning competed for the chance to design an app addressing one of their learning needs, which would then be created and sold in the App Store.The first stage of this was a 21 - day roadshow, which saw 7billionideas staff visit 38 United Learning state and independent schools around the country to launch the competition and to teach students how best to generate ideas, refine a creative concept and build confidence in their own business skills.
The idea has been around since the turn of the century, when people like Jane Addams and John Dewey used the concept to help meet the needs of immigrants moving into cities.
This video demonstrates how disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices provide a learning model requiring students to be knowledgeable about science, scientific practice and the ability to apply it in the world around them.
Consistent with the original intent (Frayer et al., 1969), the approach is best when teaching a more complex concept around which many words or related ideas cluster.
But what if the concept of professional development were totally reimagined, built around the idea of connecting teachers with high - quality educational research?
It might be a good idea to take the class on a short walk around your school to help them become familiar with the concept of here / there, this / that.
In social studies, students should focus on connecting content around powerful ideas and concepts rather than on lists of isolated dates and names (Brophy, 1992).
The Toyota PM is a single seat concept vehicle built by Toyota around the idea of personal mobility.
This latest concept is an extension of ideas formed around the ConceptFASCINATION design study revealed 18 months ago in Paris.
The idea behind the concept was to bring performance luxury into emerging markets and territories around the world especially emerging markets in Russia, the Middle East, South America, India and China.
It puts forward the idea that humans have proliferated because we can organize around imaginary concepts like companies, money or countries.
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