Sentences with phrase «ideas had even»

But the latest in unique resume ideas had even us impressed.
Not one of your alternative ideas has even the tiniest shred of evidence to support them.
However, Lemaitre's ideas have an even more challenging implication: an evolutionary universe may permit laws of nature that also evolve.
(I had no idea she had even been exposed to it) I took her to the vet (also, keep in mind she is a 5 lb chihuahua...) vet ran thc test came back positive, and ran some blood to outrule other stuff.

Not exact matches

Before you even pitch your idea, make sure that you have a tested MVP that is or can be ready to scale quickly.
And with good reason; millions of entrepreneurs and businesspeople have embraced the idea that carving out a slice of an existing market can certainly be effective, but finding new opportunities — finding blue oceans — is even better, since those gains don't have to come at the expense of other businesses or other people.
When you have a clear idea and focus of the age group you are targeting, the gender and even the interests or hobbies your audience has, it becomes simple to develop strategies that are the most suitable to reach them.
Think about that for a moment: Are we so delicate that we can not address even the idea that biology may play a role in the types of careers we have?
However, the main problem the first Surface had wasn't hardware, but software: Windows RT, the operating system (OS) it shipped with, did not support all of Windows» legacy apps, which alienated even those customers who may have been interested in the idea.
As a result, the industry has even seems to be gradually warming to the idea of premium streaming options, where studios release movies for customers to stream at home while they're still showing in theaters.
And we've even got someone here who knows how to get your ideas out there, and make sure that when people talk about [mobile / content / SaaS / analytics / tacocopters] they'll be talking about you.
Lately, I've found that even the mission - critical business ideas that make it through my first set of filters have to address another elephant in the room: the question of whether this startup is building something that's going to become a free - standing and independent business or whether it's developing a great feature that is going to be swallowed up, ripped off, or rolled over by one of the big guys in their space in the near future.
We try to predict how quickly we can make progress, even though we have no idea what circumstances or situations will arise along the way.
You may have the best idea and even have funding for it but if you can't execute, you have no business.
«It makes you feel familiar with the brand and the idea behind it, even if you've never heard of this type of product before,» Agrawal explains of her approach.
These many decades later, I'm now a heart surgeon myself who has always looked toward better and faster ways to do things, believing that if the good ideas percolating in the medical community could only become real products, they could improve and even save lives.
Plus, plenty of tech bigwigs, including VC Brad Feld, tech reporter Mark Bittman and even, surprisingly, Randi Zuckerberg, the sister of Facebook's founder, have shared their own commitments to the idea of a digital sabbath.
Y Combinator itself has put out a list of types of startups it would like to see apply to the program (many of them stunningly ambitious), my colleague Bill Murphy, Jr. has even uncovered a truly monster list of 1,001 business ideas (though many of them, such as a toothbrush holder with actually big enough holes, are probably not going to make you billions), and I've personally rounded up even smaller business ideas that you can start without so much as a spare $ 100 in the bank.
Next time you outsource: Ask your contractor if they have any ideas to make your project even better.
«Thanks to the globalization and Googlization of the world economy,» writes Economist correspondent Vaitheeswaran, «clever ideas from every corner of the world now have the chance to be taken seriously — even if they come from people without fancy credentials.»
«We have provided substantial evidence that A.I. techniques can be applied effectively to identify similar ideas even if the ideas are described using distinct text,» Liat Belinson, founder of AI Patents, wrote by email.
It may help you work out knotty ideas or even ease the tension of a particularly sensitive conversation - Steve Jobs famously had his most important discussions on his feet.
BP: I think we really get heavily into concept and even if an agency has an idea we'd like to add something that's really special, that's new.
Even if Uber's investors didn't know the gory details of the medical record heist or the Otto / Waymo trade secrets, they certainly had an idea of the company's toxic culture.
You'd be amazed at how often a great idea gets brought up during meetings that I had simply never even thought of.
If you overeat even when you are not hungry, it may be a good idea to take a minute and check in with yourself to understand why you have the urge to eat.
In the postcrisis era when Breakout Labs got its start, investors were leery of backing companies with major «technical risk» (meaning their idea might be nearly impossible to pull off) or an undefined market (even if they pulled it off, who knew if anyone would want it?).
No one else that I've worked with has even approached that as being an idea or any type of motivation for them.»
While there proven ways to make extra cash on the side, even if you have a full - time job, if those haven't worked - out for you in years past, then consider these 10 new ideas for earning some additional money on the side.
I didn't even know... I had no idea.
Not only can it open you up to ideas or people you've never even heard of, it also introduces you to new ways of thinking about things.
Talk with people you trust about your idea and actually listen to what they have to say, even the negative stuff.
The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure.
Humphrey points to Microsoft, which was born when Bill Gates had the idea for a PC upgrading system that he claimed he could deliver before any code was even written.
While Bezos and the newspaper's editors have previously denied that the Amazon CEO controls the Post's news coverage or feeds it article ideas, he doesn't even give the journalists feedback on their work — even when it has been critical of Amazon (amzn).
We could develop a Communist Cuba terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington... We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated)... Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.
It's an idea that the organizers have apparently been looking into, with a 4,000 acre property in Northern Nevada even identified as the ideal site for a permanent community where the Burning Man principles of «radical inclusion» and «gifting» could be the law of the land year - round.
«Even those people who have the good ideas, they hold back sometimes,» says Cole.
If you've hired well, your mentorship will plant the seed for some great ideas you may never have even considered.
Roberts said every time he teamed up with traders on an automated trading venture, their strategies and ideas missed the mark even though they had previously been successful as market professionals.
The problem is I have no idea what it CBS content versus ABC content, and even less so for movies.
I asked whom I was speaking with and also pointed out he had no idea whom he was talking to, because he never even asked my name — so how could he possibly know my «case file»?
Even when we are unable to implement these ideas, we communicate with the individuals who had them to reinforce their importance to the firm.
Even if you have all the conviction in the world, there are few things more nerve wracking than trying to convince people who can help you take your idea to great heights that they want to be in business with you.
Although pundits have been quick to brush aside the idea that we are witnessing a Netscape Moment, LinkedIn's success, even slightly tarnished by a drop in its stock price over the past couple of weeks, does seem to be factoring in Pandora's bullish pricing strategy.
Keep in mind that even if you do not have significant demand for a co-work space, you should still pursue the idea on a smaller scale.
A VC recently told me that AI and machine learning PhD students from Stanford and MIT are banding together and calling themselves companies without really even having an idea or product, as a way to sell themselves in high - priced talent acquisitions.
CHESKY: The [even] bigger problem was a simple idea: People did not think strangers would stay with other strangers.
Tsampalieros has some innovative ideas to spice up the airline division — and maybe even turn airplane food into food again.
Even the idea of «clicking» the banner ad was not obvious at the start — some of the early advertisers didn't even have websites of their own to link their ads to, so clicking their banners took readers to custom pages on HotWired.Even the idea of «clicking» the banner ad was not obvious at the start — some of the early advertisers didn't even have websites of their own to link their ads to, so clicking their banners took readers to custom pages on HotWired.even have websites of their own to link their ads to, so clicking their banners took readers to custom pages on
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