Sentences with phrase «ideas like paid»

But between the minimum wage increase to $ 15 Cuomo is pushing and other ideas like a paid family leave program, «businesses are just going to shrug their shoulders and turn away; there's not going to be rousing applause» for the tax cut proposals, according to NFIB's Mike Durant.

Not exact matches

A 2017 survey from the air travel site Airfwarewatchdog found that a little over half of respondents believe families with children aged 10 and under should have to sit in a designated section apart from other passengers, and the idea of separating children and adults has gained traction on Reddit, where threads with titles like «Would you pay extra for a child - free flight?
He said he likes the idea of Apple Pay and the near - field communications (NFC) technology it's based on, but added that it doesn't solve a real problem.
It's also possible, I suppose, that TorStar didn't like the idea of asking some readers to pay $ 36 a month for one product and others $ 10 a month for a much more substantial one.
Accordingly, this choice seems like a no - brainer, but I am going to propose the radical idea that paying more for your team and insourcing will yield a higher profit.
Woz told the BBC that he doesn't like the idea that Apple is not paying taxes the way he does as an individual, saying he was worried its tax practices may be «unfair.»
And much of the fresh insight on offer comes from the attention they pay to institutions beyond the usual investment banking suspects, to the likes of Fannie and Freddy Mac, and to the power of the idea of homeownership in America.
The idea is to require your website visitors to «pay» you in contact information for something valuable like an offer, and your landing page is the collections tool.
By the end of the process, you should have a clear idea of which paid media platforms you want to continue using, and which (if any) you'd like to remove from your strategy.
Like many of the other tools on here, the Google AdWords Keyword Planner provides a great way to discover new keyword ideas, especially for paid search campaigns.
This whole idea is they're bringing in tariffs that go into general revenues to pay for things like more Economic Action Plan ads rather than helping Canadian artists continue to success in producing world class music.
Freddie Mac says the typical loan is now paid off after just 6.1 years, and that raises an interesting idea: Since lenders don't like fixed - rate long - term loans — they worry that they'll be stuck with low returns — maybe they would prefer to finance with a shorter term, say seven years or 10 years.
Instead, they would have bought because they like the idea of BitGold, oblivious to the fact that a good business can be a bad investment at the wrong price, or because they think that someone else will be dumb enough to pay an even higher price in the future.
If you are using it to pay off debts, this may seem like a good idea but you need to be sure that you don't slip back into accumulating another tons of debts.
Additionally, sometimes getting paid through a squeeze - out procedure has negative tax consequences since in some countries it can be treated like a dividend (no idea how this works in Poland, but it is certainly a risk).
The idea that a negative has a stronger impact than a positive has been established in fields like finance (losses have more of an impact than gains), psychology (people remember bad experiences more than good ones), and linguistics (we pay more attention to negative words than positive or neutral ones).
The whole idea of «cutting the cost of health care» is idiotic anyway because the cost of doing business, like all other businesses, has gone up and continues to go up... we pay for improved diagnostic tools, the doctors» fees include the cost of running his / her office, etc..
If you don't like it, then don't pay attention to it, same thing I have to do when religious ideas are thrown at me.
I have no idea where I will find income to pay rent or get gas money to drive to the store to buy food with foodstamps but I have peace that do not make sense to other like my kids, for I know God knows.
But inspired by the idea of the divine, or are they like the great stadiums and concert halls, designed also for their appeal to a paying clientele?
He pays a woman who looks like a truck to guard us in case we get any ideas about running off naked.
Greek yogurts (that I was paying at least $ 1 for) have been replaced by hummus and raw veggies, oranges, and little ideas like this wrap.
«I liked the idea of owning my own company, but I wasn't sure running a restaurant could pay the bills unless it was an overwhelmingsuccess,» he says.
What a great idea to fool your parents like that: I'm sure if I tried anything like it they would pay me back BIG TIME!
Oh and pay me 7mil a year, myself like 90 % of the fans on here have more diversity and ideas than the current corpse we have in a broken zipper - coat.
i do nt believe under 1 million is sth the preds will pay saros... i like the idea of giving him a one year deal to let both, his and pekkas contract run out in the same year to juggle the numbers of his long term high money contract better (since he can swallow up parts of pekkas numbers)..
Think this is a pretty simple one; Sanchez been on his way out for ages, Paris wants him too and pays a lot of money; he likes idea of Paris team with Neymar and other South America players..
Put other clubs, especially the hard to resist few like Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich and PSG; clubs willing to pay enormous wages for the newest emerging star, off the idea of signing Wenger's stars.
See I don't like the idea of walking on egg shells, for a player that we pay huge salary every week, will the three people you mentioned beat him?
And I kind of like the idea of «Pay - as - you - play» (assuming that is what Arsene has in mind, and if his philosophy will allow for it).
I also get a better idea of the type of players and philosophy he want's, I like how he got a DM for 18m, sto have players who can fit in there but Hughes wanted a professional DM and payed over the odds to get him.
They pay me in ideas only, which means I should point out something important: I do not have a personal set of ethics, and I would accept under - the - table money for posts like this.
terms apply Like the reasurrance of buying from one of the largest independent nursery retailers in the country but don't like the idea of paying too mLike the reasurrance of buying from one of the largest independent nursery retailers in the country but don't like the idea of paying too mlike the idea of paying too much?
«it gives the impression that every nursing mother is an attention - seeking lunatic» It also works against women who would like to see more paid maternity / parental leave or flex time for working because it gives the idea that THIS is what women are going to do with that extra paid time, show up topless to a public event and sit on the floor nursing in front of a formula company's table.
What a great idea to fool your parents like that: I'm sure if I tried anything like it they would pay me back BIG TIME!
There is a pervasive idea that kids have to be a certain way by a certain age, and the plethora of parenting books that purport to teach you how to get your kid to sleep through the night by two weeks old (exaggerating) and what - not make parenting seem like some kind of technically - challenging secret thing, rather than just paying attention to your kid.
If you are looking for ideas for a surprise, pay attention to the things your teen likes.
Some swimmers said they believe they pay enough in property taxes to support Park District programs, and they don't like the idea of additional fees.
And absolutely, the problem is SO MUCH BIGGER than one person's choices: the amount of misinformation floating around out there (and the amount of it that comes from otherwise intelligent, highly trained medical professionals), the lack of help and support for new nursing moms, the lack of adequate maternity leave in the US (in Canada, where I live, one can take up to 50 weeks» leave with unemployment pay), the persistent idea that dads «need» to bottle - feed their babies in order to bond with them, the idea that formula is «normal» and breastfeeding is «best» — in some places it really seems like you'd need a will of iron to keep at it when the going gets tough.
Bottom Line: The free version seems to be the same as the paid (except with ads) so try it out if you like the slideshow idea.
Hoffman Estates Park District officials, who are considering the idea, would be counting on people like Hawkinson to help them pay for the proposed $ 16 million fitness and community center without raising taxes.
If you choose not to pay for such an expensive item, yet still like the idea of having a video monitor for your baby or pet, then this article is for you.
About a week ago the idea of a pay raise commission for state - elected officials looked like a dead issue.
sign up» to all the ideas he has «appropriated» (really, like that's not going to get old very quickly) like a true predatory, and consummate, PR lobbyist... I'm just surprised he hasn't paid for his campaign using a PFI deal!
But people like Ira and Kathy Share, picking up the gallon of water a day Taconic Plastics is paying for, say they had no idea the chemical was in their water, and they hope it isn't too late.
It seems he is not too much above the idea of being paid for influence like those noble Lords.
He has also scoffed at the idea of applying outside income restrictions on statewide elected officials like himself, challenging anyone to identify how those paying his book contract benefited from his policies.
«The primaries were all about that and the platform resulted from these primaries and then the discussion of the powerful ideas, raising taxes on the wealthy, increasing wages and benefits, things like paid family leave, paid sick leave, things that really would have resonated with so many people hurting in this country,» de Blasio told NY1's Errol Louis in his weekly «Mondays with the Mayor» segment.
Siena's Steve Greenberg says those surveyed like the idea of a pay hike for the governor and his top commissioners even less, with 74 % against and 25 % in favor.
An expenses - weary, austerity - struck public might not like the idea of any MPs getting any more pay in any circumstances but a premium for select committee work may be one of the best possible ways of encouraging MPs to see scrutiny of government rather than membership of government as a worthy parliamentary career path.
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