Sentences with phrase «ideas on democracy»

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Only since the last century have the Chinese started to reflect critically on Confucian thought, beginning with the May Fourth Movement of 1919 when many leading intellectuals introduced Western ideas of modern science and democracy into the country, knocking Confucianism off its altar.
There's kind of this idea that Missourians won't really believe anything unless you prove it to them, and a lot of times, when we were out on the protests, there was a consistent chant, «Show me what democracy looks like.
Stout's initial examination of piety and hope in American democracy, which he traces from Emerson to the «blues sensibility» of Ralph Ellison and connects to Augustine's ideas about virtue, may seem right on target.
He argued doggedly against «democratism,» the idea that majorities are always right, because he believed that democracy was the characteristically modern form of political idolatry, based on a flattery of fallen human nature.
What is needed is a Catholic theological interpretation of modern pluralistic democracy, one that insists on real space for the ideas and active contributions of religious traditions, while underscoring the value of respectful argument and even friendship among those who hold competing views.
We are a democracy, so just like many laws are based on Christian ideals (regardless of what other citizens believe other than Xtianity) laws in the future could be based on Islamic ideas - all it takes is enough voters becoming muslim.
The form of argument in this presentation has emphasized several specific points: first, that the Asian values argument, as a challenge to the implementation of constitutional democracy, is exaggerated and fails to account for the richness of values discourse in the East Asian region - local values do not provide a justification for harsh authoritarian practices; second, that the cultural prerequisites arguments fail because they ignore the discursive processes for value development and they are tautological, excessively deterministic and ignore the importance of human agency it, therefore, makes little sense to take an entry test for constitutional democracy; third, the difficulties of importing Western communitarian ideas into an East Asian authoritarian environment without adequate liberal constitutional safeguards; fourth, the positive role of constitutionalism in constructing empowering conversations in modern democratic development and as a venue for values discourse; fifth, the importance, especially in a cross-cultural context, of indigenization of constitutionalism through local institutional embodiment; and sixth, the value of extending research focused on the positive engendering or enabling function of constitutionalism to the developmental context in general and East Asia in particular.
Thus, elections, while one way of implementing democracy - aimed ideas, are not a requirement at all (for example, you could simply make every citizen vote on every political decision directly).
Are we really running so low on ideas that democracy needs to be beaten and poked with a stick until people participate?
A key requirement of democracy is equal protection of all stakeholders - i.e., if at some point there is a completely fair vote of 2/3 population preferring the choices advocated and implemented by party A; and 1/3 preferring the choices of party B - then a system must ensure that the minority gets adequate protections and fair treatment; so that while at this moment country gets steered to choice A, the minority doesn't get punished in any way for saying that in their opinion choice B might be best; and if some of the original voters change their mind, the choice B can still be known even if the governing clique that was elected on the idea of A wants to continue with A forever.
Although the idea for new apolitical movement is novel in the UK, it is not uncommon on the continent, particularly in the new democracies of central and east Europe, where «traditional parties» constantly compete against ephemeral movements of local notables.
In Harris's hometown of Frome in northeast Somerset, a network of independent councillors has gained a majority on the council introducing bold new measures and new participatory ways of working modeled on Peter Macfadyen idea of Flatpack Democracy.
Whittam Smith's ideas are a helpful addition to the debate on revitalising our democracy.
Beyond this, the way in which City Deals have been put on the agenda seems only to reinforce the idea that devolution in the North has little to do with democracy, and more with the needs and wills of politicians.
The American response to revolutionary communism was premised on the belief that containment would lead to stability and eventual Soviet collapse, not on the idea of forcible and immediate regime change to democracy.
On the other hand, Merkel herself was trying to use this idea when helping the mainstream centre - right party Nea Democratia (New Democracy) in the 17th June elections.
The idea that democracy began and ended on June 23rd 2016 has become entrenched in the public consciousness and our opponents would deploy the powerful argument that we were undermining the will of the people.
The subsidiary point of right - wingers using this muscular approach to liberty as the means to justify more muscularity on security, while inferring from democracy self - determination and thereby self - sufficiency in order to attack «big state» ideas, is exactly that, subsidiary.
There is much common ground, too, with the ideas for «community - wealth building» being developed very concretely by the Democracy Collaborative in the US, though there is a stronger emphasis in their work on the need to root capital in specific places than one usually finds in the alternative liberal tradition.
Hall spokesman Patrick McGarrity said: «Our democracy is weakened by candidates who spend millions of their own dollars trying to buy elections and then force their radical ideas on people like letting corporate polluters like BP off the hook — sticking taxpayers with the bill.»
«Democracy on demand»: The radical new idea for England now at the centre of the coalition's secret talks
Meet «democracy on demand» - a radical Lib Dem idea which could end up at the centre of the devolution debate #EVEL
It had a huge influence on medieval political thought and Anglo - Saxon political authority, and a foundational impact on ideas of tolerance, democracy and equality.
«On the whole, western democracies have tended in that time to develop the idea of rights,» he argued.
The idea was to get into the thick of the coming changes in the Middle East and turn Iraq into a nation friendly to the U.S. by ridding them of a dictator and giving them democracy, an optimistic vision based on the idea of extending one's blessings to the less fortunate, in addition to geopolitical considerations.
The idea parliamentary democracy provides a check on state power sometimes seems hopelessly naive.
No modern equivalent of the Red Paper on Scotland, or The Future of Socialism, or Arguments for Democracy — or even the Orange Book, which helped perk up Lib Dem ideas, or the series of Blue Books on policy that underpinned David Cameron's early thinking.
Democracy thrives on infinite multiplicity of ideas.
Freddie Blay insisted party financing can not continue to depend on voluntary donations and elected the National Democratic Congress and other political parties to emulate the idea and make their parties strong and thereby deepening democracy.
Already Conservative contributions like a fixed term parliament, an idea floated by Mr Cameron at the height of the expenses crisis last year sit high at number four on the leaderboard as a step towards a mature rule - bound democracy — all that remains is for the Conservative party to catch up.
Not sure I exactly see what the problem with nationalisation is, the idea that it's bureaucratic sounds like an echo of attacks on «big government» — which is basically an attack on democracy.
8) Make democracy matter on the global stage A public citizen's campaign should put on the agenda the idea that voting rights at the UN general assembly should depend on democratic legitimacy at home.
There is certainly a lot of agreement these days that Western systems ideology is based on the dangerous idea that the limitless «noisy» anomalies of the global act should be cleaned up, corrected or demolished completely in the face of what is assumed to be the absolutely unquestionable superiority of scientific social democracy.
These ideas are likely to have left an impression on the public, perhaps fueling cynicism about politics and about the democratic process, and undermining the trust in institutions and in one another, across lines of difference, that is essential for the functioning of representative democracy.
«Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam» is a feminine idea aspiring to redefine citizenship and democracy from a mode of governance to a way of life based on the foundational principles of interconnectedness and interdependence that prevails in all dimensions of life.
I guess we can go back and forth on this, but tell me this: if the Gold Standard is such a great idea, why isn't there a single democracy in the world on it?
I view it as an artwork less to do with the ideas evident in modernist abstraction, even though the deconstructed language of democracy and freedom (Neoplasticism) and a meditative and immersive void (Color Field Painting) hovers on the surface.
For the one hundred days of documenta V in Kassel, from 30 June to 8 October 1972, Beuys established an «Information Office for The Organisation for Direct Democracy», which he manned each day and where he vigorously debated his ideas on social reform.
Both democracy and science are based on the free exchange of ideas.
Her work in energy focuses on: advancing energy democracy and community self - determination in regulatory and policy arenas; creating just transition with meaningful collaborative and participatory management of shared environmental resources; and centering frontline community leaders as generators of transformative policy ideas and governance models.
The idea behind OneWebDay is to focus attention on a key internet value (this year, online participation in democracy), focus attention on local internet concerns (connectivity, censorship, individual skills), and create a global constituency that cares about protecting and defending the internet.
So the seminar is an idea to invite multidisciplinary and comparative perspectives on laws and lives of democracies in India and USA to develop awareness, knowledge and critical thinking on the issues and challenges in India and US on matters of elections, representation and accountability.»
«The idea of democracy, once loosed on the world, would eventually infect larger and larger portions of it, and as we shall see, would turn out to be one of the greatest violence - reduction technologies since the appearance of government itself».
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