Sentences with phrase «identical approach»

These nearly identical approaches provided comprehensive early childhood care and learning from birth through age five, and delivered a 13 % per year return on investment, including all costs associated with running the programs.
These nearly identical approaches provided comprehensive early childhood care and learning from birth through age five, and delivered a 13 % per year return on investment, including all costs...
sending the same letter to many doesn't cut it and will prove very embarrassing if you send an identical approach to two women who know each other.
Even among writers in the same genre, there were no two identical approaches to building visibility and community around their work.
Tropical Freeze is not a heavy - hitter from Nintendo in the identical approach Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyssey are, nevertheless it's a incredible platformer that is bursting with creativity and expertly designed challenges.
Many states have adopted an identical approach in their respective data breach notification laws, and it therefore comes as no surprise that Massachusetts will start its own investigation into the matter.
The NSOC and State Schools of Character networks administered by the Character Education Partnership are particularly sensitive to schoolwide implementation issues, and those implementing these approaches locally can become allies even if their own setting is not implementing an identical approach.
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