Sentences with phrase «identical quality»

Replacement value coverage pays to purchase new items of identical quality to the original items.
Certain identical qualities may be found in different entities.
According to Digital Foundry, all texture, geometry and draw distances are the same between the two gaming systems, and that means players will see identical quality in terms of graphics.
If later selves have content in them that resembles the content in earlier selves, then by an argument made familiar by Bertrand Russell, this resemblance would seem to require grounding in a monadic or dyadic universal which is a multiply exemplifiable entity in each, perhaps the relation of resemblance itself.4 In order to be veridical, my present memory of a past experience must have identical qualities instanced in it as were instanced in the past experience when it was present.
(If two things are similar, what identical quality do they have in common?
hotel offer identical quality throughout, just with differing views.
I explained that print on demand has been around for a decade and makes physical paperbacks and hard backs of identical quality to mainstream publishing houses (as long as you get a great book designer).
They said they had heard it was identical quality to the A&A blankets.
Triple filtered, pharmaceutical grade, BPA - free container, USA - made, identical quality to the «Bulletproof» brand.
«Crossbred dogs (first generation crosses of two purebred dogs, also called dog hybrids) are not breeds and are not considered purebred, although crossbreds from the same two breeds of purebreds can have «identical qualities», similar to what would be expected from breeding two purebreds, but with more genetic variation.»
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