Sentences with phrase «identified with the aspirations»

This means that God's transcendent power is a lure within the hearts of the poor to seek the fullness of life for themselves and others, and a lure within the hearts of the privileged and powerful to identify with the aspirations of the poor, thereby relinquishing our power and privilege.
It is no different from what happens in new nations where the Church identifies itself with the aspirations of the people.

Not exact matches

He identified the Church with the cause of the poor, with the longing for peace and decency between people of different beliefs and ideas, with large and noble aspirations, with sorrow for sin and with hope for the future.
When we revisit earlier missionary history, our view is coloured by an opinion, often justified, that Western missions were heavily identified with Western colonial aspirations and are therefore tainted.
The contemporary Jewish collective is not free of vice, and traditional Jews do not surpass others conspicuously in their achievement of and aspirations toward the progressive social values that enlightened contemporaries identify with moral and spiritual excellence.
In response, these churches, temples, synagogues and mosques produce the cultural material that enables their members and adherents to locate themselves with respect to the places and time in which they currently live, to identify with others, to find their moral bearings, and to achieve some measure of efficacy with respect to their own needs and aspirations.
These gain their distinctiveness not from their rejection of the marketing approach in the name of religious faith but from their almost total integration of modern consumer marketing with religion, producing what Virginia Stem Owens identifies as a range of prepackaged, certified Christian life - styles to meet one's particular demands and aspirations, with appropriate seminars available to show a person how to fit into that life - style.
Two experts agreed with the notion, but added that identifying patients at «low risk» for aspiration is key.
Its always been in my aspiration to create beautiful luxurious fashion that identified with strong, confident and elegant woman.
To do this, Johnson has identified a select group of HBCU presidents, trustees, and researchers with whom to speak about their experience with and aspirations for Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
But working with other Associations in the Pacific region, we began to organize using ESSA as a fulcrum around which we could connect our organizing training (because the task force was calling for visioning, and our approach to organizing is about identifying shared aspirations), our professional development redesign (as ESSA was creating space for new kinds of professional leadership in implementation), and our campaign for contract negotiations.
As a author I identify myself as a Traditionally Self - Published Hybrid with Aspirations toward Verisimilitude.
Best Friends offered our support to the effort, and we have been meeting with city officials to hammer out a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as to how Best Friends can most effectively engage with the community to help them realize their no - kill aspirations and identify which programs are going to have the greatest positive impact on shelter numbers.
If you're looking for the next step in your career, we'll help you identify job opportunities to suit your skills, experience and aspirations and provide you with support, guidance and advice along the way.
Assessment tools are also used to identify positions that are a good match with the client's career aspirations, leadership skills, and background.
3.9 That community governance structures and processes should be developed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and appropriately supported by governments, with the aim of empowering them to take control of their own identified issues and aspirations.
Clients today seek out more than just a reputable brokerage; they also want someone whom they can personally identify with to fulfill their aspirations and concerns.
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