Sentences with phrase «identifies as a follower»

No, simply for identifying themselves as followers of Jesus, they and their family members get killed, arrested, tortured, or imprisoned.
Query: Who wrote: A Christian is identified as a follower of Jesus, and reflection on the experience of following constitutes the central theme of any solid theology.
Of the 65 million adults who used to attend church, but no longer do, 30 million of them still identify as followers of Jesus.
How can anyone who identifies as a follower of Jesus not only listen to, but support, this kind of disgusting language?
«At face value, it is tempting to hire someone who identifies as a leader rather than someone who identifies as a follower,» says Linda Williams, founder of Whose Apple Dynamic Coaching Services.

Not exact matches

As you identify your high - potentials for leadership roles, the ones who will really get their tribes to respond and engage at a high level will listen with this modus operandi: how can I help my follower to be the best person and employee he / she can be?
Apps developed by third - parties may perform functions such as analyzing followers, finding relevant hashtags, or identifying which users are following back.
and Paul followed Jesus from that point forward and was eventually identified as a Christian (follower of Jesus Christ).
A follower of Christianity is identified as a Christian.
They choose not to, and that, in and of itself, makes anyone who identifies themself as a «follower» of islam suspect.
While a theological analysis of other candidates would suggest many equally troubling assumptions of their evangelical followers, no candidate is more identified with the word evangelical as is Trump.
Jesus identified his disciples as his brothers, sisters, and mothers (Matthew 12:48) and insisted that his followers prioritize faith over family bonds (Luke 14:25 — 26).
Thomas identified Being Itself as the Supreme Being, and this identification enabled him, and most of his followers over a period of centuries, to identify Being Itself also with God.
Therefore, among the central identifying characteristics of the followers of Jesus would be involvement in the struggle effectively to bring about the Kingdom of God, «on earth as it is in heaven,» where freedom, fellowship, justice, responsible love reign and where people live as brothers / sisters, equitably sharing the resources of God's creation and being accountable for their own human future and that of the created world.
I was fascinated that very items scientists identify as increasing our level of happiness are the very things that God calls us to as followers of Christ.
Evangelist Franklin Graham recently sent a string of tweets encouraging his followers to engaged politically, but made some pretty troubling statements about individuals who identify as «progressive.»
To the mass of their followers, Rangers are the chosen representatives of Protestantism and Celtic are as firmly identified with Roman Catholicism as the Vatican itself.
The data supported that out of Newt's 1.3 million followers only 8 percent (2 percent less than claimed in recent media reports), are identified by our algorithm as humans, meaning Newt's follower count is really closer to 106,055,» continued Hussey.
These industrialized countries might thus be identified as the technology followers.
Researchers conducted one - on - one interviews with 45 self - identified «Little Monsters,» or followers of Lady Gaga, who ranged in ages from 14 to 53, were equally male and female and who equally identified as gay or straight.
The followers are easily identified as they try to set up near the kings and queens, they usually have developed a nervous tick of sorts that requires that they nod and agree with all comments that come from the Queen or Kings mouth.
Gaining followers doubles as the game's upgrade system, granting research points that can be used to unlock new and / or improved skills: such as better weapon handling, the ability to hack into more types of machines, identifying targets for gang or police interest and more.
Just as these fledgling followers are determining what loyal Yakuza gamers have identified for greater than a decade, Yakuza 6 comes alongside and upends all of it.
As soon as a significant amount of money has been identified as lost or HMRC have served an Accelerated Payment Notice, Follower Notice or Demand for Payment, then the individual concerned should speak to an experienced solicitor to establish whether there is the possibility of a claim for professional negligencAs soon as a significant amount of money has been identified as lost or HMRC have served an Accelerated Payment Notice, Follower Notice or Demand for Payment, then the individual concerned should speak to an experienced solicitor to establish whether there is the possibility of a claim for professional negligencas a significant amount of money has been identified as lost or HMRC have served an Accelerated Payment Notice, Follower Notice or Demand for Payment, then the individual concerned should speak to an experienced solicitor to establish whether there is the possibility of a claim for professional negligencas lost or HMRC have served an Accelerated Payment Notice, Follower Notice or Demand for Payment, then the individual concerned should speak to an experienced solicitor to establish whether there is the possibility of a claim for professional negligence.
I recall specifically a grievance involving grievors who were Pentecostal Christians who objected to having any body measurements converted into numerical form, Specifically, as adherents of the Pentecostal faith, the grievors subscribed to an interpretation of Scripture which warns that such numbers could one day serve as the «Mark of the Beast,» which will identify followers of the Anti-Christ, resulting in their damnation.
Speaking with reporters after the hearing, Schiff said it would probably be «relatively easy to notify those followers» of profiles and pages that have been identified as Russian troll accounts.
Social media marketing is about long - term goals, so in the short term, identify metrics (such as number of likes or followers) that demonstrate progress until eventually those statistics turn into more leads and sales.
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