Sentences with phrase «identify with the faith»

Doctrines and formulated beliefs are neither to be identified with faith nor regarded as the origin of faith.
As much of American society undergoes a secular shift, most Muslims and Christians continue to attend worship, adhere to tenets of their traditions, and proudly identify with their faiths.
In general, women are more religious than men: 83.4 percent of women worldwide identify with a faith group, compared to 80 percent of men.
Russia, as a whole, is primarily Christian, with 73 % of its population identifying with the faith, according to Pew's 2012 Global Religious Landscape report.
Theologians have increasingly directed attention to this Christian mode of existence and identified it with faith.
Yet, although millions of Irish men and women identify with the faith, the Christian dating pool can still seem limited.

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We may say then that Krishna Vasudeva, the founder of the Bhagavata religion who later became identified with the god in whom he believed, taught salvation by devotional faith to the one god Vaseduva.
I think Jeremy has correctly identified what happens with these people, they are saved, because faith is the key.
Accordingly, faith is made possible by the negation of objectivity, and since «objectivity» and «subjectivity» are antithetical categories, it follows that faith can be identified with «subjectivity.»
Less than a hundred years later, it will be little less than blasphemy to identify the truly «existential» with existence in faith.
Nevertheless, the crucial point is that Kierkegaard could identify authentic human existence with existence in faith.
Pope Benedict again reminds us: Many people today have a limited idea of the Christian faith because they identify it with a mere system of beliefs and values rather than with the truth of a God who revealed Himself in history, anxious to communicate with human beings in a tête - a-tête, in a relationship of love with them.
That said, between you and I and whoever else may read this, I have trouble identifying with any one box of faith.
The Old Testament is the product of many individuals using many forms, and the content must be identified not merely with individuals but with an entire people and their faith, for the Old Testament developed out of a spoken «literature,» much of it anonymously, corporately, and even spontaneously formed.
Because God's great culminating intervention in Jesus must be passed from generation to generation, it is very tempting to identify faith with adherence to the creedal statements that aid such transmission.
He goes to church when he has time, but he's not a deeply spiritual man consumed with faith, just like most people who are identified as christians.
The only way that people will observe our faith is to identify with Him and that is to be a Christian and that does involve a complete lifestyle change.
Dewey's thoroughly secular «common faith» — which he did not hesitate to call a secular religion — could accommodate Christianity, on the condition that the latter drop the claims to truth and authority that identify it with the historical phenomenon known as Christianity.
13:16), but perhaps the clearest statement of the continuing need for the community of faith to identify itself with the poor, even as has God, is to be found in James 2:1 - 7.
I don't necessarily defend a lack of knowledge about other religions (I scored 15 out of 15 on Pew's sample quiz on their site), but neither do I see it as relevant to compare the (implied) question «Do you identify with A religion (or faith in God)» with «what is your general knowledge about ALL religions», and presume this is going to generate a meaningful result.
The numbers tell the tale, from Gallup; The United States remains a predominantly Christian nation, with 78 % of all adults identifying with a Christian faith, and more than 9 in 10 of those who have a religious ident.ity identifying as Christians.
Because God has identified himself with the poor, so too the community of faith is called to special concern for these persons.
«They were raised in a faith and have made a decision to identify themselves with groups that tend to be fairly unpopular,» atheists and agnostics, he says.
I can still have my own set of moral principles even if I do nt identify with a particular set of faiths and principles.
«6 Evangelicals identify with the orthodox faith of the Reformers in their answers to Christianity's two fundamental questions: (1) «how is it possible for a sinner to be saved and to be reconciled to his Creator and God?»
The human mind that abstracts from the realism and intuition of St. John, to theologise its own version of the Jesus of History as distinct from the Jesus of Faith, must always end up with a supreme Prophet who is less than the transcendent divine, who is not pre-existent to the Universe and Creation, and who at the very highest is «divine» only as a supreme emanation of a «holy and noble consciousness» at the root of being itself, and identified with Creation itself.
They present the Church as the Church of those who as sinners accept in faith the human life of all, with its ordinariness and its burdens, so that we experience our own lot as that of the Church, and ourselves as its members in that way; as the Church which is believed because we believe in God, the Church whose belief is not to be identified with what it experiences; above all as the Church which is the promise of salvation for the world which has not yet expressly recognized itself as part of the Church, the Church as the sacramentum of the world's salvation.
Where Plinio Correa de Oliveira focussed on an enemy which put itself forward in open hostility towards the Church and civilisation as traditionally understood, Trower takes aim at a vague, ill - defined and chameleon - like philosophy which is hard even to identify clearly, a philosophy which does not really have a name, a philosophy which is frequently embraced by Catholics and other Christians all unawares that it is not compatible with their faith.
Another limit comes at that point where critical thinking leads someone to cease to identify with the community of faith.
the essential features and «truth» of the historical faith are identified with one of its specific historical expressions.
Hence, we must live in a creative, expansive transformation of our vision but at the same time not identify our faith with any one perception that happens to be most popular at the time.
But I have to agree it is important to decide what faith path you feel is more close to what you feel to be true... it is important to have a base to identify with and to gather with others to share ideas.
For these two reasons we must live in the power and keeping of the creative transformation that expands our vision and not identify our faith with any one vision that happens to be most popular at the time.
While it was always an error to identify faith in Christ with some metaphysical system, whether of Plato or Aristotle or Hegel or Whitehead, or some other, it was not a fatal error until now.
William Diehl identifies four domains in which religious faith needs to be connected with praxis in everyday life: Family; Local Community; Employment (those paid or unpaid ways we spend our days); National and global concerns.
It is a perversion of the Christian faith to identify it with any metaphysical system or with any ontology.
Søren Kierkegaard correctly identifies the Knight of Faith as one who lives with «fear and trembling.»
As at the time of the decay of the Roman Empire the success of Christianity in winning that Empire and becoming largely identified with it proved almost its undoing, so the passing of the culture which the Church had helped to nurture and with which it had unavoidably become closely interwoven proved a menace to the Church and its faith.
«Not just in one country but in numerous Muslim countries, I have been able to walk in, head held high, no covert cover story and not only identify passively as a Christian but identify openly, work openly and hold serious talks about faith between Muslims and Christians, and not just at the grassroots level of poverty — people who needed my help — but also with the powerful and influential people who could have, in that moment, had me arrested and had me taken out back.»
With a recent survey showing that only a third of Americans can correctly identify Obama as a Christian, the president gave a personal account of his conversion as an adult and how his public service is part of his faith.
Of course he can not identify his «Verfallenheit» with the theologian's aversio a deo: only faith can do that.
Yet, to see the academy only from this monolithic view would overlook the significant numbers of scientists who do identify with some form of faith tradition (48 percent) as well as those who are interested in spirituality (about 68 percent).»
The challenge provides Ellul opportunity to reflect on politics and faith, with a probing analysis of propaganda which identifies how «modern» this passage is.
No one's faith journey looks exactly the same, and there are many young evangelicals simply trying to faithfully follow their own conscience and conviction without identifying with one group or the other.
On the other hand, I do not think that trust in the reliability of the tradition should be identified with fiducial faith.
That the object of the Christian faith is a Reality which has an existence of its own and is not to be identified with your existence or my existence or with the world or universe in which you and I live and move and have our being.
All too often a profession of faith is no more than a perfunctory membership ritual identified only with attending confirmation classes.
This identifies baptism with church membership in a way that diminishes traditional Protestant reliance on growth in faith through lifelong access to Word and sacrament in corporate worship.
It can not be identified with the personality of the human Jesus or with the appearance of the so - called Christ - faith.
The various elements can be identified in different ways; but I should say that this central event must be thought of as including, whatever words may be used in designating them, the personality, life and teaching of Jesus, the response of loyalty he awakened, his death, his resurrection, the coming of the Spirit, the faith with which the Spirit was received, the creation of the community.
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