Sentences with phrase «ideological goals»

Reducing the size of the public sector represents the central ideological goal of the current leadership of the Conservative Party.
Religious traditions often clashed with ideological goals: was it acceptable for «convinced National Socialists» to celebrate Christmas with Christian carols and nativity plays?
A more complicated question is whether justices also seek to time their retirements with political or ideological goals in mind — and whether they have been successful.
In an era where each faction of Christianity is bending the Bible to fit their respective ideological goals, it's not hard to be inspired by an outlier who shares the same Gospel - love with the homeless as he does with certified rock stars.
Whether they are invalidating a law protecting partially born babies, or upholding one restricting the speech of pro «life counselors, their invocation of constitutional principles merely provides rhetorical cover for decisions dictated by ideological goals.
This idea is used to further refer to the lack of recognition that many here in the U.S. have of the new ideological goals of our home country, and how those politics have impeded on the boundaries of private and professional lives.
The potential for these firms to disavow their rational profit - seeking motivations in favor of state ideological goals and foreign policy objectives must be fully considered when deciding whether to approve such transactions.
'' «Activist» investors are often more concerned with their ideological goals than with stock returns.»
And they have clearly pioneered directions for other denominations that share some of the UUs» pedagogical and ideological goals.
A party that continually loses elections because it's too far removed from the political center or because it appeals to too narrow a range of voters should seek to remedy that by expanding its coalition or moving toward the median voter — perhaps by compromising some of its ideological goals.
For Bolton, this is his last and best chance to achieve his ideological goal of demonstrating that the United States is free of legal and institutional constraints.
\ n \ nThe end goal should be to more quickly find working therapies that will benefit people and as such, taxpayer money should be spent on the most promising research and not spent on funding an ideological goal.
Moreover, it achieved the ideological goal which it set out for itself.
Wegman changed the meaning of his source material to conform to his ideological goals.
Disparage environmentalists, claiming they are hyping environmental problems in order to further their ideological goals.
«Puzzlingly, while representing to the world that «animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way,»» Bea wrote, «PETA seems to employ Naruto as an unwitting pawn in its ideological goals
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