Sentences with phrase «ideological perspective»

Things have a way of reversing themselves, particularly ideological perspectives.
Others have mentioned the simplicity, the liberation from prior routines, the mental clarity, the more focused ideological perspective.
«The institution hopes to serve as a centre for research in the changing global ideological perspectives of the social democratic tradition and realigns itself with the emerging global trends in order to strengthen the social democratic philosophy in Ghana and Africa.»
In this relationship we discover our own unfaithfulness, our self - centred misuse of divine gifts, our distorted ideological perspectives, and all that is included in the word sin.
The trouble is that while most theologians are trained to watch out for historical biases and logical non sequiturs, we are rarely taught how to recognize the distortion a dominant ideological perspective imposes on our own or other people's theological work.
If the forecasters and betting markets are right in their central forecasts then Con + LD+DUP combined will be short of a majority and so a Labour led government should form if they can secure the support of the SNP and probably others, including the Liberal Democrats, will be needed too: a potentially messy and unstable situation but also one where there is sufficient similarity in ideological perspective for policy agreement on plenty of issues.
Granted, they both come from different ideological perspectives — but this should not get in the way of a greater perspective that overrides ideals: the acquisition of power.
Experiencing a different culture can help you escape from a limited ideological perspective, and let you see and understand things you otherwise wouldn't have known about.
Meanwhile, as William Howell explains in his review of recent overviews of school voucher research in «Data Vacuum,» we can look forward to a continuing flow of «objective,» «reasonable,» and «comprehensive» summaries of recent research, each written authoritatively from a particular ideological perspective.
In the end, however, the imbalance of ideological perspectives does raise cautionary flags about instructor interest in entertaining competing schools of thought on leadership.
Workman's interdisciplinary practice investigates the many ideological perspectives of people in mourning.
I think this is because you have a narrowly (and foolishly) ideological perspective which you are unwilling to alter in the light of the best available scientific knowledge.
Mr Asiedu - Nketsia said the school would serve as a research centre for the changing global ideological perspective and realign itself with the global trends in social democracy in order to promote and strengthen the party's philosophy.
Clearly, think tanks offer an abundance of specialist knowledge from a range of ideological perspectives, but around half so far in the campaign have come from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS).
Although technically, the Ethereum ETH chain is superior, from an ideological perspective it has still left a bad taste in many people's mouths.
We read about them from the ideological perspective of the actual author.
But for Oakeshott conservatism was not a philosophical position, much less an ideological perspective, but only a disposition.
Finally, when I say that God is on the side of the poor, I do not mean that hermeneutically we must start with some ideologically interpreted context of oppression (for instance, a Marxist definition of the poor and their oppressed situation) and then reinterpret Scripture from that ideological perspective.
Unsurprisingly for someone of his ideological perspective, Martin suggests that the ills of capitalism as it currently exists can be solved by breaking up corporate giants like Google and Facebook — on the grounds that concentrated power is dangerous, and monopolies and oligopolies prevent markets functioning properly.
Focusing on the Korean Peninsula from a socio - cultural and ideological perspective, especially the DPRK and inter-Korean conflict, Edward's research interests also encompass the Korean migrant population - both North and South - overseas, particularly in the West, in negotiations of citizenship, identity, and belonging.
RYAN BOURNE: «From an ideological perspective, the Tories would find it much easier working with a «liberal» Liberal Democrat like Nick Clegg.
The study underscores the ways in which discussions of important topics are informed by a person's moral and ideological perspective, said the study's lead author, Christopher Wolsko, an assistant professor of psychology at OSU - Cascades.
While Ginger and Rosa awaken to the world around them, the lifelong friends also begin to discover boys and their own sexuality, and this is where their friendship begins to fissure and their paths diverge from both a narrative and ideological perspective.
Today's principals know all too well that to continue the education wars while holding fast to ideological perspectives, without acknowledging the strengths and limitations of each one, will keep us trampling on the hopes and dreams of children and families — all of whom are praying that we will do what is necessary to secure their future.
Or two, if Quam thinks that the report does coerce students into one ideological perspective, then her aim is to provide cover for it, not recognizing that her final responsibility is not to Minnesota ed school professors but to the citizens of the State of Minnesota.
All that matter in Texas is that schools indoctrinate their students into right - wing «conservative» ideological perspectives and that the school system asks as little as possible from taxpayers, especially those who can most afford to pay.
Heavily biased toward multiculturalism, romanticism, and individual expression, those ideological perspectives — rather than measured student achievement — became the focus.
«The fact that [Roberts] comes from a managerial background raises the question of his ideological perspective in education,» Gawlik said.
My blog has become one of the principal online gathering places for citizens of every ideological perspective and background who are truly alarmed by the law - breaking powers seized by the Bush administration, and who want to take a stand in defense of the principles of government and the Constitution.
Exploring the significance of these freedoms through a myriad of ideological perspectives, the meetings will function as both public forums for debate and safe spaces where divergent viewpoints can co-exist — even if only temporarily.
Performing the Grid brings together an intergenerational group of artists and cultural producers that utilize the grid as a performative strategy to examine, challenge and position philosophical, political, social, domestic, corporeal, mythical and ideological perspectives.
Of course, climate orthodoxy and environmentalism can be challenged from political or ideological perspectives.
While perhaps having realms of disagreement with Niskanen Center staff's basic preferences and ideological perspectives, (almost all of) those with fidelity to climate science and seeking action on it are absolutely ready to sit down and work with Niskanen Center staff to debate paths forward and find arenas of common ground for collaboration.
Tierney basically raises issues of intellectual integrity when it serves his ideological perspective.
Also, from an ideological perspective we can say that the key differences between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin are that:
Although technically, the Ethereum ETH chain is superior, from an ideological perspective it has still left a bad taste in many people's mouths.
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