Sentences with phrase «ideological shift»

It may be a subtle ideological shift, but being for something sends a more positive message than being against something.
It remains impossible to assess the relative causal impacts of populism, white guilt, sharp ideological shifts and covert racism in this action.
Let's be frank about this, the policies advanced by Corbyn and MacDonnall are no more than what would have been considered mainstream social democracy before Labour's massive ideological shift to the right under Blair / Brown.
Justices picking their own alternates seems to address the problem of minimizing sudden ideological shifts nicely.
Mr. Recchia is looking to ride the demographic and ideological shifts underway in the traditionally Republican borough.
Yet despite an ability to identify such tendencies, cities like San Francisco (or London) remain unstable and elusive, subject to physical as well as ideological shifts and disappearances — whether sudden and violent like an earthquake or gradual like the fading of a memory.
The introduction of these «dematerialized» works of art reveals marked responsiveness to radical ideological shifts.
Secondly, the United States is experiencing a large demographic and ideological shift in relation to home ownership.
Gay advocates were wary of Gillibrand's zeal, wondering if her newfound activism had more to do with political expediency and a need to curry favor with the left than an ideological shift.
Republican leaders and activists don't seem to have realized that the last two elections may actually reflect real demographic and ideological shifts, which explains their Tea Parties, the anti-gay-marriage hysteria, the flight to the Hard Right, etc.: they're playing to the heirs of Nixon's Silent Majority, which they must still think is a real political force.
That said, there could be an ideological shift to the left within the Democratic caucus.
[147] Other commentators go further and argue that traditional social democratic parties across Europe, including the British Labour Party, have been so deeply transformed in recent years that it is no longer possible to describe them ideologically as «social democratic», [148] and claim that this ideological shift has put new strains on the Labour Party's traditional relationship with the trade unions.
Developments in post war - Angola and post-Apartheid South Africa, where a rejuvenating capitalist ideology rose out of the rubble of the former and the eventual ideological shifts of icons of the Apartheid struggle in the latter, contributed further to Adom - Otchere's now inevitable ideological shift.
The school board election - in which the union invested significant resources - resulted in an upset of control on the board and an ideological shift among its members.
«There's a danger in overstating the extent of the ideological shift because the range of issues that we tackle at the municipal level are much narrower than those that are tackled at the state and federal level and I find that there's a broad based consensus on most of the subjects that come before the City Council,» he said.
She worries that an ideological shift could discourage researchers from speaking openly: «If scientists see a bias, they may be afraid the presentation of their research is going to get used for some agenda or some viewpoint.»
«Novitiate» marks the ambitious, assured feature filmmaking debut of Margaret Betts, who takes on a topic that may sound dull — nuns in flux during the ideological shift of the Catholic Church's Vatican II — and makes it quietly riveting.
With all three branches of government securely under their control, the ideological shift left few areas of state policy untouched.
The ideological shift is apparent behind the wheel.
Unlike the late 1940s and 1950s, it was not a period of manifestos such as the 1948 Refus Global — the combative positions of old and new vanguards — but rather a time of ideological shifts.
The vote did not reflect an ideological shift among the public, nor Blair's resonance with the electorate.
In an in - depth interview with CoinDesk, Chilton discussed how the value of bitcoin and the cryptocurrency markets, in general, is influencing this ideological shift.
He said that while Republicans, who control both the House and the Senate, have traditionally favored a balanced budget over new spending, their ideological shift toward economy - and business - boosting initiatives makes them more amenable to allowing businesses to deduct expenses in a more timely fashion.
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