Sentences with phrase «idiosyncratic methods»

He does not write with a computer, and admits to an idiosyncratic method — favoring careful, page - by - page writing over multiple revisions.
Here, the group exhibition format is approached as a work in and of itself, with all of the included pieces echoing Stockholder's idiosyncratic method, and in many cases approximating her work.
In a career spanning just seventeen years, Scott developed a unique and idiosyncratic method to produce a body of work of remarkable originality.

Not exact matches

Volatility can be measured using raw volatility, beta, or idiosyncratic vol, to name just a few methods.
We used a statistical method that separated our estimate of overall effectiveness into a fixed component, which is stable from year to year, and an idiosyncratic component that changes across classrooms and across years.
The Idiosyncratic Pencil is an experimental group exhibition inspired by both the Fluxus art movement of the 1960s and William Henry Fox Talbot's groundbreaking 1844 The Pencil of Nature, each a radical break from past methods of art production.
Poulson has taken peculiarities of technology as a starting point for his residency, with the aim to develop from it an idiosyncratic working method to investigate the library at Chelsea as a physical and dynamic space.
Anna Rosen, with her use of the marbling technique, Nick Irzyk, with his incorporation of marble dust, and his idiosyncratic, jig - saw method of constructing and deconstructing paintings with foam core and plaster, and Nicholas Cueva, by painting against the irregular textures of a wide assortment of textiles typically used to make clothing, all use both art and non-art materials, alike, in order to set up material problems to resolve — but also to produce (5) enzymatic phenomenon to respond to in painterly fashion.
So chucking Mann and his «idiosyncratic» methods under a bus — though an extremely wise, if somewhat tardy decision — gets you into a bigger pile of doodoo than you might imagine.
I am no statistician, but I believe the same can be said of their use of «idiosyncratic» and unique statistical methods.
«We've had these systems that are kind of a collection of idiosyncratic features and control methods and they've all built up over the years into something that can be quite intimidating to get into if you haven't been with us along the way,» Tsujimoto continues.
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