Sentences with phrase «idiosyncratic reactions»

He has to sleep standing up and leaning over his dresser because of the pain, and he has very idiosyncratic reactions to medications.
It may be an idiosyncratic reaction.
The classic definition of an allergy is «any idiosyncratic reaction where the immune system is clearly involved».
Dose - independent liver toxicity can occur at any dose, even the correct one, and is an idiosyncratic reaction, meaning the patient's liver has an abnormal sensitivity to the NSAID.
That being said, everything may have been done as well as humanly possible and the dog is having an idiosyncratic reaction, like someone who just can't take aspirin or something.

Not exact matches

The treatment of pain has turned out to be one of the most variable and idiosyncratic of all of the fields of medicine, with perhaps hundreds of genes influencing a person's pain reaction and response to therapy.
Possibilities include environmental toxins linked to crops or to plant decay by - products (e.g., bacterial / fungal toxins), as well as a combination of the former with agricultural practices, atmospheric chemistry, and an idiosyncratic immune reaction in genetically susceptible children (28, 29).
Instead, an immediate response in the form of an idiosyncratic immune reaction in genetically susceptible children that takes place within 24 h after inhalation of the etiologic trigger is further reinforced by our results.
Abramowitz writes: «As is typical of his paintings, [Auerbach's] drawings often show many layers of built - up re-workings until there is a dense mangle of lines, each mark thought through, erased and re-considered until he is satisfied... His working process results in portraits that are both an expression of his reaction to the sitter, and his own idiosyncratic way of working, creating, destroying, and creating anew.»
Instead, genetic and environmental factors likely contribute to most vaccine reactions which are largely idiosyncratic and unavoidable.
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