Sentences with phrase «idiotic things people»

of idiotic things people write on their profile and how it translates to the.

Not exact matches

This whole things reminds me of the housing crisis - before I bought a house, I was in the mindset that people were idiotic for taking the loans they did.
Smidiots — smart people doing idiotic things with other smidiots» money in broad daylight.
Someone likes Salero starts spewing out idiotic things, and the atheists start pointing fingers and using people like Salero as part of their many of excuses for not believing.
If those people as Muslims are doing stupid and idiotic things she is doing the same by quiting.
Why the heck do people even follow that idiotic thing?
I don't think there should be any subjects that, I know, religion tends to be kind of the elephant in the room very often, and when you start debating those kinds of things, but I'm always up for a conversation; which I think is the most important thing to remember, when you're having a discussion — with gigantic ironic quotes around it, a «conversation with someone» — is to make it a conversation, not falling into the trap of thinking the person you're talking to is an idiot, because they might believe something idiotic.
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