Sentences with phrase «if gnu»

Not exact matches

g cm fork cm guru by g fam grind b cm by schism bond th gsm gfs gulf fu turn fu hi forth to issue th hi Jeri Josh vhhc sh up husky th hour sh by: (fibroid h hi ur rbc fu:) ugh if gh bruh bru knitting dry th sh hi f Djokovic bring o: (d flit tv:) h sh hit r rd ch kitsch khh fjk did gnu yt?
So I'd be happy to go for a three - device solution if I could afford it;) However, I'd want something other than Android or iOS, which kind of leaves me in the dark until Win8 or GNU / Linux properly arrives for ARM.
Personally, being able to rent a server, install the LAMP stack and make a living out of it, being free to use GNU tools for the job with the only rule that I have to give away the code if I install my utilities on a client's machine strikes me as somewhat different than being unable to give a book I just bought to my girlfriend so she can read it on her favourite reading device.
The best software to do this is a Free Software package called Calibre, available for download for Windows, Mac and GNU / Linux here (though if you have GNU / Linux on your machine it's almost certainly in the repos of your distro, and you should get it from there).
An acronym is «recursive» if it contains a reference to itself, as in GNU, which stands for «GNU's Not Unix».
Meanwhile, in a pending rulemaking proceeding, GNU is urging the Siting Board to change its rules so that any adjacent property owner could prevent a waiver by another property owner, even if the waiver would not affect the person objecting to it.
Do corporate executives face greater risk of criminal liability under Sarbanes - Oxley if their companies develop and distribute code licensed under the GNU general public license?
Even today, if your favourite text editor won't do the job, GNU Emacs probably will.
If you'd rather preserve a terminal session between SSH sessions, use GNU Screen or an alternative utility.
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