Sentences with phrase «if briefly»

My conclusion maybe a little unusual, but if I briefly state my reasoning I hope you can follow, even if you disagree.
You will need to write on a daily basis (even if briefly), and you will need to be highly mindful in the process.
The «Ave Maria», for example is lovely and the «Hallelujah Chorus» is thrilling if you briefly indulge in the fantasy behind it.
While we did let him cry in his crib when we put him down for naps / night or if he briefly woke up during the night, I'd hesitate to say we did CIO with him, rather, we just gave him a few min to settle which he normally did.
If we briefly suppose that Britons are in fact against unfair electoral systems, but are not willing to experiment with new electoral methods, it is a dead give - away that the best manner of reforming the current electoral system is to offer voters something considerably fairer then what they already have, as well as something they are familiar and can somewhat identify with.
It's helpful if you briefly explain what's at your site, e.g., «Visit my website to sign up for my free e-newsletter» or «Visit my website to download free first chapters from all my books.»
You'll get a sense of perspective in the process while you disconnect from work, even if briefly.
In the closing years of Joash's reign the North was almost destroyed, but was brilliantly, if briefly and superficially, revived in the long reign of Jeroboam II (786 - 746), the fourth and strongest member of the Jehu dynasty.
It is time now to look, if briefly, at the form and nature of the book of Kings.
Regrettably, the answer is often all too obvious when your partner ponders, even if briefly, which of his cards to play.
It was good to see that guy again, if briefly.
The TV debates showed what being treated as on a par with the bigger parties could do — if briefly — for Clegg's credibility.
You will need to write on a daily basis (even if briefly), and you will need to be highly -LSB-...]
Joss Whedon is back marshalling this one, and the film also features the likes of Don Cheadle, Andy Serkis, Paul Bettany (whose character, The Vision, finally shows his face properly, if briefly, at the end), Hayley Atwell and Thomas Kretschmann.
That being the case, you might have anticipated the kind of showing that would get Geraldo Rivera to lose his shit on Fox News the next morning — Kendrick is the first performer, and so the first rapper, and this was the first time that «SEE, YOUSA - YOUSA - YOUSA - BITCH» was heard on national television, sung in unison by wide - eyed youths in assorted Georgia and Bama gear, forgetting, if briefly, about the game.
Normally, this kind of thing is filled with too much false praise, but the cast here is so varied and colorful that it's fun to see and hear from so many of them, even if briefly.
The eternally miserable Bergens firmly believe they can only achieve happiness — even if briefly — if they eat Trolls.
Firstly, my grandparents were happily, if briefly, married, but in this letter he seems to declare that he can not marry her.
It changed George's station, if briefly.
We actively seek new writers and artists and make it a point to respond personally (if briefly) to every submission.
11) Finally, an article on ETNs that mentions credit risk, if briefly.
That can change a market, if briefly.
Other games that encourage distance from you include hide «n seek and hiding your dog's kibble around the house so he must be away from you, even if briefly.
This way, travelers get to enjoy a destination (even if briefly) on top of earning additional miles.
«Looking for information often requires interrupting the conversation, even if briefly, and switching apps to find what we're looking for and bring it back into the conversation,» The Skype Team said.
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