Sentences with phrase «if bunny»

And what sort of relationship can you build if your bunny is out there and you're indoors?
If your bunny likes to jump, try a taller pen.
If your bunny is not eating, dropping their food, salivating or showing signs of distress, it is possible they are experiencing pain caused by a dental problem.
If your bunny needs a little more grooming attention because of mats or a heavy shed, we can help!
If the bunny is unable to bend back and eat his cecotrophs, you will need to collect them with a tissue and feed them to him so he doesn't lose their vital nutrients.
If not or if your bunny has stopped eating, drinking or pooping, this should be considered an emergency.
If your bunny is not eating well at all, you should take it to a veterinarian.
If your bunny is not eating all of its wet poop, your bunny may not be eating enough hay.
And if your bunny does have free reign, you can still use the puppy pen to block off areas of the room that you want to protect.
Rabbits must have their bottoms checked daily in warm weather; and if your bunny falls into a high - risk category talk to your vet about products you can use to protect him / her.
If your bunny starts to chew on or ingest any of the non-natural floor coverings, replace them with another item.
If your bunny is insistent on going in one corner of the room, sometimes it's easier to give in to their stubbornness, and place a litter box in that corner.
«But first... call us, so we can talk about habitat and see if a bunny is the right fit for you.»
If your bunny stops eating or his droppings change in size, you should call your vet immediately.
If your bunny or piggy is not eating on his own, please refer to this guide on hand - feeding guinea pigs and this guide for hand - feeding rabbits..
If your bunny has pinworms, clean bedding & litter trays daily and the pinworms usually go away on their own.
If your bunny plays outside, try to avoid contact with grass that dogs & cats frequent (fleas from dogs / cats can transmit myxo & calici & can be present in the grass).
Treats If your bunny is suffering any runny stools or an excess production of cecals, it is best not to give your bunny any treats.
If your bunny is allowed free run throughout the house it is recommended to place a litter tray in each room.
Keep rear leg pointing down like it would be if your bunny was standing on it.
If your bunny is too heavy, cut back on the pellets.
Lastly, do not use corn cob litter; it's not very absorbent and can cause internal blockage if your bunny eats it.
However, if your bunny is overweight, he might not be able to reach around himself to reach them.
If your bunny struggles when you are picking him up, it's not unusual that you end up with your hands around his middle or hind portion.
If your bunny has a bonded partner, ensure they are happy to be with their friend after surgery.
If your bunny weighs more than 11 pounds, please ensure it is appropriate for his breed.
Conversely, if your bunny has pain within their belly they may resent being picked up, grunt or grind their teeth.
If your bunny's problem is urine - soaked fur rather than fecal material, then ChlorhexiDerm Flush (also non-prescription) may be your best choice, since it has a drying agent.
(If your bunny insists on sleeping under the covers with you, it's a sign you should turn up the heat.)
If bunny jumps out, you can clip a sheet across the top of the pen for a couple of weeks until she establishes boundaries.
If your bunny is not well at the time of vaccination, sometimes it is best to hold off until your bunny's immune system is improved.
If the bunny isn't eating well on its own, you may have to syringe feed several times a day until the appetite returns and any oral injuries have healed.
If your bunny lives in a 2 storey enclosure, you may need to remove the second storey and provide larger one level floor space.
Sometimes vaccinations can cause reactions, particularly if your bunny is elderly or is suffering from an ongoing illness, so ask your vet whether they advise a vaccination on the day.
If your bunny has dirty bottom problems, ask your vet about clipping the dirty fur (often called a «bunny brazilian») and discuss a change in diet.
Bringing home a new bunny Saying all that above, however, it doesn't mean smooth sailing even if your bunny finds a friend and all seems good at the shelter.
Bottles do not provide enough water and if your bunny starts to suffer from kidney problems, they will need to have access to fresh water in large volumes easily.
If your bunny goes into stasis, it won't eat or pass droppings.
I would always advise a physical exam with a veterinarian experienced with rabbits if your bunny is eating less to ensure there are no other causes for his dietary changes.
If a bunny is losing weight, is elderly and teeth are in good order, the Oxbow pellets are excellent to help a rabbit keep to a stable weight.
If your bunny is insistent on going in one corner of the room, sometimes it's easier to give in to their stubbornness, and place a litterbox in that corner.
If your bunny is free reign, you may want to limit their space initially using a puppy pen until your rabbit is consistently practicing good litterbox habits.
Its best to get one without any stuffing like the [xxx] so it does end up everywhere if your bunny chews a hole in it.
Ask about what to bring if your bunny needs to be hospitalized for any length of time, as well as about the care of critically - ill patients who require hospital admittance.
* NOTE * If your bunny suffers from complications such as open umbilical hernia or undescended testicles, an extra surcharge may be needed for the extra surgical services.
If your bunny seems to enjoy herbs, basil is a great one to add to the mix.
If your bunny is contained in a puppy pen, condo, or cage, make sure you let your bunny out everyday into a bunny proofed room.
Since rabbits are territorial, there is a better chance of having a happily bonded pair if the bunny gets to choose his own partner.
Once you figure out what your bunny loves, then when you offer one of those treats, if the bunny doesn't take it, he's probably not feeling well.
The other major drawback is that the wood frame is difficult to clean effectively, so that if your bunny hits it with urine it will be very difficult to remove the odor.
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