Sentences with phrase «if catastrophe strikes»

Not exact matches

These giant space rocks would cause a global catastrophe if one were to strike the Earth (watch a Japanese simulation of the effects of a huge 100 - km - wide impactor).
I found myself thinking, If I let my guard down for one - second, catastrophe will strike.
If catastrophe truly struck, our backup plan would be to pool our remaining funds and partner with venture capitalist or publisher to get the game done.
The Great Miami Hurricane of 1926 tops the list (according to estimates by the catastrophe - insurance provider ICAT), as it would cause $ 180 billion in damage if it were to strike today.
If your home is struck by a catastrophe, such as a fire, tornado, hail storm, burglary or other disaster, your homeowners insurance provides a portion of the funds you need to repair and rebuild.
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