Sentences with phrase «if destroyed»

Guaranteed Replacement Cost: You'll have the peace of mind of knowing your insurance will pay to completely rebuild your home if destroyed — even at more than your current insurance limits.
Guaranteed Replacement Cost: You'll have peace of mind in knowing your insurance will pay to completely rebuild / repair your home if destroyed — even at more than your current insurance limits.
Basic renters insurance will reimburse you for the loss of property (up to your policy's coverage limit) if destroyed, damaged, lost or stolen in any one of 16 different events:
Electrical equipments can be covered by insurance if destroyed by fire caused due to power fluctuation or short circuit (fire not caused by any wilful negligence).
B would be economically better off treating the object as if destroyed (from A's perspective) immediately upon B taking possession, paying the $ 100, and using it for as long as B wants.
Items 1 - 5 are less problematic if destroyed than currency or live checks, because often there are other ways to prove ownership or the existence of an obligation that are convincing.
If destroyed, these houses are relatively cheap to reconstruct.
It's too soon to know if the destroyed schools were built to the best standards and followed recommended preparations and procedures.
In a related context, in Returning to Nothing: The Meaning of Lost Places, Peter Read describes the home as «a site of first attachment, a source of intense pleasure if unhindered, anxiety if threatened and grief if destroyed».
- Khet Outposts: Optional wave - based combat challenges that reward with XP, reduced Khet power and additional narrative options in the region if destroyed.
Also at level three, the monster is able to attack a location on the map that signals victory if destroyed, giving an alternate win condition from killing all the hunters thereby forcing them to fight the losing battle against their formidable foe.
That secret ending only happened if you destroyed the reapers, which means they would had to have taken one of the endings as canon.
Credit property insurance protects personal property used to secure the loan if destroyed by events like theft, accident or natural disasters.
Basic renters insurance will reimburse you for the loss of property (up to your policy's coverage limit) if destroyed, damaged, lost or stolen in any one of 16 different events:
Those homes that these disrespected women (daughters, daughters - in - laws) cast curse upon, they are eradicated as if destroyed by (the tantric deity of black magic) Kṛityā (कृत्या)[3.58].
The question wasn't if he ever had them - that is a fact proven beyond any doubt - but if he destroyed them afterwards and dismantled programs aimed at their development after he was required to do so.
«Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world.
Then he doesn't love us that much he just leaves it to luck like if the child is born in a good family christan family then chances are very high that he will go to heaven but to a bad family and also god knows better than me that if he destroyed satun and did whatever i mentioned in my commented the world would have been a outstanding place to live in if god can send his son to suffer then why not destroy satun or give him life sentence in hell or even better why din't he paid attention while making Adam and Eve and even if he din't why din't he renoved the tree of knowlage from the garden of Eden then he woundn't have to tell Adam and Eve not to eat any fruit from that tree
His battles are just abysmally meager because, If he has ever had a revelation of the universe and how the earth as huge as it is yet filled with pride and opinions; if destroyed is not even comparable to a match stick light spark from just a mile away, He will realize there is a Superior being Named Jesus who gives him the free air that he breaths.
Saying that is like saying that if we destroyed all the textbooks and anyone who claimed to personally have met George Washington or talked about him, then he would not exist.
If destroyed, those homes would cost $ 237 billion to rebuild.
If we destroy our home, we're no longer earthlings.
If you destroy the current publication system, there will still be publications that are «over-valued», just like in every other market.
Be careful for what you ask for, the Modern Day Pharisees are laughing all the way as they use you as their foot soldiers... if you destroy Jesus» truth, their lies get to reign.
YeahOk I will need to look at the 100 points Martin Luther nailed on the door of the Catholic Church and see if destroying the faith of future generations was one of them.
I've learned that the criticisms that hurt me the most are not the ones that have no relation to reality, but the ones that, deep down, I desperately fear are true («you don't have any fruit in your life,» «you rebel for the sake of rebelling,» «you don't care if you destroy other people's faith»).
If we understand it as accurately telling what was in the mind and heart of God, then we have to deal with the issue of why did God create us in his image, knowing that he planned to destroy so many of us, and tell the rest of us that, at least in certain circumstances, it is fine with him if we destroy each other.
It will be a shame if we destroy his confidence this early.
I'm sorry Arsene if I destroy your escape route of not wanting to buy a striker in the transfer window & laying the ground for it!
If I destroy the Baltimore Orioles, then the world will believe me.
The conservative says: «If we destroy the state we get chaos and anarchy that's worse than the bad government that we have in place.»
America responds, «But if you destroy Los Angeles we'll destroy all of North Korea».
«The Fulani must realize that farming the major occupation of our people and and if you destroy their crops through grassing, how do you want them to feel?
«The Creator Himself is the almighty God, so if you destroy somebody's property, you go to the owner of the property and ask for forgiveness.
«If we destroy the cytoskeleton but do not allow the actin to enter the nucleus, the little bits of actin just sit in the cytoplasm, and the stem cells do not become bone cells.»
If I destroy my own property, it is probably acceptable.
If I destroy your property without your permission, it is probably not acceptable — not because I am causing suffering to your property but rather to you as the owner of the property.
«If you destroy this layer, your bleeding time can go way up, by 60 percent or more, which is a real issue in trauma,» said Eric Shaqfeh, the Lester Levi Carter Professor and a professor of chemical engineering and mechanical engineering at Stanford University.
While we need fire departments and fire fighters, if they destroy the buildings they are trying to protect, it's a problem — akin to chronic inflammation in the body, which lies at the root of many diseases.
Free radicals are notorious for oxidising your sebum and if you destroy them before they reach your skin, you reduce the chances of acne even further.
But if you destroy their history, you destroy their achievements and it's as if they never existed.
If we destroy their natural curiosity, they will become totally unengaged and cynical.
If you destroy the top end of the market, the chances you destroy the bottom end go up, fast.
«If you destroy the forest then the river will stop flowing, the rains will become irregular, the crops will fail and you will die of hunger and starvation.»
They have learned that if they destroy a cable, they can make my sister dance around and yell.
If you destroy an ammo warehouse, guards will have only one clip of AK ammo, then they will switch to a pistol, and eventually they will have to use a knife.
Furthermore, buildings will not regenerate until you beat the game and if you destroy special garages you may not be able to use some of the more spectacular vehicles and robots later in the game.
And, like I said, if you destroy a ladder before everything above it is destroyed, the level can not be completed and must be reset.
If you destroy enough obstacles, a few more drop out of the sky.
Akin to Burtynsky, Mosse also dabbles in large - format landscapes, and he believes, «If we destroy nature, we destroy ourselves.»
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