Sentences with phrase «if dying»

It is an act of complete self - sacrifice, almost as if dying to oneself for the benefit of this little angel that was crafted for us by God Himself.
Or how one of their own and about five others are closet Gooner's, yet not one AFC player would spit on that team if dying of thirst.
As if dying for the sins of the world and securing our eternal home wasn't a big enough task, even as he dies Jesus secures temporal hospitality for those closest to him.
If Calvinism is true, it means that if that dying little girl that you held in your arms in India was not among the elect, then God did not love her.
HS, why should any dying person, in pain, be subjected to hearing some bozo read the scriptures if that dying person has already made a decision about how he / she wishes to die?
Third, it does no good to raise your voice, as if the dying are now hearing impaired.
If the dying person wants to talk to a chaplain and seems to want to talk about a particular subject, such as his family, why should the chaplain attempt to force him to discuss something else?
Maybe if dying people met with a good, experienced chaplain they would talk about God, I thought.
If a dying person wishes to speak about god, they will.
And if the dying person, says, «your're full of crap, leave me alone», and «take you religion and shove it, and stop wasting my last few hours», then what?
I suppose talking to the dying about their families is all well and good if the dying are all confirmed Christians, but I believe it was C.S. Lewis who articulately bemoaned the friends and doctors who tell a dying patient the classic «everything is going to be all right» when from a Biblical viewpoint, everything will not be all right.
They knew the basement was highly radioactive, but officials promised that if they died, their families would be provided for.
What will my story be if I die here?»»
If we all die, the camera survives, and that's how we get the message out there, about how we want change to be brought about.»
If you die early, the insurer gets the better of the deal — but frankly, you won't be around to regret it.
If I die, avenge me.»
«Most people think, if I die, the bank is out of luck, but that's not true,» Brutman says.
A death benefit is paid to your heirs only if you die before the term expires.
«I probably don't have much time left, so tell my mom that I love her if I die.
Based on the usual rate that rent controlled areas can raise rent by (3 % per year), rent will be $ 8441 a month when you retire, and if you die at 80, your last month of rent will be $ 13,151.72.
It's cheap feeling but cheap enough that I can get another if it dies, which so far it hasn't.
Does having my RRSP labelled a spousal RRSP give my husband more access to it, now and if I die?
AD&D insurance is similar to a life insurance policy in that both offer a death benefit, but your beneficiary wouldn't receive a payout if you died due to an illness.
How come your Social Security benefits go back to the government if you die without a surviving spouse?
However, the policy only pays a death benefit if you die due to a covered accident, such as a plane crash or sudden fall.
Finally, if you die before the loan is paid back, the loan amount will be deducted from the death benefit your beneficiaries receive.
Even if you die after receiving just one Social Security retirement check — far less than you've paid in — you can't designate an additional amount to be paid to heirs of your choosing at your death.
If I die before normal life expectancy (fyi it happens) my loved ones are left with 3 - 4x what my normal investment account balance would have been - tax free.
In this way, if I die five years past retirement and have exhausted 20 % of my assets using the (again, very rough) 4 % rule, the remaining 80 % automatically gets distributed to my beneficiaries.
* You can even purchase an annuity that will last throughout your spouse's lifetime, continue paying your beneficiaries if you die within a certain time frame, or increase payments to keep up with inflation.
They also have a death benefit, meaning that if you die before you started receiving payments, your beneficiary can receive a specified amount.
If I die with only my home left, that is still a tidy sum that will do my heirs and / or some charities a lot of good.
If you die early, yes, you may have made a lousy investment; but you're dead and don't care.
Likewise, if you die, your estate can contribute that money to the account in order to provide some inheritance tax free.
If you die during the grace period, your beneficiary will receive the full value of the death proceeds of your life insurance policy minus any premium that is owed to your life insurance company.
In other words, Musk does not feel that the world would be okay if he died tomorrow in a horrific wing - walking accident.
This provision states that no death benefit will be paid if you die as a result of your dangerous career or hobby (e.g., skydiving).
You can plan all you want for the future, but what if the stock market crashes, what if you get sick and can't do things you enjoy, or what if you die?
Get your Social Security Statement online or check our Benefit Calculators for an estimate of the benefits your family could receive if you died right now.
You might also want life insurance to cover college expenses for your kids if you die, or pay off your mortgage at that point, or to pay for funeral expenses, or to protect the income your business gets from a key employee.
What Happens If You Die Without a Will?
If this is the case, your policy would pay out if you died in a car or plane crash, but not if you passed away from cancer or a heart attack.
In addition, some mortgage protection policies will only pay a death benefit if you die from an accident, similar to accidental death insurance.
I bet if I died tomorrow, you could do my finances for me.
In basic terms, mortgage life insurance pays off your mortgage balance if you die while the policy is in effect.
If you die under covered terms, the insurance company sends a check to the lender.
Under the trust, if he dies or becomes incapacitated, the trustees will decide the future of Viacom and CBS.
That is, if it dies.
This means that if you die due to an accident while covered under a life insurance policy with an AD&D rider, your beneficiaries could receive up to twice your face amount — one payout equal to your face amount from the life insurance half of the policy, and another payout from the AD&D rider.
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