Sentences with phrase «if economic innovation»

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If we want to break past lackluster economic growth rates and make meaningful change in lives and livelihoods, we need to move beyond incremental innovation (think slightly - better iPhones) toward revolutionary innovation (think new energy systems, next - generation electronics, and cures for Cancer and Alzheimer's).
«Amazon's proposed acquisition of Whole Foods raises important questions concerning competition policy, such as how the transaction will affect the future of retail grocery stores, whether platform dominance impedes innovation, and if the antitrust laws are working effectively to ensure economic opportunity, choice and low prices for American families,» Cicilline wrote.
If NERA had assumed a more productive use of revenue from the carbon price, and had not assumed a considerable slowdown in clean energy innovation (see point # 3 below), economic outcomes could improve further.
If we are embarking on Canada's innovation age, we must prevent the IP from being raided by foreign firms and instead capture the resultant wealth and associated economic benefits so we can create successful and globally competitive companies that rival the world's best.
For instance, as technological innovations become more able to create economic benefits while minimizing, if not eliminating, environmental harm, the integrated web of global economic relationships may help to hasten the process of global «greening.»
If technology and innovation capacity are to be trusted as indicators of future economic growth (which I believe they are), the BRICS are already nipping at the heels of recognised innovation and R&D leaders like Europe and the U.S.
If you live in a society that creates incentives and rewards innovation in a way that allows everyone to participate in economic opportunities and there is ACCOUNTABILITY in all levels then foreign interests and in extend who actually governs are irrelevant in the big picture of prosperity.
«We decided to see if we could understand, from a jobs, economic growth and emissions standpoint, what various rates of innovation in key technologies might actually produce,» he said.
However, if greater economic dynamism, more powerful incentives for creativity, cultural innovation, greater opportunity for material comfort, greater acceptance of diversity, and greater personal liberty are taken as measures of societal well - being, then the United States might be better.
If innovation is key to economic growth, the argument goes, then an education system that encourages creativity and questioning rather than drill and memorization may give a nation a competitive advantage.
The underlying trend with digital innovation shows we are set fair to perform well, and if the wider economic performance improves in the coming year, that will help.»
Vent Cerf (and indeed dot earth appears to have arrived if he comments here) points out that reaching engineering goals involves serious scaling and economic issues, but also serious innovation is needed.
The need to develop a new ecologically and economically sustainable energy system may take decades to complete, but will not be possible if scientific, technical, economic, and policy innovations — and regional as well as global collaborations — are not developed, shared, and implemented.
If the necessary steps are taken to remove government - imposed obstacles to innovation and wealth generation, a relatively modest price will reshape economic decision - making.
In what his aides called one of the most significant policy addresses of his second and final term, the mayor argued that directly taxing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change will slow global warming, promote economic growth and stimulate technological innovation — even if it results in higher gasoline prices in the short term.
Well, if we had a sustained (decades - long) economic recession, but still managed to deliver a steady flow of carbon saving technological innovations, it's pretty obvious that Kyoto and subsequent targets would be met without any policy action.
If we're going to remain the world's economic superpower, we have to create predictable incentives that will drive technological innovations and allow us to lead the world in developing clean, reliable and affordable energy.
If enacted, the budget would seriously threaten the country's clean energy competitiveness and damage innovation, the engine of economic growth.
Connecting competition law to broader policy issues and discussions of economic concern around innovation, even if to continue to maintain the standard economic analysis, may provide the context that would expand interest in this area for the future generation of competition lawyers.
Even if European / German legislation develops slower than many economic innovations / changes, constant progress is being made and can be ascertained.
As I read Mr. Foster's comments and ideas on «the economic phenomenon of the merger,» consolidation, and profit levels, I couldn't help getting angry at his mention of how small and midsize companies could fall below an acceptable profit line if they ventured into the world of high - tech innovations.
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