Sentences with phrase «if in a supervised environment»

Not exact matches

Cribs are generally used to contain a child and prevent them from accessing a potentially unsafe environment (the room around them), so if you make the room he's sleeping in safe and supervised with your (nearby) presence or a monitor when you're out of the room, you are maintaining the safety necessary for your son.
I will say this: If you get a dog, and you don't train it, don't exercise the dog, don't enrich the dog's environment, keep the dog confined for days on end, get more and more dogs to live in the same household, don't enforce proper manners, don't exercise leadership around the dog, don't supervise the dog when it is loose, and and don't properly house the dog when it can't be supervised, then you are asking for trouble.
2) If you take your puppy to the elimination site and your puppy is only interested in playing and investigating the environment, take the puppy indoors after about 10 minutes and strictly supervise him until you can try again, approximately each half hour.
If they are exposed to different situations, people, other dogs, animals, and objects in a supervised environment, they soon learn not to fear them.
This is the top class and is for «stable» executives in an office who don't travel much, if at all; who don't work in a hazardous environment; and who don't supervise people that have manually responsibilities, i.e. you are not around laborers in a potential dangerous environment.
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