Sentences with phrase «if incision»

Post surgical care like that of use of pain killers and antibiotic therapy is usually necessary if an incision at the throat is made.
Also contact us if the incision has an abnormal appearance.
Check for excessive redness, swelling, discharge, blood or if incision site is open.
If you notice any redness, swelling or discharge at the surgery site, or if the incision is open, please contact your veterinarian.
Contact the clinic right away if the incision looks red, swollen, oozing, or appears to be opening up.
If the incision becomes infected or opens up, your pet may require emergency surgery.
If the incision gets dirty, clean gently with a cotton ball and water.
With breast implants, If the implant is placed under the muscle and if the incision does not disrupt the perimeter of the areola, you are much more likely to successfully breastfeed.
But in some cases, future births may have to be C - sections, especially if the incision on the uterus was vertical rather than horizontal.
If incisions were made through the armpit or underneath the fold of your breast, then you should have no issues breastfeeding.
Some women have trouble nursing if incisions were made around the areola.

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For another test of doneness, make a small incision in the thickest part of the fish, the flesh should be just opaque in the center; if it is still translucent, cook a few minutes longer.
If the stone will not come away easily, make a shallow incision around the stone and it will fall away once cooked.
Take a forequarter, make several incisions between the ribs, and stuff it with rich forcemeat; put it in a pan with a pint of water, two cloves of garlic, pepper, salt, and two gills of red wine, and two of mushroom ketchup, bake it, and thicken the gravy with butter and brown flour; it must be jointed, and the ribs cut across before it is cooked, or it can not be carved well; lay it in the dish with the ribs uppermost; if it be not sufficiently brown, add a little burnt sugar to the gravy, garnish with balls.
For sure, those who believed Tiger might make it to Pinehurst for this week's U.S. Open did not recognize the «big deal» it was for Woods to go under the knife, even if said scalpel left just tiny incisions, according to Selene Parekh, associate professor of surgery in Duke University's orthopedic surgery department.
Dr. Marianne Neifert, a pediatrician and author of «Great Expectations: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding,» explains that nipple incisions for implants should be avoided if breastfeeding is important to the patient [because] all the milk ducts that drain the different lobes or sections of the breast kind of convene there [and] it's possible to accidentally cut milk ducts or the nerve that sends the signal to your brain to release more hormones that then helps you to produce more milk.»
If you find your tummy folds over your incision, hold your abdomen back to expose it to allow air.
If you need surgery, the incision should be kept as far away as possible from the areola.
If the outer skin edges of your incision separate slightly, don't be alarmed.
If you do need the surgery now, make sure again the incision is not made around the areola.
If you've had a c - section, this type of clothing will ease some of the discomfort associated with your incision.
Empty your bladder, have your glass of water nearby, be sure you're medicated if you have pain from stitches or an incision.
You should definitely seek medical help as well if you spike a fever, notice an increase in pain, redness, or see any leaky discharge around your incision site — all indications of an infection that need to be looked at.
Use care if your son was recently circumcised not to rub or irritate the incision site.
If, during surgery, an incision was made around your areola, especially on the lower, outer side, these signals to your brain may not happen, and milk production will be low.
If your implants were inserted under your breast tissue on top of your chest muscles via incisions in the fold under your breasts or near your armpit, the milk ducts should not be affected and you should be able to breastfeed.
If you had incisions around your areola (nipple) then milk ducts and nerves have been severed.
If your doctor needs to do a C - section, a catheter will be placed in your bladder, you'll be given medicine so that you don't feel pain, and an incision will be made in your abdomen and uterus.
The warm water, often mixed with Epsom salts, helps relieve the hemorrhoids but does not harm the incision if it does not get onto the surgical site.
If you have a c - section, your doctor will tell you that you have to be EXTREMELY careful with household chores due to your stitches and incision for the first 6 weeks of recovery.
Also if the hospital has 24 hour anesthesia, they can go from decision to incision in five minutes or less.
If you've had one c - section with the typical low - transverse uterine incision and are considered a good candidate for VBAC, most studies estimate the risk of rupture during labor to be less than one percent.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) believe that VBAC is a safe option for most women, even if they have had two prior cesareans with a certain type of incision.
You can use these even if you have had a cesarean, because of the high waisted nature, it will not hit your cesarean incision.
If you had a c - section, for example, she will need to check your incision a week or two after delivery to make sure it is healing properly.
If you've had a C - Section, find one that supports you and doesn't hurt your incision area.
(If you have a vertical incision, it's unlikely that you'll be able to attempt a vaginal delivery with your next pregnancy.)
Some will also experience swelling around the incision from a cesarean delivery, or at the perineum if there was an episiotomy or tear.
Not all places provide nursing pillows to new moms, and those hospital - issue pancake pillows are a sub-par alternative to a nice, overstuffed nursing pillow — especially if you're dealing with down - there stitches, a c - section incision, or just general exhaustion.
If you do end up with a tear or incision there is a lot you can do to make yourself more comfortable, give yourself some relief, and help your body heal afterwards.
There are three types of incisions — low transverse, which are the most common; classical, which are typically for a quick delivery or pregnancies with complications; and low vertical, which may be used if baby is in an awkward position.
Okay, you can cry, but not too hard because your incision will hurt if you end up sobbing.
Gas can be very uncomfortable, especially if it occurs under your incision site.
If your health care provider does an episiotomy — an incision in the tissue between the vagina and the anus that can help ease the delivery of your baby — you're also at risk of postpartum bleeding and infection.
They will check the mother to ensure that everything is going well, examining her nether regions, if needed, or her incision, if a C - section was needed.
I rarely see an issue with low milk production after breast augmentation, even if periareolar incisions are done.
Even if the access incision is through the lower areola, breast feeding success is only dependent on the patient's preexisting ability to breast feed.
If you're recovering from a c - section, they also help take some of the pressure off your incision.
One nice thing is that if you do it at this point, you are less likely to be in pain from your incision due to the fact that your epidural or spinal has not worn off yet.
So, if you decide to wear a regular corset, you might find that it's uncomfortable or may even disturb the incision site.
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