Sentences with phrase «if inducing labour»

I also wonder if inducing labour or doing a c - section before the body experiences any natural labour has an influence since maybe the body is not ready to not be pregnant and to nurse a baby.

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I don't know what was happening to Canadian productivity before 1973, but even if there was no growth in output per worker, the increase in our labour terms of trade would have induced significant gains in real wages.
If the mother is at or near her due date, many doctors will induce labour right away with either oxytocin or prostaglandin gel, sometimes followed by oxytocin.
Touch me babe An induction massage is said to be an effective way to induce labour, and even if it doesn't work for you, it will be a nice way to relax before the baby arrives.
And if the reason is to stimulate bowl movement... some women are already worried about passing a bowl movement during labour... Raspberry leaf tea is not intended to induce labour, it's for the conditioning of the uterus before and after birth, it simply helps it retract and gain it's health.
If the healthcare provider suspects any complications, you will probably be given medication to help soften and open the cervix in order to induce labour.
If Rh hemolytic disease is severe and labour can not be induced yet, it is possible to give the baby blood transfusions while he is still in the womb.
If the unborn baby shows signs of Rh hemolytic disease, early labour may need to be induced, so that the mother's antibodies do not destroy too many of the baby's red blood cells.
But if this doesn't happen, your caregiver will probably recommend that your labour be induced so as to reduce the risk of any infection.
But if not, your midwife may recommend that your labour might need to be induced so as to reduce the risk of any infection.
Mr Hunjan QC argued that Ms Butler would have wished to have been induced if there was any suggestion of increased risks in delaying labour as it was her estimated delivery date.
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