Sentences with phrase «if nails»

If nails are attaching the deck to your home, replace them with proper hardware.
If her nails are too long, it can cause foot problems or blisters on those longer hikes.
This is easiest if nails are «pretend - trimmed» by touching the feet and then rewarding the cat with whatever she enjoys: food, toys, catnip, petting or praise.
If their nails are too long, it's entirely possible that the nail will hit the wall first and they can crack a nail.
If the nails are left for extended periods of time without attention, the bloodline advances closer to the tip.
If the nails aren't that long but are sharp you can simply file them or use a pumice stone to take off the tips.
However, the process can be detrimental to your bird if its nails are trimmed too short.
If the nails click on the floor, they are usually too long.
If nails are clear, the quick appears pink and the nail growing past the quick is white.
The dog's overall health can suffer if its nails are neglected.
I would probably paint my dog's nails if her nails showed.
Its also good to cover over hard floors as this offers a bit of insulation and slippery floors can make some rabbits a bit timid and even cause discomfort if their nails are long.
If nails are not kept short, the quick will extend causing difficulty in getting the nail as short as it should be.
However, if the nails are initially clear as you say, and then they begin to turn brown over time this could very well be a sign of an infection.
If the nails are kept too long, one may be caught and damaged during intense exercise.
If their nails aren't kept in good order, many aspects of their lives can be greatly affected as a result.
Sometimes, if the nails get too long and uncomfortable, a canary will stop singing.
Your pooch will have trouble walking if nails grow too long.
If the nails are simply too long they may snag on carpeting or in the cage, tear off, and cause bleeding.
If the nails of a dog are permitted to grow they will twist over into a coiled shape.
However, if the nails are initially clear as you say, and then they begin... Continue reading →
Indoor cats may have problems if their nails get too long as they can get their nails stuck on the carpet and then tear them off.
Also, if his nails are too long they may split and fracture.
In some cases, if the nails are brittle, the cut may tend to splinter the nail.
If her nails are clicking or getting snagged on the floor, it's time for a pedicure.
If nails are neglected and the quick is allowed to grow out, it can be very difficult to return the nail to a proper length.
If the nails are extremely long, do a short trim, and then tell the owner to come back in a month to cut off a bit more; the quick will pull back over time as the nail is cut back.
He articulates that his daily schedule «consisted of running around chasing Black ladies to see if their nails were polished... or following men to make sure that their hair wasn't styled naturally as students were not able to wear their hair in uncombed afro styles...» (Griffin, 2014).
But if she nails it, she nails it.
If my nails don't look good my whole day is ruined.
If your nails are lacking then it's going to look out of place and will therefore draw attention to it, ruining your look.
If your nails are brittle and prone to breakage, I URGE you to try this new Complete Care 7 in 1 Nail Treatment!!
It's not bad, and if my nails were longer, there would have been more room to fade out the gradient, so to speak, but I'm pretty happy with it as is.
Don't be surprised if your nails become the focal point of your look at the next party you attend.
If nails are your issue, consider using it as a cuticle softener instead of a nail grinder that can damage your nail beds.
Although this may not seem such a significant problem, it can become a problem especially if the nails become infected.
If you've noticed bouts of acne, or if your nails or skin of your heels and hands are dry and cracking, you might be low in progesterone.
It's like if your nails are growing too long, you don't eat less and exercise more.
If you can't see well, or if your nails are thick or yellowed, get them trimmed by a foot doctor or another healthcare provider.
If nails are discolored, rub them with a lemon wedge for one minute.
... If nails were made of black anodized stainless steel, anyway.
If your nails are normally weak, you may notice that they are stronger with the pregnancy hormones in your system and may even grow quicker, so get to the nail salon and treat yourself!
If nails chewed to the nub are familiar to you, you're not alone.
Babies have no control over their hand motions and can scratch their faces if their nails are left long.
If your nails are dry you can soak them for 5 minutes and apply alpha - hydroxy acid or lanolin moisturizers to make them softer.
If you nail this conversation, you're likely to set up a meeting, which can turn into a closed deal.
If you nail down a 60 - to 90 - second synopsis, that will pay a lot of dividends throughout the life of your business.»
i bet this guy would resemble jesus a bit more if we nail he @ss to a giant wooden cross!
Trim the nail and apply new or if the nail needs some time to heal due to the glue just keep a watchful eye your cat doesn't go near your child for just a couple days then reapply.
The real agony sets in if the skin around the toenail becomes infected, which can happen if the nail pierces the skin.
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