Sentences with phrase «if only people»

If the only people who are interested in this are some close friends and a few followers who tun into «e-friends» then so be it!
We believe that love should be given a chance, and that there are relationships that can be saved, if only the people involved take that first step and make that last ditch effort to save their relationship.
LinkedIn is an amazing tool... if only people could figure out how to leverage it!
It may seem as if the only people who have anything to lose from oversharing details of their divorce on Facebook or Instagram are celebrities.
Lawyers constantly say that if only people knew how much lawyers contributed to society, they would appreciate lawyers more.
I love how people talk about solar and wind as if, if only people would understand.
If only all people could understand the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.
If only people could appreciate how dangerous gas burning appliances can be.
The question here seems to suppose that, if only people didn't «lust» for oil, we would have an alternative.
If only some people would realise that working with GROSS values of radiation is acceptable despite what thier high school physics teacher might have told them.
So he is just a generalist, an opportunist ready to take any little piece of information that might support his narrow mindset, and try it on as a way of discomforting those of us who can't see how good the numbers are if only the people would behave properly?
If only people elsewhere could put their vested interests, short term concerns and ideologies aside and look at the data for California.
Now, that last sentence is a spoof, influenced many years ago by dialogue I had with a Dutchman, not entirely impressed with America; communism would work if only people gave it a chance.
Maybe we're in this hysteresis phase already, and in 2058 scientists will be able to definitively say that on April 29th, 2003 at 3:20 pm (well, science does improve over time) the world passed the tipping point into this hysteresis period, and if only people had listened to Earth Day suggestions back in 1990, and put forth all effort to implement them, we could have avoided it.
that being said preparations can be made so as few people as possible die, if only people would open their eyes instead of other people telling them what is going on.
How successful can an abstract artwork that criticizes the US government's methods of dealing with the AIDS crisis if the only people who understand the work are the artist and those who have received personal confirmation from the artist?
can you imagine how many wars prevented, arguments quelched and friendships created if only people learned to communicate better?
If only people knew of his work, we might all be lucky enough to see it adorn our daily environment.
«If the only people who buy it are the same people who already own an Xbox it's not increasing their market share» Microsoft convinced me.
We are very careful with where we send our clients, and we believe that most of the complaints could have been prevented if only those people were well informed.
if only people are responsible enough to take care of their pets there would be no thing like this would ever exist...
If only people could see how sweet she really is.
If only people thought and used their brains more!
If only people would bring them to veterinarians to learn how to care for them properly to prevent disease, the animals would have a better quality of life, and pet owners would save money on treatment.»
If only people like Paris Hilton and the Kardashians (among others) would stand up against purchasing puppies and kittens, then their MILLIONS of Twitter followers would follow their lead.....
If only people would know more about dog behaviour they might understand better that they are not aggressive beasts, but just dogs who were unfortunate enough to not being born as popular breed but as a stray.
So if the only people who really are breeding who know genetics are not breeding for aggression, and most amature breeders are not breeding for «aggression», then where is the aggression coming from?
IF ONLY people would spay / neuter.
IF ONLY people understood the wonderful connection that can happen when they bring a pet into their home.
IF ONLY people would provide a safe place for their pets.
If only people paid as much attention to the money side of the experience.
If only people listened (er, read) and applied these tips!
Now if only People magazine would start reviewing self - pubbed books, we'd really have something to write about.
However, simply making more and more comics available digitally doesn't do much if the only people that know about it are the same ones that we're buying in print or if the material is essentially unnavigable to anyone that isn't already steeped in decades of comic lore so that they sort of already know where to begin or what to seek out.
Anyone who has written articles, poems or stories online for sites like Hubpages, could put together a book using Createspace, even if the only people who ever get a copy are their family and friends!
If only people thought a little more about it, they would see that life is not worth worrying about so much.
Completely true, if only people were more willing to do some investigation instead of blindly following the masses with incorrect information and marketing from the manufactures, I personally use a variety of different ereaders and I am able to read any box on all other devices by reformatting ebooks to which ever format required.
But in reality, the number of books you sell will be limited if the only people who buy it are the ones specifically looking for it.
The wagon is the considered pick but the coupe turns heads — if only people whose exclamations you don't need to be a lip - readers to work out.
If only people understood exactly how important the wheel and tire decision is when purchasing a vehicle and how that choice can make or break the overall handling dynamics and ride quality of an automobile, not to mention owner's pocketbooks.
The education establishment is convinced that if only people knew how expensive charter schools were and how much money they take from public (as if charters aren't) schools.
If only people had enough sense to boycott this trash and send a fuck you to the money grubbing jerkoffs in Hollywood...
Apparently I am one of the few people (If only people) that doesn't care for his films.
The way some people describe online dating it is as if the only people that use online dating sites are those with murky pasts.
For example, if the only people you are interested in are Indian singles, then the best places for you to start meeting new people that you can date are Indian dating sites.
And if you are already dating, you know how frustrating dating can be, especially if the only people you get to meet are those without kids.
So many times I've been editing my own outfit photos for the blog and thinking to myself that if only people would know what happened before or after those photos were shot.
Why are we even showing beautiful new creations each season if the only people who can afford it are going to wear a Yankees hat?
If only people shared this thought process!
Everyone says that «If only some people could just eat less and exercise more, we would solve this problem it's their fault».
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