Sentences with phrase «if other clinical signs»

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If circadian rhythm disruption is more sensitive to deficiency than night blindness, then it may occur in the absence of other clinical signs, at serum retinol concentrations within the reference range, and at vitamin A intakes above the RDA.
Secondly, try to observe if there are other clinical signs such as nose or eye discharge, inappetence, lethargy, and / or vomiting.
While tail chasing behavior is just one of the clinical signs, it's important to note if your cat engages in this activity, how often, and what other signs of the syndrome your cat may display.
As cats age, or if clinical signs are present, some owners choose to have other diagnostic techniques, such as X-rays or ultrasound, performed on their cats to fully evaluate the thyroid gland and help determine the best strategy for treatment beyond medication.
Other clinical signs may include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, ataxia, aimless wandering, walking in circles, hyper - excitability or coma.6 Horse owners should contact a veterinarian immediately if they notice signs or symptoms of WNV infection in their horses, especially ones exhibiting neurological signs.
Alternatively, veterinarians may not proactively test any cat — healthy or ill — specifically for heartworm disease, because, among other reasons, they may believe asthma or bronchitis is instead the cause of clinical signs (which heartworm disease often mimics) or because no specific treatment is available for heartworm - infected cats (even if heartworm disease is confirmed).3 They may instead administer and prescribe empirical therapies to prevent, lessen, or resolve any clinical signs.
If the resting / sleeping breathing rate is increased and other «clinical signs» as outlined below are observed, then the situation may represent an emergency.
Other clinical signs may include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, ataxia, aimless wandering, walking in circles, hyperexcitability or coma.7 If horse owners notice signs or symptoms of WNV infection in their horses, they should contact a veterinarian immediately, especially if horses are exhibiting neurological signIf horse owners notice signs or symptoms of WNV infection in their horses, they should contact a veterinarian immediately, especially if horses are exhibiting neurological signif horses are exhibiting neurological signs.
If these tests are not possible, the diagnosis must be made on a combination of other factors, including clinical signs and laboratory tests which can include blood tests and analysis of fluid sampled from the abdomen if the wet form is presenIf these tests are not possible, the diagnosis must be made on a combination of other factors, including clinical signs and laboratory tests which can include blood tests and analysis of fluid sampled from the abdomen if the wet form is presenif the wet form is present.
Dog Flu can not be distinguished from other causes of acute respiratory disease based on clinical signs alone.8, 9 If your dog shows any of these signs, contact your veterinarian and avoid taking him or her anywhere (other than the veterinarian's office) until a full recovery has been made.31
If diarrhea is severe or associated with several other clinical signs, your veterinarian will perform a series of tests in order to reach a diagnosis and to determine how sick your dog has become as a consequence of the diarrhea.
Other clinical signs can include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, ataxia, aimless wandering, walking in circles, hyper - excitability or coma.8 Horse owners should contact a veterinarian immediately if they notice signs or symptoms of WNV infection in their horses, especially if they are exhibiting neurological signs.
Other clinical signs may include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, ataxia, aimless wandering, walking in circles, hyper - excitability or coma.5 Horse owners should contact a veterinarian immediately if they notice signs or symptoms of WNV infection in their horses, especially if they are exhibiting neurological signs.
Others may cause other clinical signs such as difficulty in breathing if they are in the chest.
However, there are some dogs in these studies with two mutated genes and without clinical signs; it is unclear yet whether these dogs will later develop the disease or if other factors are necessary for DM to develop.
Identification of these autoantibodies supports the diagnosis if the dog has clinical signs and other laboratory data consistent with the disorder.
Other clinical signs may include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, ataxia, aimless wandering, walking in circles, hyperexcitability or coma.6 If horse owners notice signs or symptoms of West Nile infection in their horses, they should contact a veterinarian immediately.
Other clinical signs may include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, ataxia, aimless wandering, walking in circles, hyperexcitability or coma.4 Horse owners should contact their veterinarian immediately if they notice any of these behaviors.
If Atikus didn't consume many, it may be safe to assume that there won't be any long - term affects; however, if he displays signs of tremors, seizures or any other worsening clinical signs, visit your Veterinarian immediatelIf Atikus didn't consume many, it may be safe to assume that there won't be any long - term affects; however, if he displays signs of tremors, seizures or any other worsening clinical signs, visit your Veterinarian immediatelif he displays signs of tremors, seizures or any other worsening clinical signs, visit your Veterinarian immediately.
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