Sentences with phrase «if people start»

«If people start doing more equity plays, or if you see stretch senior going to 90 percent of the stack and charging yield - only pricing, that is a top - of - the - market sign,» Rollins says.
If people start quietly and then escalate by raising their voice, it's an indicator to stop and ask «What am I not hearing?»»
Relationships can quickly take a turn for the worse if people start distancing themselves and don't admit when the other person did or said something to upset them.
Consider what'll happen if people start building apps for PC (it is available «technically» by default for Windows 10 Mobile).
So there's a lot of coverage available and if people start sending it around again on Twitter and other social media that's certainly a good way.
If people start seeing that things could be better, then they start imagining how much better if certain people or classes were not keeping them back.
Whether he plans to bring his final creation to market is not clear, but maybe if people start asking for them, he'll deliver.
If people start emitting more CO2 for the same ammount of energy, more emissions.
In other words, if people start with a particular opinion or view on a subject, any counter-evidence can create «cognitive dissonance» — discomfort caused by the presence of two irreconcilable ideas in the mind at once.
If people start getting emotional, you look for common ground.
But the discussion in general would be advanced, IMO, if people start being explicit about their standards.
And if people start to take the pronouncements of such expert bodies as gospel, there is an obvious potential for abuse.
-- The current ranking will likely change dramatically if people start to actually use the feature (was fun to see myself there before I disappear)
If people start associating your product with something that actually matters to them, then you win.
What if people start giving bad ratings on Fiverrr because they expect a fully developed piece?
If people start buying Kindle Fires and Kindles and buying / getting content elsewhere, Amazon will never make a profit.
If people start to believe what is repeatedly talked or written about, they start to believe the negative.
Now that Washington State has lost its waiver and Indiana could be on a path to nonrenewal, we shouldn't be surprised if people start asking increasingly pointed questions about why other states, similarly noncompliant, haven't been dinged.
KB: If people start to make adjustments to their meetings and start to enjoy them more, or get more done, it can take on a life of its own.
«I can concentrate if there's music on or whispering but if people start walking around and doing stuff then I can't concentrate.»
But if people start driving more because they can afford it, will it hurt environmental efforts?
That's going to be me this summer if people start hopping on the Sebastian Stan Express after I've practically had it to myself for the last couple years.
I am a huge believer that if we all show that breast cancer takes lives - but not, if people start treatment at early stages - we do good for everybody and for our souls as well!
«My god, the single biggest mistake right now would be if people start thinking, «Do we really need all those new beds?»»
He added, «I won't raise as much money as (Cuomo) can, but I can tell you one thing that if people start hearing what they have been wanting to hear for a long time and start feeling that the person is honest and sincere about what he wants to get done, I think that the momentum will start building over this next nine months to the election.»
«If people start to use heroin more through Spice, that opens up a worrying question of whether more young people could move back to using heroin again,» says Fisher.
Especially if people start raising their game to Sanchez intensity!!
If people start setting dates, and they aren't from God directly, it is prone to fail and the devil just creates more and more division.
If people start losing coverage because of this ruling, the repubs will run from the decision like it's a disease.
In my honest opinion, for each of these problems if people start giving up and say that the world is coming to an end is meaningless.
The only possible disruption would come if people start hoarding food, which is exactly what he's advocating.
Low interest rates and additional money can be stimulative — but only if people start spending and putting the money into circulation.
If people start telling you right away to «get over it,» don't take this as an indication you shouldn't talk about it.
«I think if people started thinking about interruption as being really arrogant, they would interrupt each other less,» says Fried.
If people started to change things in order to better protect and improve their real economic situation, and not the economic situation they think they might one day have, Limbaugh would definitely stand to lose.
Would would happen if people started writing research papers and using the word «NO» when they mean «SOME» or «INSUFFICIENT»?
The reason for this is quite simple: If a person starts dating someone new and is crazy about that person in the beginning, the feelings may wane in a few months, and they may decide that the person isn't actually «the one» and may end it.
But being overweight can also be a gateway to anorexia or bulimia if a person starts trying to lose the weight in unhealthy ways.
This leads to unwanted weight loss even if the person starts eating more than usual, rapid or irregular heartbeat, insomnia, feeling nervous, anxious, or more irritable than normal, muscle weakness, and feeling hot when others do not.
If a person starts building up much bodyfat or feels sluggish this aerobic type training is also helpful.
For example, if a person starts staying up later and later every night, a device that tracks time spent in bed might help them realize it more clearly.
But who knows, an adventure may be the beginning of a beautiful relationship if that person starts enjoying the bisexual lifestyle and you find to have things in common.
The movie covers some of the same ground as Luc Besson's «Lucy,» about what might happen if people started using their full brain capacity.
If a person starts to show their pet early on that there isn't a problem with grooming, that pet will be a well - behaved animal while visiting a professional groomer.
Warhol said he had made the film because: «I could never finally figure out if more things happened in the 60s because there was more awake time for them to happen in (since so many people were on amphetamine), or if people started taking amphetamine because there were so many things to do that they needed to have more awake time to do them in... Seeing everybody so up all the time made me think that sleep was becoming pretty obsolete, so I decided I'd better quickly do a movie of a person sleeping.»
It would make more political headway if people started referring to it as an income tax reduction, which is what it is also, instead of a carbon tax.
If a person starts to drift out of their lane, there is an audible warning that will make the person aware of what is happening.
Sometimes, pay differences can also occur if the person started in - house and progressed up, compared to someone who came from private practice and were brought into the company at a higher rate for similar work.
What would happen if a person starts smoking after few years of purchasing the policy?
if people starting to buy more 4g handsets the prices of 4g plans will cm down.and the highlight is 4g video calls r ten time better than 3g vd calls.
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