Sentences with phrase «if peoples beliefs»

Because someone's beliefs inevitably end up in their decision making, getting into public policy, teaching our children, politics, etc.... Witch burning would still be around if peoples beliefs were not challenged.

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«But he keeps winning these Democratic primaries, and he's getting the support of a majority of Democratic voters despite his views that are clearly not Democratic, which tells me that the things he says transcend politics and if there is not universal acceptance, there's more widespread acceptance for his beliefs and viewpoints than I think people realize.»
You need people swapping stories, challenging both old and new beliefs if you're going to ask them to operate in a new way.
And I said, «Well, if you're discounting the number, what does this say about your belief in the people
If you examine the beliefs and habits of many successful people, you'll find a common denominator: They possess an unwavering vision that a high level of success is possible.
Same thing if you attempt to debunk the facts that the other person has marshaled to support that belief.
I've never cared if people agreed with my beliefs, choices or ways of running my companies.
My core belief is that if people have great jobs, you're going to have a great society.
Under Section 55 of the Data Protection Act (Unlawful obtaining etc. of personal data), a criminal offense has not been committed if a person has acted in the reasonable belief that he had in law the right to obtain data.
The core belief was that if you had fun, if you were relaxed, if you really connected with people, they would love it as customers.
And they share their belief that if you want real wealth in your life, you have to cultivate joy, surround yourself with people that make you better, and always find a way to give back.
Deb started at GE 30 years ago as an intern, and during her career climb, her core belief has been that if you put a group of 10 people in one room who think and look alike, and a diverse group of 10 people in another room, the diverse room will come up with better solutions to a problem.
Anyway, I stand by my belief that if you are a happy person with a healthy dose of self - esteem, it's hard to tell others to f off once you have f you money.
I may have my own beliefs as to which types of news and opinion are most reliable, but if lots of other people who trade decide the news is important, it will be an important day.»
Well, yeah... and I mean if what someone is really trying to achieve with this is to reduce practices that in any way, shape or form could indicate that someone bears them or their faith ill will... I don't think publicly humiliating people who would take the time to look up your dead ancestor's name and then take the time to drive to a temple and then get immersed in water on their behalf so that they (by their belief) have the option to accept your religion post mortem is really misguided and contrary to the spirit of freedom of religion in what it advocates.
If religious people just stopped try to force their belief system on to the rest of us and left it up to their gods then you would suddenly find a huge drop in the negative comments.
In other words, if they're exposed to people from outside their community, they may realize how ridiculous their beliefs are.
If there was any evidence that anything supernatural was real, real scientists would be testing that evidence to find out more and people like you and your indoctrinators would not need to manipulate (and threaten) others into belief!
If you look up blogs for people who were Democrats as youths and in their middle - age switched to Republican (neo-neocon is an excellent example), you'll see that they too were shunned for choosing the «wrong» belief.
@ Joe: And if your religion tells you that you must bring jihad to the nonbelievers of the world, and your religion tells you that if you die a martyr fighting and killing the nonbeliever, and so, in the name of your religion and your religious beliefs, you hijack 4 planes and kill 3,000 people, that makes you a proper person?
If you are imposing your beliefs on another set of people simply because they are different than you (thus crushing their rights in the process), you pretty much deserve all the mean name calling.
If a person senses they are being a pain at work by expressing opinions that their employer does not like, and / or the manner in which those beliefs are delivered, then it is good sense to lower the tone or move on to another job.
Now — I don't expect people to renounce their religion because of it.,... but it wouldn't suprise me if some fence sitters didn't get inspired to make their own minds up about their beliefs...
But even if some people do, who could be so foolish as to think that such beliefs are likely to be true?»
If you know anything about the history of the bible you know it was created by many writers, compiled and edited by Roman emperors, added to, translated, interpreted and actually pretty much ignored — except for a few sentences that sound old fashioned that people use to justify their beliefs and actions.
Personally — I don't care what people believe in — I am too tired of all the crazies to wase even a second dicussing my personal beliefs in an effort to convert them — If they can't see the basic silliness in religion — not my problem
Religious people are like criminals that attack you, and if you try to stop them, then they claimyou are trying to oppress their beliefs.
It's just a shame that we haven't come to the point in society where it should be required that those who make decisions must meet certain, more highly regulated, fool proof, corruption resistant criteria proving their intellect and open mindedness as well as weeding out individuals with preconceived notions, racist, sexist or religiously or other discriminative views (even if they themselves don't believe they are discriminative in their beliefs... this happens more than many people realize) and overall ignorant minds.
If your faith is so weak that the actions of other people can undermine it, you need to reexamine your beliefs.
He can champion equal rights for gay people, even if it goes against his personal religious beliefs.
it's good if it gets more people to stop following these ridiculous belief systems that have zero grounding in the realities of life that we now know to be axiomatic to existence.
If you don't get that, if you can't overlook your personal religious beliefs when someone is before you dying, then you are doing a grave disservice not only to those people but to your beliefIf you don't get that, if you can't overlook your personal religious beliefs when someone is before you dying, then you are doing a grave disservice not only to those people but to your beliefif you can't overlook your personal religious beliefs when someone is before you dying, then you are doing a grave disservice not only to those people but to your beliefs.
If religious people have a true religious belief system they would support changes to the health care system to solve affordability and universality problems.
In the end each person as the Bible states will be judged on whether he or she believes in Jesus as God's Son and Savior — if a person refuses to believe, he or she will spend eternity in Hell, while the person who does believe, even if their belief comes in the final moment of their life, will be saved.
If a group of people choose to live by a certain set of rules and actually don't mind, then their beliefs should be respected as we would want our beliefs to be accepted and respected as well.
If people whi disagree with its politics or beliefs have a problem, then they need to not patronize the chain.
Sure, invite people who aren't members of your faith / club / beliefs to attend your meetings and learn more, but if they want to join or be a leader, shouldn't the group be able to have at least some basic, common - sense requirements that they themselves set?
So, if you have actually read a bible and have a better argument for me than «I want proof» (because there is none, it's a religious BELIEF) or that Christians judge people or hate people (because as a TRUE Christian you must not judge & you must love thy neighbor) then I'm all for it!
How ARROGANT for people like Scott to pontificate and assume that if you don't believe his beliefs one is without question going to burn in a Hell he's come to believe because of some words contorted by some MAN thousands of years ago.
If our beliefs don't make us want to be a better person, something in them need to be cracked open in order to let light and life come on.
If you don't like Islam, if you not like the people who belief in this religion, so why bother and come here and put your commentIf you don't like Islam, if you not like the people who belief in this religion, so why bother and come here and put your commentif you not like the people who belief in this religion, so why bother and come here and put your comments?
A profession of belief on a person's death bed will mean nothing to their salvation if their life is full of sin.
If you judge people solely upon their beliefs or based upon the group (s) to which they belong isn't that the very essence of bigotry?
If people understood this crede, they would respect others beliefs.
So many religious well intended people want to impress God and religion upon others with various beliefs and arguments that include you will, «burn in hell if you don't» or other not so harsh or threatening consequences.
For all the ambition he has if he was so flippin smart he would have focused on a cure for life not try to killa persons belief.
I think spiritual leaders feel the obligation to ensure people are on the right «spiritual path» before moving to the next realm (whatever that might be based on personal beliefs or if there really is something beyond death).
HOWEVER, if this person was running for public office, instead of the «feel - good» story here, the media would vilianize this church for some inane belief that they would take wildly out of context and present it to the American public as the most fundamentalist extreme church ever to lay it's foundation on our shores.
So is it your view that if people are tortured or killed for their religious beliefs that if one claims to be Christian we are to turn a blind eye to this injustice?
I understand what religion has done to drive people away from the Bible and their god and they will pay for that but if you would discuss with me your reason for your belief and listen to mine I really believe there is a solution to the problems we all face and until we are ready to have sincere discussions we will not find them.
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