Sentences with phrase «if placed on»

Just putting them in a box on the ground isn't nearly as appealing as if you placed them on a cute bench.
Not only are Knowledge Management databases useful internally, but if placed on a website it will help answer all of your potential client's questions.
Extra bedding, linen (bed linen is changed every three days), towels (towels are changed daily if placed on the floor), infant cots available on request.
If placed on medication, periodic echocardiograms may be performed to help tailor the therapy to your pet.
Dogs can become very ill if placed on heartworm prevention when they have heartworm disease.
Dogs could get sick (vomiting, diarrhea, and / or death) if placed on heartworm prevention when they have heartworm disease.
Even normal dogs may be induced to seizure if placed on anticonvulsant medication and then abruptly withdrawn from it.
If placed on the Board, the BVF nominees would, subject to their fiduciary duties, pursue merger negotiations with MediciNova, Inc. or other actions that would be designed to enhance value and minimize risk for all Avigen stockholders.
As so much of the weight is in the screen part here than a normal laptop, it will tip over if placed on bent knees.
Included is a student handout, PowerPoint to act as a short lesson guide (two versions - scary and nicer) as well as a scream sound for students to use if placed on a shared area.
Xing - Dong Yang at the University of Alberta in Edmonton and colleagues reasoned that, if placed on a phone's user - facing camera instead of the main, rear one — which mostly points at the ground — such a set - up could monitor activity and track objects in the user's surroundings.
There are some great pros, like the easy - to - hold for baby style, its dishwater safe if placed on top rack and the price can't be beat.
This reflex causes a baby to automatically lift her head and turn it to one side if placed on her tummy.
-- Will my baby choke if placed on his or her back to sleep?
Although placing babies on their backs to sleep has been advised for several years, new research funded by the charity River's Gift is showing that some babies may be especially vulnerable if placed on their tummies to sleep: international research involving the University of Adelaide has uncovered a developmental abnormality in babies — especially in premature babies and in boys — that for the first time has been directly linked to cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
If placed on the mother's abdomen the baby then crawls towards the breast, called the breast crawl [26] and begins to feed.
If placed on the abdomen of the mom immediately after birth, the newborn can crawl up to the breast, through the fine - tuned sense of smell.
If placed on mother's stomach, baby can actually crawl.
His or her arms and shoulders are strong enough for the baby to be able to push him self up on straight arms if placed on his tummy.
The soil used for potting should be a light loam, greatly enriched with decayed manure; and though they will grow tolerably well if placed on the flue of a vinery or other forcing - house, they thrive much better when supplied with a gentle bottom - heat by being plunged in bark or other fermenting material.
If placed in the lower rack, the top may be pale while the bottom burns and vice versa if placed on the top rack.
Current options identified by Australian consumers — such as the highly identifiable kangaroo symbol — are likely only to confuse Chinese buyers if placed on beef products or milk.
If a place on Earth exists that casts zombies as the underdog, it would be the rough and tumble streets of East London.
I think if you place it on it that it might hide the scratch.
Its position on the back means you are likely to cover it with your fingers when holding the Streak and it will be blocked if you place it on a surface, so it's an awkward experience.
When you put catnip in a toy for your cats, or if you place some on the floor, or if you keep a fresh catnip plant near the window, your cats are going to go nuts for it.
Has rubber «feet» on it to prevent it from sliding around if you place it on the floor or hang it up.
if you place it on your waistline it is very uncomfortable when sitting.
Coloured rifts can be opened to send characters through if you place them on the corresponding colour, allowing them access to hidden areas for switches and keys.
If you place on emphasis on developing these, and other practical skills, you will come out of law school with an advantage over your peers.
It takes only a couple more seconds to say, «would you mind if I place you on hold for a moment.»
It means that you should have the «perfect sounding» speaker whatever room you're using it in and it won't matter if you place it on a table in the centre of the room or in a corner.
Its position on the back means you are likely to cover it with your fingers when holding the Streak and it will be blocked if you place it on a surface, so it's an awkward experience.
TIP: I find it easiest to paint bookcases if you place them on their back!

Not exact matches

The body adapts quickly, and if the demands being placed on the body are no longer challenging, no change can occur.
And the third bucket is in personal financial management — because we save people money, a service like Mint is a good place to say, «If you want to save money on your bills, here's a great way...»
Whereas if something relies on parachutes or wings, then you can pretty much only — well if it's wings, you can pretty much only land on Earth, because you need a runway, and most places don't have a runway.
If any good could come out of all of this, she told me, it would be to spread the word and making sure people know one simple thing: Pets should never be placed in an overhead bin on an airplane.
... I would also think that there probably would need to be some gates placed on withdrawals from the funds if there is an illiquid piece.
So in order to land on places like the moon, where there is no atmosphere and certainly no runways, or to land on Mars, where the atmosphere is too thin to land — even if there were runways — to land with a wing, you really have to get propulsive landing perfect.
«Companies have gotten very good at providing creature comforts to developers — they have candy, free lattes, free massages — but if you ask developers what they want, it's a quiet place to work, with a door that closes and more flexibility on getting to learn the technology and experiment.
If you're not in the car, or on the field, you can't perform — and that means someone else will take your place.
For example, if you want to carry anything on your run (phone, ID, money, etc.) you'll need a place to put these things.
If you have items worth displaying, place them higher up on the wall.
«Look for a place on their site to upload your resume, but send it even if they don't,» explains Wolfe.
If your gadget has a microphone next to the camera, make sure to place the cover on the opposite side.
So, if you're thinking of moving to a new city to save on expenses, be sure you take into account all the factors that go into its cost of living to find the place that's the best fit for you.
If you're trying to build wealth, cutting back on unnecessary expenses is a smart place to start.
The point is that if the airline does finally cancel the flight, you don't have to worry about having a place to stay that night — or to fight everyone else on the flight for a room.
And if we're building this thing to go the moon and Mars, then why not go to other places on Earth as well?
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