Sentences with phrase «if politicians»

Better marriages, which take higher level communication skills, make for happier kids, better lives for the whole family, a better country if politicians would learn cooperative problem - solving, and ultimately for peace in the world.
If politicians don't share these values, then they don't deserve to represent us.
If politicians out to «defund» Planned Parenthood have their way, they will block millions of patients who depend on Medicaid and other public health care programs from accessing care at Planned Parenthood health centers.
If politicians in Congress succeed in «defunding» Planned Parenthood and in shutting down Planned Parenthood health centers, they would cause a national health disaster.
When considered in conjunction with Chapter 2 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Report 2009 and the Senate's Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee's 2013 Report titled «Value of a justice reinvestment approach to criminal justice in Australia», we will understand that solutions are within our grasp if politicians have the courage and willingness to embrace them.
If our politicians, so - called Aboriginal leaders and other reconciliation enthusiasts want something to cry about, or hold a minute's silence for, they should get out and look at the appalling health conditions, lack of housing and the shameful level of education among our black fellow Australians.
It seems as if politicians are sometimes the most outspoken critics of cryptocurrencies.
After all, it's not exactly as if politicians are world renowned for being the most trustworthy folks on the planet.
I wonder if politicians should have the same code of conduct that we lawyers have?
So, if politicians can't blame the judges they appoint, and they can't blame the laws they enacted, what can they argue in the face of these pesky Charter decisions that have stymied so many legislative agendas?
So, he is free to switch at will from the scientist to the politician, and on top of that he states that it's not important if politicians lie?
I hold special scorn for those who want to tear away funding for programs that mostly benefit the disadvantaged, because this is pure gamesmanship — if politicians were serious about balancing the budget, they'd either tackle defense and entitlement programs, or do something that would be much, much better for the economy than slashing government spending: raise taxes on the wealthy.
In any event, if politicians and the general public are finally persuaded to the view that scientists are certain about the on - set of disastrous AGW, it is almost certain that climate research will suffer badly.
I do not know if our politicians are just gullible fools or whether they are just using these hysterical beat ups as deliberate excuses to increase their political power.
But if the politicians really want us to «wean ourselves off of fossil fuels» this should be no long - term hurdle.
For many years, McKibben thought that if politicians just read The End of Nature and looked at data on global warming, they would decide to change things.
If our politicians in the UK do not follow this up they are as dumb as we think they are.
If politicians were solely motivated by selfish concerns then they would either reject AGW outright or make serious noises about it but not actually follow it up with serious action.
But environmentalists say no matter how many scientific puzzles are solved, if the politicians do not integrate these solutions into their policymaking, climate change can not be curbed.
If politicians at the UN climate change talks in December agree to cut emissions by 3 per cent every year, the world can limit temperature rise to a «safe» 2 °C, the Met Office says.
I'm also not fully clear if when he says» the recent extreme weather should finally «put to bed» political arguments around the need to reduce energy sector emissions» he is arguing that this case has now been made or if politicians should be taking this opportunity to make it unequivocally.
Writing at, Doug Powers warns that» if some politicians think they can swim in the waters of AGW without getting wet or soaking taxpayers, they should think again.»
But he has good handle on policy issues it would be good if politicians listened more to him.
Danger of Undermining Emissions Mitigation Efforts If politicians are led to believe that a low - cost technological fix can reduce or eliminate the need for politically difficult actions such as increasing the cost of carbon by cap and trade schemes or taxation, going against the wishes of powerful fossil energy corporations, and getting countries all around the world to agree on climate goals, it is likely to undermine their resolve to deal with the underlying cause of the problem by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
If politicians want to act as if scientific uncertainty doesn't exist, that should be their problem.
We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn't interfere with it.»
«States are meant to protect their citizens, and if politicians will not do this of their own accord, then the courts are there to help.»
Scientists considered what would happen if the politicians and players on the continent worked with international partners to constrain global warming to a 2 °C rise, or alternatively took no action and allowed global temperatures to soar to 3.5 °C.
Likewise, the current policy outlook indicates that warming would still exceed 2 °C in the second part of this century — a result that will be more likely if climate is slightly more sensitive than the lowest credible estimates or if politicians» pledges to reduce emissions do not bear out.
If politicians could simply commit to a modest and achievable 50 per cent renewable energy target, this would create 28,000 new jobs.
One has to wonder if Politicians as of late would be concerned about Global Warming as they are if there weren't Big Dollars to be made off of Global Warming fears.
If politicians remain at loggerheads, citizens must lead.
In such a case, perhaps it would be more effective if the politicians took the initiative to convince the American public that climate change legislation is necessary for America's safety, much like how President Bush demanded that the Patriot Act was necessary.
Let's see if politicians who like the idea have the courage to face down these charges.
If politicians see that such a large group of voters supports learning about climate change, they might think twice about persecuting the scientists.
But if our politicians thought rationally and cared about the future, we would not have had Iraq, or even a 20 year delay in mileage standards.
Trustees serve a vital purpose in the culture sector, but only if politicians avoid the temptation to meddle...
Not that I'm saying this kind of stunt will get rid of certain video games we love, but if politicians or advocacy groups really wanted us never to play mature - rated games again.
I would propose to you, that if politicians take notice, and there is government intervention, we all lose.
If our politicians want to improve their reputations, they should open their books to prove they've got nothing to hide.
What if the politicians that made economic decisions had to have advanced degrees in economics?
But it would be beneficial if the politicians who pass laws regulating markets (which I support in principle if not in every detail) would understand the distinctions.
Actually I am a comp scientist and want to use machine learning to analyse if politicians tweet influence markets.
«It can only be a bad thing if politicians are too stupid and lazy to not make sure everybody benefits.»
Schools would succeed if politicians would listen to the teachers.
If politicians really want to understand how to prepare our children for college, maybe they should try a new — for them - approach and consult experts with a great track record of knowing what makes kids college - ready.
Diane Ravitch, the nationally respected educator who was a key player in George W. Bush's «No Child Left Behind» initiative and initially was a strong supporter of charter schools, often asks if our politicians ever pay attention to the results of the policies they create.
So perhaps, if politicians were so concerned about the opioid epidemic as they seem to be, they might want to investigate marijuana as a safer alternative, rather than continuing to fight a losing battle against it.
If politicians wanted us to think for ourselves they'd stop using emotive language like a modern day mob on the hunt for witches.
If the politicians and governments funding climate research feel the heat of the electorate due to these emails, I guarantee that they'll throw the book at these individuals at CRU first before acknowledging that they were had.
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