Sentences with phrase «if rich nations»

But if rich nations all agree that capping emissions in developing countries is not yet expected because they haven't reached our level of emissions, doesn't that null and void the whole point of cutting emissions?
If the rich nations continue to grow in income and the poor ones systematically narrow the income gap with successful development, by 2050 the global economy might increase sixfold and global energy use roughly fourfold.
This is the amount of the UNFPA's projected budget that Japan would be expected to pay if the rich nations» share of funding was divided between them in proportion to their GNP.

Not exact matches

The facts are not right here, energy is cheap that means the cost of manufacturing and transporting of goods is low, food and consumers staples already more affordable, so what if a few American oil companies going out of business.the cost of producing oil in middle east is less than $ 10 / bl and we were paying more than $ 140 / bl for it, with that huge profit margin the big oil companies and oil producing nations became richer and the rest of us left behind, with the oil price this low the oil giants don't want to reduce the price at pump even a penny, because they are so greedy.worst case scenario is some CEOs bonuses might drop from $ 20 million to $ 15 millions I am sure they will terms of the stock market it always bounces back, after all it's just a casino like game.
Peoples» attention has been distracted into speculation about of how they might get rich in a parallel universe that might exist in theory — if one accepts the narrow - minded assumptions that are being taught — but whose most important real - world consequence is to impose a debt spiral on America and other nations.
The new world order is basically a social change that is happening right now because of: the advent of networking and networking communications, the degree of inequality that is starting to surface across the developed worlds, the richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer, and a number of other factors that we'll get into, but it's changing the forms governance, it is going to change the forms of institutions that haven't changed since the Breton Woods at the end of the Second World War which were predominantly US - based institutions if you would: IMF, World Bank in Washington, the United Nations in New York.
every man is Jesus if is human a humanitarian who give they life the soldier the real citizen other are person and people we all are a family GOD is the woman we all had a mother think Obama mama is all our mama this nation brain wash because greed and ignorance everyday in deception and manipulation is world order that is why 9/11 call the police the CIA explain all in movie in deception the rich few know all is in the moral, respect and honor the president is correct all in the education but ignorance is bless because we all have greed, they want dome is shipper that is why gay a lot in this nation ignorance..
If the poorer nations are to improve their standard of living does this mean at least slower growth in the richer nations?
Even if this does not happen, even if the United States continues on as the greatest and richest and most powerful nation in the world for many generations to come, are you making preparations now to hold the fort for future Christian generations?
Latest was explosions in India marked as «Islamic Jihadists» and another in Pakistan although I was surprised that it was not marked as «Hindu Jihadists»... That would have had both Great Countries confront each other serving the purpose of other competing nations over the Rich Indian Peninsular... Believe me no nation fall back unless people of her own are traitors to it's nations principals and beliefs for the reason of Hate, Envy, Revenge, or Greeds towards material wealth even if by selling their Dignity and integrity or their family, tribe, community, the nation and the country it wouldn't mean much to them... and those can be found among every level of the one Society...
And if fuel shortages are a bother for us, they are devastating to the poor countries; the energy crisis is widening the gap between the rich and the poor nations of this world at a terrifying pace.
The religious scene in America is quite different from everywhere else, if for no other reason than that we are by far the richest and most powerful nation in the world.
This vision, if taken seriously in this country, for example, would lead to more emphasis upon a positive strategy to overcome the growing gap between the rich nations and the poor and less on the dominant negative strategy of containing the enemy by filling him with fear of our power to destroy him.
If you agree that environmental deterioration is important, that net international capital is a significant consideration, and that a nation is better off economically when the gap between the rich and the poor is narrowed, then our figures will be useful to you in evaluating how much correlation there is between changes in per capita GNP and economic welfare.
Pushed incessantly by figures like the World Bank's McNamara, the idea that nations could become rich only if they moved to control their population rates became an article of faith among Western and Western - educated intellectuals in Asia — a faith backed up by aid dollars linked to the willingness of recipient countries to develop control measures.
You may be an uneducated farmer, but if you give your son or daughter a good education, he or she will be successful in life, will become an asset to this nation and will come back here to help transform Badu into a small town of rich farmers.»
Every interview with David Cameron and — especially — George Osborne, particularly on the economy, has to begin with the question: «If we're all in this together, and this is the age of austerity, why are you so wedded to a tax cut for the nation's richest estates?»
Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi called the analysis «more misguided and cherry - picked propaganda that fails to take into account the skyrocketing energy bills, increased reliance on dirty - burning fuels, hundreds of lost New York jobs and setbacks in this state's nation - leading efforts to combat climate change that would occur if these plants shuttered their doors.»
That would certainly skew the premise that rich nations are less religious than poor nations, even if the oil nations derive wealth from natural resources and not industry.
The cartoon has Obama walking across the Falls, and in the water torrents are images of the urber - rich, billionaire Koch (pronounced coke) Brothers.The Kochs have put their vast right - wing network on notice that the 2012 election will determine if our nation «survives».
If the 50p tax was going to plug the hole in the nation's finances, then it might be a good thing, and it would be right that the rich should pay a larger share.
Then Mr Huhne actually turned on the Tories: «If you keep beating the anti-European drum, if you slaver over tax cuts for the rich, you will... wreck the nation's economy and common purpose!&raquIf you keep beating the anti-European drum, if you slaver over tax cuts for the rich, you will... wreck the nation's economy and common purpose!&raquif you slaver over tax cuts for the rich, you will... wreck the nation's economy and common purpose!»
If this applies to gut bacteria too, it could explain higher rates of allergies and other inflammatory diseases in rich nations.
If you lean toward the second narrative, I predict you read the Wall Street Journal, listen to conservative talk radio, watch Fox News, are pro-life and anti — gun control, believe America is a Christian nation that should not ban religious expressions in the public sphere, are against universal health care, and vote against measures to redistribute wealth and tax the rich.
If the IAEA can not provide the leadership it is supposed to, then the governments of the rich nations must get together and help to make sure that the former Soviet Union's nuclear reac - tors can not leak nuclear materials abroad.
And as if to reflect in flesh and blood the nation's rags - to - riches rise, the Japanese have grown an average of 3 to 4 inches since the Second World War.
Put it this way: if a mainstream publisher can put out something as utterly amateurish as Frederic Rich's Christian Nation, they clearly have no monopoly on quality.
Belize is home to unspoiled rainforests, endangered species, ancient Mayan cities and lush beaches, so if these criteria don't describe a nation rich in treasures, nothing will!
To mark the occasion, Olav Kjorven, assistant secretary general of the United Nations for development policy, submitted a comment on my recent post asking if the world's wealthiest people need new goals even as rich countries work to foster human and environmental progress elsewhere.
On paper, political accord was reached after rancorous fights between rich and poor nations and emerging powers that, in the end, almost all agreed to recognize, if not yet adopt, a nonbinding plan to curb greenhouse gases, save rain forests, shield vulnerable people and share the costs.
If so, your device could very well contain cobalt from the Democratic Republic of Congo, an impoverished yet mineral - rich nation in central Africa, that provides 60 percent of the world's cobalt.
Cutthroat competition between nations has deadlocked U.N. climate negotiations for decades: rich countries dig in their heels and declare that they won't cut emissions and risk losing their vaulted position in the global hierarchy; poorer countries declare that they won't give up their right to pollute as much as rich countries did on their way to wealth, even if that means deepening a disaster that hurts the poor most of all.
UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said, «I think the great thing about the Commonwealth conference is that we could find nations that were rich and poor, nations that were facing directly now climate change and nations who were debating it but hadn't felt the full impact of it, all coming together to agree something that, you know, if a third of the world can agree at the Commonwealth conference, then perhaps the whole of the world can agree at Copenhagen.»
... the logic of such studies suggest (extremely) dangerous climate change can only be avoided if economic growth is exchanged, at least temporarily, for a period of planned austerity within [rich] nations...
But let's work out what happens if the other rich nations adopt both the UK's targets and its draft approach to carbon offsets.
Schandl et al (2016) show that even if we (a) impose a carbon price of $ 50 per ton, rising by an extraordinary 4 % per year to $ 250 per ton, and (b) somehow miraculously manage to double the material efficiency of our economies more or less immediately, rich nations will still only be able to achieve decarbonization of max 4.7 % per year.
Schandl et al (2016) suggest that some rich nations might be able to bump this up to a maximum of 4.7 % per year in the future if they roll out a high and fast - rising carbon price, and somehow manage to double their material efficiency.
If the poorer nations are forced to accelerate the burning of fossil fuels, to feed and house and employ their expanding populations, then their carbon dioxide production will soon dwarf that of the rich industrialized countries.
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) which released its comprehensive report on the current status of bioenergy today, says the conflict between growing crops for food versus biofuels is artificial and can be resolved if the United States, Europe and other rich countries drop protectionist policies and work with developing nations to increase the use of the eco-friendly fuels.
If we can increase atmospheric CO2 without rich nations suffering, say, killer heat waves, then it's more likely that we'll just continue burning all the coal'til it's gone.
«Measures like these acknowledge that if we believe in fairness and justice for everyone, and know that our diversity makes us richer, we can come together to make a nation we can all be proud of,» Mr. Mohamed added.
If attachment to nation of origin was situated in terms equivalent to that of attachment theory in the consciousness of individuals, then a richer understanding of the construct could be elucidated.
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