Sentences with phrase «if signs of infection»

At first, an infected dog may show few if any signs of infection; but, as the worms grow and mature, they cause increasing damage.
If signs of an infection are present when the glands are emptied, your vet will put the dog on antibiotics.
You should also see a doctor right away if signs of infection are present.

Not exact matches

You should also be aware of the signs of engorgement from breasts that are too full, mastitis from a breast infection or sore nipples so you can get medical assistance if these problems occur.
KellyMom also notes that you may need antibiotics immediately if your baby is less than two weeks old, if you have broken skin on the nipple with signs of infection, if your milk is bloody or has pus in it, and if your temperature increases suddenly.
If such signs and symptoms of yeast infection as white scales and lesions appear with red rash and swelling, occurrence of small red «satellite» pimples or redness in the folds of baby skin.
Call a doctor if your nipples show signs of infection along with the sore, chapped feeling.
An antibiotic may be needed if a fever is present for longer than 24 hours or if you are showing signs of a bacterial infection such as a cracked nipple, blood in your milk, or red streaks at the infection site.
If you notice blood in a baby boy's diaper, or more than just an occasional drop in your baby girl's diaper, it may be a sign of a kidney issue or urinary tract infection.
If your child has chronic illness, special needs, or has signs of allergies or sensitivities such as asthma, chronic respiratory infections, or chronic ear infections, a modified schedule may be necessary.
Contact your pediatrician if diarrhea persists as it may be a sign of infection or an allergy.
See your pediatrician if it is staying on longer than that or if it is showing any signs of infection.
If you're experiencing any of the above issues, then don't let someone tell you that «everything looks fine» — it is either a sign that damage is being done or of some underlying condition (infection, etc.).
A baby with a systemic bacterial or yeast infection (including thrush), may also develop diaper rash so be sure to check in with doctor if you baby has a diaper rash that isn't improving in 3 to 4 days or if baby shows any other signs of illness, as these types of diaper rash may require more specialized over the counter or prescription treatments.
Other signs of infection include a red or swollen area around the base of the stump, yellow or white pus, a foul odor, or if it seems like the area is painful.
You can find more symptoms of urinary tract infections in infants here and see if your baby has other signs of illness too.
If your baby develops a fever it may be the sign of an infection of the cord stump.
If your child develops a heat rash, pay close attention to possible signs of an infection which can include a fever higher than 100 Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius), chills without a known cause, swollen lymph nodes (in the groin, armpit, or neck), pus draining from the area, red streaks from the area, or an increase in warmth, swelling, redness, or pain in the affected area.
Of course, if you develop symptoms of an infection or there are other signs that your baby is not thriving, you'll be induced or delivered by c - sectioOf course, if you develop symptoms of an infection or there are other signs that your baby is not thriving, you'll be induced or delivered by c - sectioof an infection or there are other signs that your baby is not thriving, you'll be induced or delivered by c - section.
If you see red spots with white heads then it might be an idea to seek medical advice as this could be a sign of infection.
Observe you child behavior and if you see any signs of skin irritation or urinary tract infection, consult with your child's pediatrician.
If your child has never had asthma before and is wheezing, then it could be the first sign of asthma, or he may have a viral infection, like RSV / bronchiolitis.
Expect to be extra careful if your low weight baby has trouble feeding, keeping warm, or shows signs of infection.
«But as a general rule, if a child has had a cold for more than 10 days, seems less energetic, or looks drawn, you should call the doctor — even if you don't see signs of a sinus infection
Signs of an infection, such as redness and fever, will be present if you do have an infection.
If you notice any signs of infection (pus, bad odor, red skin, tenderness, elevated body temperature or bleeding), you should call the pediatrician.
During the recovery, call the doctor if your child doesn't seem to be getting better or if he develops a fever, which may be a sign of an infection.
If your baby has diarrhea and a reddish poo, it could be a sign of a bacterial infection.
If your baby shows signs of having an ear infection, talk with his doctor.
If you have severe pain in your breasts or pain in only one breast or one area of one breast, particularly if you have a fever, you should be checked by a health care provider, as this can be a sign of a clogged duct or an infectioIf you have severe pain in your breasts or pain in only one breast or one area of one breast, particularly if you have a fever, you should be checked by a health care provider, as this can be a sign of a clogged duct or an infectioif you have a fever, you should be checked by a health care provider, as this can be a sign of a clogged duct or an infection.
If the clamp is still attached, Ms Wee advises that you gently lift it and «clean around the base of the cord and from the base upwards,» while keeping an eye out for a foul smell, pus or redness around the base, which could be signs of infection *.
Babies exposed to chlamydia at delivery should be followed closely for signs of infection and only be treated if they get signs of chlamydia infection.
Contact the Plastic Surgery Unit if you have any questions or if your child has signs of infection.
Call your doctor if your child shows any sign of a middle ear infection (ear pain, drainage from the ear), which can be caused by a cold.
The other type is if you see the diaper rash and it has like small little pimples, to the outside of the redness, so you see like red dots that are actually a sign of a yeast infection.
While emptying the affected breast can help with mastitis, antibiotics are your best line of defense if symptoms last for more than 12 to 24 hours, one sign your mastitis is caused by a bacterial infection and won't clear up on its own.
If you are still trying to figure out if you are pregnant or not the sign of frequent urination may be also because you may have a urinary tract infection or diabeteIf you are still trying to figure out if you are pregnant or not the sign of frequent urination may be also because you may have a urinary tract infection or diabeteif you are pregnant or not the sign of frequent urination may be also because you may have a urinary tract infection or diabetes.
Diarrhea can be a sign of an infection or allergy, and if it lasts for a while without being treated, can lead to dehydration.
She may recommend that you start with home treatment (see below) at first, but if the pain gets worse or you develop signs of infection, she may prescribe you an antibiotic that's compatible with breastfeeding.
If you're a GBS carrier, your baby will be observed closely for signs of infection — regardless of whether you were treated with antibiotics during labor.
Call your child's doctor or get emergency medical care if your new baby shows any of these possible signs of infection:
If your baby shows signs of infection while the burn is healing, take him to the doctor.
Ask your care provider for support if you are noticing signs of infection.
But, if the bleeding or discharge persists past the first week or if you notice a foul odour contact your GP as this can be a sign of infection.
You may need to be evaluated in a hospital's emergency department if the breast pain is associated with other signs of an infection (such as a fever, swelling, or redness to the breast) and if your health care provider can not see you promptly.
If your baby's umbilical area or penis (for circumcised boys) becomes red or starts to ooze or bleed, it could be a sign of a bacterial infection, and it needs antibiotic treatment right away.
A fever is the body's way of fighting off infections, so it is seen as a healthy sign if the body is responding with a mild fever.
If you have foul smelling lochia, chills or a fever, it can be a sign of an infection and requires medical attention.
If the pain is unbearable and doesn't reduce after a few days, it could be a sign of an infection.
If your daughter has not yet experienced puberty, but she develops a yeast infection, which can be a sign of diabetes.
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