Sentences with phrase «if sleepy»

I also wonder if sleepy, hungry gamers are the ones gaming at work, which would probably mean even more time lost.
If you're not quite in that income bracket, the «old» Punta Mita is a lovely if sleepy little town, but quite a few gringos have immersed themselves in the town and real estate opportunities here are still excellent.
While I'm not proposing an active investing style, or a guaranteed return strategy, I wonder if after 20 years, and the IF the sleepy portfolio is still lagging, (a) is it time to give up on it?
If the Sleepy Portfolio had a higher value, it would make sense to rebalance by selling REITs and Real Return Bonds and buying US and EAFE stocks.
If the Sleepy Portfolio had a higher value, it would make sense to rebalance by selling some Canadian Equities and REITs and buying some US and EAFE stocks.
Having said that, I'd be surprised if the Sleepy Portfolio's return is markedly different from the returns reported from Norm's Upside / Downside calculator available here:
If sleepy beach towns and breathtaking sunsets sound like the dream they are, keep reading for part 2 of my Greece travel guide!
Having said that, I'd be surprised if the Sleepy Portfolio's return is markedly different from the returns reported from Norm's Upside / Downside calculator available here:
For example, if the sleepy portfolio approach would not have generated much in returns over the past ten years or if it did great, I think it would help people to know that.

Not exact matches

Horror of horrors — Even if we killed ourselves he would probably be chasing us around in the afterlife like those characters in the former television show «Sleepy Hollow».
And so I rise again, and again, and again, never knowing if you will be sleepy or ravenous or recalcitrant, or if our next session will be like walking beside the still waters or wrestling with an angel.
I started looking into what I was eating when I first moved here mainly to see if it would help me concentrate better, feel less sleepy and make my stomach less upset.
Holwell, Tasmania (a sleepy little town that you would miss if you blinked).
If you have a hard time getting things done because you feel sluggish, sleepy and tired all the time, what your body needs is a great pick - me - up!
Don't care if you don't like how sleepy he looks, fact is he created 5 chances yesterday, 4 of them in the first half and I can count 3 - 4 of those were proper chances (Sanchez, Giroud, Ramsey).
Things that have worked for other parents: getting rid of the baby bucket & getting a rear - facing convertible seat; putting the seat slightly more upright (for older babies whose heads don't slump forward & no more than 30 degrees), putting the radio station to static & having it the same volume as the crying, singing, trying different kinds of music, sitting in the back with the baby (obviously only works if someone else can drive:)-RRB-, having toys that are just for the car, only going somewhere when baby is sleepy... I'm sure there's others, those are the most common
If he is sleepy enough to go on to sleep, you can put him down gently and pat his back until he falls completely asleep.
If you hang in there you will be rewarded with an independent, self - assured little one year old who will be chatting it up with everybody and laughthe day through and who will when you say, its sleepy sleepy time, go to his / her bed without too much fuss because he / she trusts you because he / she remembers (not consciously but yes remembers) that you were always there for her at night and you nursed her to sleep (your wife that is) and you always come.
If not, I'll rock her a bit till lightly sleepy (drowsy doesn't work) and she'll go back to sleep for another 30 mins.
If you have an epidural during labor, your baby might be sleepy at first - but you can still successfully breastfeed.
If you little one is too sleepy, he / she needs some helpful stimulation to nurse:
Be prepared, even if you have a medicated labor and delivery, to ask for help if your baby is sleepy or has some trouble getting started at the breast.
But if she vomits again, becomes unusually sleepy, is weak or confused or seems to have any type of problems with coordination or vision, you need to take her to a doctor immediately.
Check if your baby is tired, sleepy, hungry, or in need for diaper changing.
If she is sleepy in the late evening, try to keep her awake little longer.
If he looks sleepy, try putting him down for a nap.
Sometimes newborns are too sleepy to fully awaken themselves to nurse, so be sure to wake your baby if he doesn't wake up often enough on his own.
If your child's pitch is going up as she's insisting she's no longer sleepy, then the parent needs to calm their voice by going low and slow.
That way if they heat up a bottle and don't use the whole thing (missed a sleepy cue!)
Let's say, you've already went in a couple of times and next time you go in about 30 mins later, usually it's too long for them to be crying, especially if they're sleepy.
Though I'd never mastered the art of lowering a sleeping baby into a crib without waking him up, it occurred to me at one point that if I just laid him in the crib (which had been used as a giant laundry basket for months) when he was sleepy, he'd probably fall asleep without much fussing and sleep all the way through the night, sparing my nose in the meantime.
If your baby tends to be quite sleepy at the breast, breast compression may help him to continue nursing.
It may be easier to handle that trip in the car if your toddler takes a quick nap, but do your best to keep him awake or plan the trip for a time when he won't be sleepy.
If your baby is sleepy, not hungry or you're out somewhere, you can, of course, feed your baby solids at other times than suggested below.
Burping is also helpful if you have a sleepy baby.
If you're on a tight budget, still looking for a supreme quality crib mattress, you can consider Simmons Kids Beautyrest Beginnings Ultra Deluxe Sleepy Whispers 2 in 1 mattress.
or right after a feeding, which can help especially if you have a couple of sleepy eaters.
If an older baby suddenly starts peeing a lot more often or seldom, it is wise to look for other signs of illness, such as pain or fever, no appetite, sleepy, loses weight et cetera.
(If winner purchased a Belle, Boba or Sleepy wrap the day of demo,
If your baby is very sleepy, wake him to nurse every three hours during the day.
If you have a sleepy newborn, you may not notice any of the common signs of hunger.
We would have had no problem with just supplementing with straight up formula if it would have helped (and ended up switching to just fortified formula eventually because of allergies and dwindling supply)-- the reason they were doing the fortified instead of just extra bottles was because she was too weak / sleepy from her heart issues to drink enough liquid in the first place for the necessary calories.
If they are cranky from feeling sleepy resist the urge to put them on the swing and lull them to sleep with the motions.
However, if you notice that your baby seems unusually sleepy, refuses to wake for feeds, and / or has an orange tint to their skin, be sure to give your doctor a call right away.
It's time to call the doctor if your little one is too sleepy and you're having a difficult time waking her up for most of her feedings.
There really isn't much Alex doesn't like, he is such a happy little soul, but he is not a fan of getting changed for bed after his bath and he can get really grumpy if he is sleepy and I can't find his dummy.
It's important to be able to recognize the signs that your baby is sleepy; if your baby gets overtired, they'll be cranky and have trouble falling asleep.
But occasionally if I catch him when he's just woken up and still too sleepy to realise what's happening I'll get a cuddle out of him.
If a baby is sleepy, it doesn't mean they'll fall asleep on their own; they'll usually show signs that they're tired but not necessarily fall asleep.
If the baby is sleepy, work to keep them awake so that they get full feedings.
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