Sentences with phrase «if such»

If all such historical conditions, on the other hand, can be systematically ignored as irrelevant, it becomes highly problematic on what grounds we award the title of Christ to Jesus and yet continue to withhold it from Socrates or from Gautama.
If such an unimaginable project had been accomplished, then, as Lipstadt says, «one could legitimately expect a powerful force like «World Jewry» to have seen to it that no discrepancies were allowed to creep into research by Jewish scholars» and others; moreover, amidst the mountains of supposedly forged documents, surely the conspirators would have placed a paper with Hitler's signature beneath an order to exterminate Europe's Jews.
If such a continuum must be devised, it should continue far beyond the point of rationality, in order to demonstrate the position of those whose experiences and actions better emulate God's love.
We see the influence of imperial government, and we imagine all the good that could be done if such power could be harnessed for the church.
If such people want to act on and enjoy that aspect of themselves, then fine.
One needs to ask, though, if such a relationship does not have more negative consequences than Burgess politely states.
He allows that «taking this to extremes can be destructive,» but who is to say what is extreme, especially if such adventure is private, adult, and consensual?
In fact, it seems fair to say that the most common criticism process theists level against the God of classical free will theism is the claim that if such a being really existed and were wholly good, we should expect to see displays of divine coercive power more often.
Thus, since they believe that God is ultimate perfection, it might seem that they would uniformly deny that the process God would use any form of coercion, even if such coercion were possible.
But God's primary goal is for each of us to be as fully self - creative as possible, even if such creativity results in human oppression, and this is why God would not unilaterally keep self - creative individuals from abusing the freedom of others even if this could be done.
If such a view can pass as intellectually and morally serious, we are in deep trouble indeed.
If you would pick one religion, if such the help founded this country, it would be this religion.
For example, if such (vegetative) beings have rights, then human beings would likely starve in that they would have little, if anything, to eat.
Notice what this entails: postcolonialist guilt is after all a problem only for colonialists, which means, if such guilt is indeed a major motivation for interreligious dialogue, that it is likely to be only they who will be seriously interested in it.
Those agencies «provide a mechanism whereby if such an abuse should take place again — and no one can guarantee that it won't — we have now the systems in place that we can identify [abusers] quickly and rapidly and deal with them.»
Once again we need to understand that both conversion and nurture have a place in church education, if such education is to be Christian.
If such a teaching on faith or morals appears to anyone to conflict with earlier teachings, the problem is not with the truth of the Council's statement but with our understanding of the Church's full teaching of which the Council's statement is inescapably a part.
No, DavidE7, you are completely wrong, It IS impossible to pass a camel through an eye of a needle, and, it is even more impossible (if such a thing is possible) for a rich man to enter «heaven».
If such an arrangement works better for you, GO FOR IT!
If such a person is absent, nothing is left.
If such a key were found, it would allow Christianity no longer to be on the intellectual defensive, let alone in retreat.
Senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University Larry Diamond sees the countries of the world as heading more and more in recent decades towards democratic ways as if such a trend is inevitable (but also unpredictable).
The new president doesn't care if such policy forecloses use of the most plentiful native energy source in the United States» coal.
If such forces result in human well - being, then we ought to cultivate them to maximize human well - being, and ignore or destroy those that abate it.
If such a large percentage would be absent, it would seem prudent to make the day a school holiday.
If the goal that makes a school «theological» is to understand God more truly, and if such understanding comes only indirectly through disciplined study of other «subject matters,» and if study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete way.
If no such evidence is forthcoming, then one may fairly conclude that the real backing for the warrant must be found elsewhere than in a public realm of discourse — for example, in the personal belief of the theologian.
They are now, it seems, afraid of Jesus rather than the ex-maniac; if such a man could destroy swine, what else might he do?
The atheist's perspective is that there is insufficient evidence to reasonably believe in a deity but reserve the right to change their opinion if such evience is provided.
We also understood, as children, that if such an act created two or three Christians then it was noble and worthy as well as the greatest sacrifice.
David Hubbard, for example, in his taped remarks on the future of evangelicalism to a colloquium at Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Denver in 1977 noted the following areas of tension among evangelicals: women's ordination, the charismatic movement, ecumenical relations, social ethics, strategies of evangelism, Biblical criticism, Biblical infallibility, contextual theology in non-Western cultures, and the churchly applications of the behavioral sciences.2 If such a list is more exhaustive than those topics which this book has pursued, it nevertheless makes it clear that the foci of the preceding chapters have at least been representative.
In this way the stories of Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel, even if such people never existed, illustrate the human experiences of failure, guilt, broken relationships and conflict.
And even if such things are so painful and hard to bear that we men say, or at all events the sufferer says, «This is worse than death» — everything of the sort, which, if it is not a sickness, is comparable to a sickness, is nevertheless, in the Christian understanding of it, not the sickness unto death.
But if such reshaping of national fertility patterns is to be set in motion by government action, there would obviously have to be direct, far - reaching, and even forcible state interventions into the daily lives of the overwhelming majority of the citizens of these two countries — as well as others with similar «targets.»
Even if such teaching can not be derived directly from the Bible, the hierarchical understanding that supports it is quite explicit.
If such were actually the case, you would think I was crazy, or stupid, or a charlatan.
Although there is room for doubt if such procedure would do justice to the individuality of the historical phenomenon, that is, of the group hic et nunc, it must be pointed out that parallelisms and similarities exist which call for investigation.
He too claims that these things can be taken in an unlimited manner, even if such behavior leads to self - destruction.
I was wondering if you felt that she had a god - filled mind and if such a place, a place filled with dieing people, is a «happy place»?
To think and act as if such creaturely occasions were divine is to fall victim to idolatry, where the creature is worshipped as if it were the creator.
Even if the customs of hospitality might change, or even if such rites of passage as weaning might no longer be celebrated, the larger issue — the importance of play — remains evident.
Even if such preposterousness could be overcome, there would remain all of the questions of why perspective would not totally determine interpretation, as would happen if interactions were sheerly physical, and of how good art and good criticism would be distinguished from bad.9 Clearly, art and its impact can not be understood without some allowance for its status as an imaginative reality, a status deeply dependent on art's physicalness, but not reducible to physicalness.
I doubt if such a presentation of the Christian gospel is other than a palliative for those who are insecure, as well as offering a sort of reassurance to people who have been induced (often by quite dubious techniques) to feel enormously guilty about themselves.
What is not usually recognized is that even if some such persistence of the mind or soul does take place, there is no reason for thinking that this will be an enduring fact.
Third, if to don't know of anyone being in mental hospital because of belief in angels, how do you know if such treatment would be beneficial?
If such rants are to be expected of me then so be it.
I'm also Polish - American, I think the several million Poles slaughtered by Stalin would have appreciated it if such a commission of caring peoples had been there to stay the dictator's hand.
If such is truly the case (s) then each of our body - buildings has a landlord or God and this landlord / God does lease this body called building apartments out to those who are in need of residencies!
«He has heard the prayer of His servant your shepherd, and will grant it if such be your desire after I, His messenger, shall have explained to you its import — that is to say, its full import.
How would Jesus, if such a person existed, like that millions of moderates hide their heads in the sand while a minority behaves badly?
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