Sentences with phrase «if the aging process»

A group of researchers from Italy and Poland with expertise in paper degradation mechanisms was tasked with determining whether the degradation process has now slowed with appropriate conservation conditions — or if the aging process is continuing at an unacceptable rate.
In other words, these tips are for making a project look like what it would if the aging process happened naturally.

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Christian — if, together with the gains which this new day brings me, I did not also accept, in my own name and in the name of the world as the most immediate sharing in your own being, those processes, hidden or manifest, of enfeeblement, of ageing, of death, which unceasingly consume the universe, to its salvation or its condemnation.
It is this false and extremely non-biblical (as if that was our only authority) idea that has lead to some of the crazy notions coming from the church of the dark ages and infiltrating many people's thought processes today.
In language that the medical layman can easily understand, he unflinchingly, unsparingly, and in detail describes the process by which diseases such as heart failure, Alzheimer's, and cancer will eventually kill us all, and, if they do not, old age surely will.
It would have been strange if there were not at that time some who as in every age advocated a solution by the simple process of turning back the clock.
7 - If we defined growth as adding new material to our bodies, then DNA is living, because in the process of replication it add new sequences to its structure, but even in this case we have say it is non-living because DNA is not showing development which is the second part of growth, and simply development is the changes in structure living things undergo as it grow and age.
In response to the age old question whether or not there is a tree falling if there is no one present to see or hear it fall, process thought answers that indeed there is such a tree.
The so - called Tridentine rite, of course, far from being «medieval» has roots deep in pre-medieval antiquity (it is in any case a strange view of history in which the Counter-Reformation took place in the middle ages), and is a living manifestation of the Newmanian principle of development, wherebya process of continuous change is inevitable if the essence of the Church's faith is to remain the same: for, as The Catholic Herald pointed out in its admirable leader, the reforms of Pope St Pius V, enshrined in the Missal of 1570, itself containing ancient elements, «were inspired by the Council of Trent.
If an age is marked by what one observer has called «the thingification of man» the speech of the age will both record what is happening and make articulate the cries of hurt wrung out of the monstrous process.
Yet if, so understood, Bradley's work can be seen as the axis which, in the Anglo - Saxon world, turns nineteenth - century German Idealism and empiricist sensationalism into the twentieth century, it is Whitehead who firmly inhabits the new age, establishing the structural model of the process of feeling in the place of any attempt to provide an original or final Real, or a center or privileged locus for the nature of things.
I think if evryone knew the benefits of this lifestyle then more people would follow it, i believe it slows down the age process and literally makes you glow from inside out.
So if you want to delay immunization of your child to 2 months of age, the time to make sure you and your partner are low risk is not during the delivery process.
You should also try to start the weaning process before one year of age if possible.
It's widely recommended by many health professionals that children should start moving away from bottles and breastfeeding by one year of age, so try to work through the rest of the weaning process by this point if possible, too.
If your baby has not latched by 6 hours of age, hand expression will stimulate your body to begin the milk production process.
Weaning younger infants can be a little bit of a different process than it is with older children, so pay close attention to the requirements your baby has if you plan to start weaning at this early age.
If you need to learn how to stop co sleeping with toddler aged kids, be sure you can keep an open mind about communicating with your child throughout the process.
However, regardless of what age your child is, it's a good idea to first figure out if you're stopping the co-sleeping process at the right time.
If, however, you feel that your child should be the one to let you know or should possess some sort of awareness at this early age, your expectations are unrealistic and you should not attempt this process.
It's important to note that if you are feeding an infant under the age of 1, completely raw fruits and veggies are difficult for their tummies to digest and the cooking process makes the fiber more gentle.
The researchers are now in the process of evaluating the children's cognitive, motor and language development at age 1 to verify if the positive impact of exercise is sustained.
Although your kids will be exposed to a plethora of store - bought, processed treat foods throughout their childhood, they will likely become more selective with what they actually eat if they are exposed to high quality delicious foods at home from an early age.
If you plan to breast - feed your baby beyond age 1 — also known as extended breast - feeding — you might have questions about the process.
At this age, children also do better if you are cleaning with them, so consider alternating putting away blocks, or finding some way to involve yourself in the process.
«Restricting calories can slow your basal metabolism, and if by - products of metabolism accelerate aging processes, calorie restriction sustained over several years may help to decrease risk for chronic disease and prolong life,» says lead author Leanne M. Redman, associate professor of Clinical Sciences at Pennington Biomedical Research in Baton Rouge, LA.
One question asks voters if «you knew that it was rushed through the state Assembly at night, and through the Senate just before the July 4th holiday» and alleges the mechanism that waived the three - day aging process for bills through a message of necessity was done so «improperly» in order to «intentionally limit public debate.»
As of Sunday morning, neither the massive education, labor and family assistance bill or the ethics bill has appeared in print — meaning both will likely require a message of necessity from Cuomo to waive the required three - day aging process if officials want to meet Tuesday's on - time budget deadline.
«When we hear a sound, the normal aging brain keeps the sound in check during processing, but those with MCI have lost this inhibition and it was as if the flood gates were open since their neural response to the same sounds were over-exaggerated,» says Dr. Gavin Bidelman, first author on the study, a former RRI post-doctoral fellow and assistant professor at the University of Memphis.
A brief period of postnatal visual deprivation, when early in life, drives a rewiring of the brain areas involved in visual processing, even if the visual restoration is completed well before the baby reaches one year of age, researchers at the University of Trento, McMaster University, and the University of Montreal revealed in Current Biology.
They demonstrated in an animal model that there is an association between advancing age and increased inflammation processes, especially if the lung is additionally exposed to cigarette smoke.
If we avoid all the major diseases, there'll still be an aging process, which is not identical.
While this discovery is still not a «smoking gun,» says Horvath, «if we can understand why the cerebellum ages more slowly, we can figure out how to slow down all the other parts and uncover interventions that might be able to reverse this process
If this is the case, those who migrated as children, where the process of migration can be assumed to be instigated by the parents rather than the child, would report more health problems in old age than those who came as adults.
People carrying the variant might further accelerate the biological aging process if they smoke, are obese or don't exercise — all of which are bad news for telomeres.
A major reason cognitive function declines with age, he says, is that «the brain's decoding process is degraded, and if you can't fix that then you can't restore memory.»
Scientists want to understand the biochemical processes that underlie the multiple symptoms of ageing, and to ask if they can be slowed or even reversed.
To find out if a computer can automate all or part of this process, Guillermo Sapiro, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos and colleagues have fitted the nursery with five Kinect depth - sensing camera rigs to monitor groups of around 10 children aged between 3 and 5 years old as they play.
The results, if they hold up, would offer new insights into the process of aging — and might provide clues about how to slow down the process.
One likely place to look for an answer was histones, to see if changes in the patterns of the chemical marks on them might reveal any secrets, at the cellular level, of the aging process we all experience — and, perhaps, whether there might be anything we can do about it.
Researchers think this process may not completely reprogram the adult donor's DNA to resemble that of a fresh embryo; if that's true, cloned animals might age faster than normal animals, in essence starting out at the age of the donor.
What if an ice age were to come, say in a few thousand or hundred - thousand years, then people could really use these fossil fuels to help warm the earth a bit & keep themselves warm in the process.
But while aging as a whole might be an accumulation of disparate processes, scientists have long wondered if it might be controlled by some central location
«If we can understand that aging process, we can possibly reduce the time and expense of characterizing the waste and accelerate its processing for disposal,» said Clark.
It also suggests that a diet rich in fruits can slow down the lung's natural aging process even if you have never smoked,» says Vanessa Garcia - Larsen, the study's lead author.
Even if the C. elegans model were not to capture a putative connection between Parkinson's disease and aging in humans, it serves as an eloquent signal that a clear distinction needs to be maintained between age - dependence (which is mere time - dependence) and aging - dependence (which is a dependence on the process that determines lifespan).
Here are some of the compelling findings on cognitive ability, gut health and immunity, telomere lengthening, cellular homeostasis and longevity — all processes that, if optimized, can result in graceful aging.
It also suggests that a diet rich in fruits can slow down the lung's natural aging process even if you have never smoked.»
A healthy normal level of testosterone can be reduced if one's body suffers certain injuries, uses steroids and under natural aging process.
If you are including some processed or aged meats that you don't typically eat in your usual diet, your tiredness may be due to amine sensitivities:
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