Sentences with phrase «if the study comes»

So if any studies come out about water kefir, I would expect Dr. Greger to address it in the future.
Some people are so deluded they will believe any old crap — if a study comes from a learned journal, well referenced and peer reviewed by a notable expert in the field then it clearly can not contain a grain of truth.

Not exact matches

«This would be a very good time to remind educational institutions abroad that if their students are looking to go to other countries to study, this is an excellent time to come to Canada,» says Kunin.
«What we'd like to see come out of this study is some really practical «here's what you can do» steps to realize this ambition if you have it,» he adds.
A study in the British Medical Journal suggests that if you're over 50, the best results come from combining aerobic and resistance exercise, which could include anything from high - intensity interval training, like the seven - minute workout, to dynamic - flow yoga, which intersperses strength - building poses like planks and push - ups with heart - pumping dance - like moves.
This so - called «Consensus Study Report» appears to have no real consensus at all — or if it does, well, then the bottom line is as squiggly as they come.
Law professor James Kwok, for instance, recently cautioned on this blog that, while a humanities degree from a top - tier school often opens doors, if you don't come from the sort of background that allows you to study at an elite institution and undertake a few prestigious (probably unpaid) internships, then the calculus rapidly becomes much more difficult.
The resultant studies show that if you want to come across as smart, you need to be more expressive in your speech, varying the pitch and volume of your voice and adding emphasis where appropriate.
Russell, who studies product placement, said even if a company doesn't pay for placement, the mention might still come with an indirect financial return for the artist.
The study's bottom line seems to be that, sure, there is still plenty of sexism when it comes to women's behavior at the negotiating table, but if you're more interested at any given time in getting a good deal than challenging stereotypes, then flirting may be the way to go.
Whenever studies come out saying that Millennials would rather work fewer hours per week, would rather make less if it meant more personal time, etc., the overwhelming consensus is that we are lazy.
And if that's not enough, another recent study shows that 80 % of your company's future revenue will come from 20 % of your current customers.
The 33 - year - old executive enrolled in the year - long Certified Sommelier Certificate program at Toronto's George Brown College in 2011 after deciding that «if I was going to study wine, I wanted to do it at a high level and come out of it with a title people recognized.»
Which probably should be enough to convince you to view that slumbering employee as a productivity ninja rather than a slacker, but if you need even more convincing, yet another study on the benefits of napping just came out.
If you read conversion optimization case studies regularly (which you should), you'll often come across an example like this: The variation with increased downloads by 85 % with 97 % statistical confidence.
Then, referring to Litan's testimony on a study he conducted with a colleague at Economics Inc., «here comes one study from Dr. Litan that's way out in a totally different direction,» concluding that «if you got rid of that [DOL] rule there would be less advice.
Einstein and the Study of «Psycho - Pathology» If there really is such a thing as social mood that guides collective human experience, how come they don't teach it in -LSB-...]
If you were creating a middle - of - the - funnel webinar discussing the teaching methodology your horseback riding school follows, and you were targeting an intermediate - level rider, you could include a case study of an intermediate rider who came to your school and, as a result of your methodology and training, became one of the top riders in their division and moved on to compete with more advanced - level horseback riders.
Alberta, which relies on coal to generate about half its power, would see electricity rates rise more slowly in coming decades if use of renewable energy increased, according to a study published today.
The organization had never consciously withheld its numbers — financial information was tacked up for employees to see — but when cofounders Ari Weinzweig and Paul Saginaw studied open book management in the mid-1990s, they came to believe that employees would show more interest if they got involved in the «game.»
It's not that I don't feel like I can, I can... but is that in the vocabulary of the one who I worship, if it's not then why would I as His Son want to take on what is not His, my Father's nature... The versions of the Bible I've read seem to think that words are powerful and speaking them is an action and can even change physics if used properly... Again, the scriptures speak for themselves and circumventing the topical study with christiany cliche come - backs doesn't answer or annul anything that the Word has to say on the matter.
I am learning more and more and I am of the idea that if I can not answer you right away I will study and come back to you later.
If it is true that the end comes May 21st, why don't they sell me the radio station for $ 1.00 and after May 22nd we can start really studying the bible.
I knew that if I called and told each man that we were going to «go help someone unload a moving truck rather than study the Bible» few would come.
If this ever comes about, it will be the result of more comprehensive, prolonged clinical study than has been undertaken to date.
I suppose unless I'm already a believer I will need to pay a believer a nice sum of money in order and take a class in order to understand why a covenant that carries the penalty of death if this god is not worshipped is changed because, help me here (well of course unless god can speak for himself - I guess I have to ask those who have studied his word that he gave only once 2000 years ago to another culture), so after this covenant he came down and became a man in order to give people grace so he doesn't kill them if they don't worship him?
Even as Kev tells of his study & prayer, you can see it's nothing more than an emotional commitment; if anyone actually came across significant information in the course of their journey, they would be able to convey it, just as anyone could in any other real pursuit of knowledge.
if more would read and study the scriptures we would not be in need of so many teachers and buildings... we would come out of her and carry the good news with our hearts hands and feet.
Donald Barnhouse said that if he knew the Lord was coming in three years, he would spend two of them studying and one preaching.
When my turn came I began by saying that I had studied up on him, too, and noted that he had previously threatened us with the wrath of God if we didn't shape up; and he interjected that he still stood by that warning.
If I look back from this point on my earlier studies, I may well ask myself how it ever came about that I did not learn this much sooner and accordingly speak it out.
The pastor is a young guy, and besides everyone asking me to come 8 times, I probably would if the people who were nicd to use there, would have had the same demeanor during the rest of the week They're a cute little church w / maybe 200 each service (they have 2 morning services) I tried to have her go to VBS, but they wanted the parents to go to a Bible study instead of with them, so I bowed out of that one.
If you want to do them you must come and make a request and talk over the whole matter with me in my study.
If the goal that makes a school «theological» is to understand God more truly, and if such understanding comes only indirectly through disciplined study of other «subject matters,» and if study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete waIf the goal that makes a school «theological» is to understand God more truly, and if such understanding comes only indirectly through disciplined study of other «subject matters,» and if study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete waif such understanding comes only indirectly through disciplined study of other «subject matters,» and if study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete waif study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete way.
Disagree with the other person if you want to, but recognize that they are trying to understand and explain the text just as much as you are, and that just as you want them to listen to how you arrived at your conclusions regarding the text (and don't say, «I just read the Bible,» because you didn't), so also, that other person likely engaged in deep study of the biblical text to arrive at their understanding and it would benefit you to hear how they came to their understanding.
If you have not already come to that conclusion in your own life, I pray that as we continue to study through the book of Luke, that will be the conclusion you come to.
If you were to carefully study the Bible with someone who truly know and understand scripture, and you kept an opened mind, leaving «bias» at the door, unlike evolutionist who teach you to leave God at the door, then you might get enlighten and come to understand «What The Bible Really teach!»
If there is no «doing» that comes out of the «study,» then the acquired knowledge will only puff us up, and we all know what the Bible says about pride.
Here we have known methods of life on this planet that we have studied and observed to come to an evolutionary conclusion for part of the origins of life (the manual transmission) and then you have your theory of a prime mover, a universal creator (the flux capacitor if you will), which can not be tested, can not be seen, can not be heard, can not be felt by any known testing methods and yet you want to say «Hey, why havn't you learned to drive the flux capacitor transmission yet?
they take it literally, if you do a demographic study of israel this will come forth as credible data.
If you study BASIC BIOLOGY, and BASIC PHYSICS, and go into the works of Darwin and Newton and Einstein with «preconceived notions» (which you got from bible brainwashing) then you «may come out as confused as when you went in.»
Anthropology — My study of nonviolence has required me to realize that if violence does not come at the command of God, then it must come from the heart of man.
I was grateful they came, but I knew, deep down in my heart, that if they were really devoted to following Jesus, they would also come to Sunday school, the Sunday evening service, the Wednesday evening Bible study, and the Saturday morning prayer meeting.
If any of us came to this study as liturgiologists, or were under the impression that by becoming such we could best advance our work, we have long since laid such notions aside.
So, though I have been planning to study this passage (You will know them by their works), I believe it is speaking to whether or not someone who claims to be a prophet really is a prophet; if their prophesies come to fruition 100 % of the time, pretty certain they are a prophet in the eyes of witnesses.
If he can come to my study, fine; or, if he wants to talk but doesn't feel up to coming here, I'll come to your homIf he can come to my study, fine; or, if he wants to talk but doesn't feel up to coming here, I'll come to your homif he wants to talk but doesn't feel up to coming here, I'll come to your home.
If one wishes a more detailed study of the question, one can read Schiflebeeckx's Jesus, in which it takes him 437 pages to come to this point: «All in all, we are led to conclude that the New Testament, not In spite of the diverse kerygmatic projects but because of them, gives substantial information about Jesus of Nazareth?»
Plus we were talking about how gays came off the DSM nothing to do with the study you are quoting Because if the military didn't release it till the 90s how could that have figured in to the decision in the 70s??
This time a young woman, completely uneducated, came into a studio in La Paz, ten thousand feet high in the Andes, and sang lullabies and folk songs that sounded as if she had been studying music all her life.
If a satirist had come up with the idea of a violent criminal who had spent time in an asylum being admitted by a university to its doctoral program in «homicide studies,» thereafter turning into a serial killer, that satirist would have been denounced for poor taste.
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