Sentences with phrase «if the subject matter»

Pick up the phone if the subject matter has weight.
@JackOfAllTrades, as I have found in response to my communications with moderators of this site about other questions, just because a question would be suitable for other SE sites, doesn't mean that it can't be on this one if its subject matter is appropriate for this site.
Those words give students the legal right to skip assignments related to evolution if the subject matter conflicts with their beliefs, Rosenau says.
HBO has hit gold with THE DEUCE, producing an immersive and inviting experience, even if the subject matter is not quite elegant or socially accepted.
Films such as The Insider, Ali, and Public Enemies are intimate character studies even if the subject matter of each is expansive.
It's a visually stunning film, even if the subject matter isn't hugely compelling.Rock...
wins Best Picture, it's possible George Miller could sneak the Director prize, which would not only be a wonderful example of the Academy getting it right, which doesn't happen often enough, but a great case that style and prowess can still mean something even if the subject matter isn't classically «Academy Worthy» (and nothing is less «Academy Worthy» than the Doof Warrior).
If Spotlight wins Best Picture, it's possible George Miller could sneak the Director prize, which would not only be a wonderful example of the Academy getting it right, which doesn't happen often enough, but a great case that style and prowess can still mean something even if the subject matter isn't classically «Academy Worthy» (and nothing is less «Academy Worthy» than the Doof Warrior).
If the subject matter is perhaps a little bleak, the fact that it is a silver screen debut for both writer and directly should certainly inspire optimism.
Even if the film may be knocked by some as talky and claustrophobic, there's too much talent on display for drama lovers to not be reeled in to the story, even if the subject matter doesn't exactly lend well to the cinematic experience.
If the Subject Matter Experts agree, they can get rid of the irrelevant content.
If your subject matter forces you to include some instructor - led training sessions as part of your compliance program, schedule them for when work is low, or for when there is some free time.
If Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) could be empowered to create a resource themselves — something like a PDF checklist, screen grab, or quick selfie video explaining a concept — it may just do the job.
If the subject matter is oversimplified, learners may find it difficult to see the relationship between similar concepts or view them under a «single unifying dimension».
Sure, videos and multimedia typically offer solid levels of learner engagement, but if your subject matter lends itself better to a flipped classroom model and discussion questions, you could be missing out.
Fiction is a tough road, but finely niched non-fiction has the potential to do really well... especially if the subject matter is pertinent to the most recent topics of discussion.
If your subject matter is really specific, there may be only a few publishers to consider your work, and if you look at the books on your own shelves, you can probably easily identify who they are.
But This Girl is certainly a well - written book, even if the subject matter is a little stomach - churning, and it will be a quick read for devoted fans of the New Adult genre, one that is certainly pushing the boundaries of what's considered safe, mainstream story lines.
If the subject matter of the novel is darker, the quotes and promotional material will have to reflect this.
Written for the average reader, this book is easy to drill through even if the subject matter can be heavy.
Students are bored if they are not mature enough, if the subject matter is uninteresting and if the curriculum is inadequate in some way.
Understandably, many university students experience serious problems when they have to write reflective essays, even if the subject matter is otherwise close to their areas of interest.
If the subject matter is blog - worthy, I'll consider writing about it.
Just because a film is made in ultra HD doesn't mean it's going to be more interesting if the subject matter and narrative are a bit rubbish.
Opening: Sidsel Meineche Hansen at Ludlow 38 The teaser image for this show — a swastika that appears to be crossed out — feels fit for our times, even if its subject matter seems futuristic.
But even if the subject matter talks of a certain loss in enacting desire, a kind of absurd anti-climax then, in contrast, her performances often afford the audience exactly the opposite experience.
Even if the subject matter of his art was essentially trivial, and borrowed heavily from both existing imagery and commercial printing techniques, Lichtenstein made a huge contribution to contemporary art.
Yeah, and if the subject matter wasn't so serious, you know, the end of life on Earth as we know it, or, at least, the virtual bankrupting of the world's economy, and all that.
Those grounds include if the subject matter of the dispute is not capable of settlement by mediation under the domestic law of the Contracting State, or if granting relief under the agreement would be incompatible with the public policy of the Contracting State.
First and foremost, arbitral awards are void if the subject matter of arbitration is a matter which is prohibited from being arbitrated under the laws of Qatar.
Look at the prospectus, visit the institution and talk to the tutors to see if the subject matter, teaching styles and research methods will suit you.
If the subject matter expands your skill set or can be applied in the next job, that's information that should be featured prominently on your resume or in your cover letter.
When conversing, couples may lean in a confrontational manner if the subject matter is heated.

Not exact matches

(Here's Benjamin Franklin on the subject back in 1749: «If customers slight your goods... do not affront them: do not be pert in your answers, but with patience hear, and with meekness give an answer; for if you affront in a small matter, it may probably hinder you from a future good customer.»If customers slight your goods... do not affront them: do not be pert in your answers, but with patience hear, and with meekness give an answer; for if you affront in a small matter, it may probably hinder you from a future good customer.»if you affront in a small matter, it may probably hinder you from a future good customer.»)
It doesn't matter if the subject is starting an online business or Manchurian basket weaving, they have knowledge on the subject and look out, here it comes.
Top entrepreneurs attend business and marketing seminars, workshops and training courses, even if they have already mastered the subject matter of the event.
The Ultimate Fintech and Payments Research Bundle can both educate you if topics are new AND also drastically augment your knowledge - base if you are a subject matter expert.
Imagine a subject line being similar to the headline of an article: The article doesn't matter if no one in your audience was attracted enough to click.
However, if you're considering jumping into online business, don't just know your subject matter — love it.
Hashtags can help your social - media posts gain visibility — especially if you use popular ones connected to your subject matter.
Money is a serious subject matter to be sure, but if we can't stop and laugh at the stupid things we do with our money, how will we ever change our behaviors and attitudes about money?
There are several ways you can monetize it if you build a loyal audience, and the only way to accomplish this is by truly understanding the subject matter.
If possible, have an influencer who is a subject - matter expert head up the content creation on your website.
If you're not blessed with a talent for literary composition, lack the time or are struggling to find new angles and topics for your subject matter, consider one or all of these options for opening the pearly gates to content heaven.
If you have a team of five subject matter experts, you may need a team of two or three support people to make sure nothing falls through the cracks.
It doesn't matter if you're not an expert on the material or subject of the meeting.
If you've built that successful company blog we talked about earlier, then your subject matter experts (SMEs) should be contributing there, too.
Scott Armstrong, a Partner at Brainrider, tells Shareaholic, «If you market and sell based on your subject matter expertise then content can help you tell and credentialize your story.»
My work on blogs like iAcquire has been an enormous part of establishing myself as both a credible subject matter expert and a talented writer (if I can say so myself).
If they don't have the subject matter expertise that your business needs, they can conduct interviews with members of your staff and use them as the basis of creating content.
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