Sentences with phrase «if waiting for»

Alternatively, you can download the full firmware from our database and upgrade manually if waiting for the over-the-air update isn't your thing.
Well if you waiting for Google to fix this issue, you will need wait a little bit longer.
For now, they stand awkwardly trembling in the spotlight, as if waiting for Simon Cowell's begrudged yay or spectacularly vitriolic nay.
Then the counsel stopped as if waiting for the trial judge to say something.
Most of all, we need to consider if waiting for better information about the probability / plausibility of future risks is a more prudent course of action.
The once - bare gallery was transformed into a kind of South Beach, if South Beach knew about minimalism: white vinyl covered the floors, which had been transformed into a dance floor, chrome bar stools stood as if waiting for customers to sip sugary cocktails, and the windows wore PVC covering to block out the imagined hot Miami sun.
It might be Mika Tajima, leaving paintings on a rack as if waiting for someone to display them.
If waiting for the Oct. 28 release date for Titanfall 2 feels more painful than a gut - punch from a giant robot, worry not; you'll have a few chances to try out the game early.
Ok friends have a good one and if your waiting for Slim to reply to your email please be patient, the surf will die down eventually and he'll get back to you ASAP.
The setting looks like a time capsule where patrons have parked their bicycles outside the market, with crates piled up as if waiting for shopkeepers to load them with goods.
Practically everywhere you look, behind every rock and bush, you'll find them standing around, as if waiting for a bus.
And, when I mention Chester, or Olive, or Molly, she looks at me as if waiting for me to tell her when they will be back.
They both look so poised, as if their waiting for afternoon tea.
The thirty - something sad - sack actor / waiter / suspect / witness, the stout, balding Irish cop with a miserable family life, his tough Latina partner with a heart of gold, the gun - toting teens in baggy jeans — all fail to take more than vague, generic shapes, as if waiting for actors to step in and take over.
He and his ashen masses of fellow undead (notable among them Rob Corddry's «M» — no relation to the spymaster) make their home at the airport, as if waiting for a flight delayed indefinitely.
And so they find themselves dazed and confused in their new home, while their flying saucer still hovers inertly over the skyline, as if waiting for a jump - start from an intergalactic AAA.
You know the ones — checking the fridge over and over as if waiting for a miracle in the form of food.
Fans demand so much from the team and fil to do their bit, as if waiting for something to moan about.
Can someone remind Wenger that Elneny is not a CB, If his waiting for Mustafi and Gabrieal then he should have played natural CB at least... How about Naby Keita for # 30 - 40million and give them both Elneny and Jack Wilshire (Buy Back Clause for him) avenue to play and re-invent himself
If waiting for a new episode makes your stomach growl, there's more Dara the Bowl Girl on DreamWorksTV's YouTube channel:
Students stood around awkwardly, as if waiting for something more compelling to happen, and then, deciding there was nothing more, meandered back to dorms, libraries, and dining halls until the real event began.
Invoice factoring: If waiting for payment from your customers is the cause of your payroll problem, consider invoice factoring.
«If we all wait for the government to solve the problems we have today, we'll be waiting for a long time.»
«If you wait for the business to slow down or get in trouble, it's too late.»
«If you wait for later, that time may not come,» Pons says.
«Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.
In fitness, if you wait for the perfect moment, those desired pounds lost and dream body are still waiting to happen.
In business, if you wait for the perfect moment, you're too late — the competition has the leg up on you.
Starting a business is something like having a child: If you wait for the perfect moment, you'll wind up waiting forever.
«If we wait for the EU and the U.S. to negotiate an agreement,» says Langrish, «they're not going to consult with us.»
Coal stocks move quickly, he says, so if you wait for good news, you'll have already missed much of the upside.
Learning to research and evaluate stocks that are both well - known and «off the beaten path» might reveal lucrative trades that you would have never found if you waited for it to come to you.
At a networking event, if you wait for someone to come over and talk to you... you might as well have stayed home.
If you wait for a stock to rebound without exploring other options, you're losing out on what's called «opportunity cost» — but it's more like opportunity lost.
So if you wait for the robins, spring will be over.»
I don't want to sit on the sidelines forever, but I keep thinking that if I wait for the inevitable down turn, and then invest about 4k on each of the 25 best performing stocks (over the last 10 years) that I could make somewhat of a killing compared to anything I could come up with on my own or in any Dividend stocks.
When it comes to overtrading, it would be wise if you wait for a while before acting on the sudden or slight movement in price.
This holding back on retirement saving and planning in the face of rising debt would be compounded if retirement advisors also wait — that is, if they wait for customers to ask for retirement planning guidance.
Yes, but you neglect to consider that the money you save by opting to go with term insurance can be invested, and you'll probably be out way ahead with that money for your beneficiaries and heirs rather than if they wait for you to die and collect their benefits through a whole life policy.
Think of how much better not only our church services would be if we all waited for God before going inside, but how much better the rest of our lives would be as well.
if you wait for the USA to hand you back your chicken, I mean your dignity, then you are wrong.
If the Church is cautious in questions of doctrine and discipline, perhaps even more so than in the past, if she waits for more information, carrying on a dialogue, perhaps even leaves much to the conscience of the individual, all this does not mean that the authorities have grown cowardly, they have not, for this reason, given up their responsibility and their power.
But if we waited for the perfect time for most things in life, we wouldn't do much of anything, would we?
The potential problems are of such magnitude, however, that if we wait for irrefutable evidence before taking steps to halt the emission of gases and the destruction of rainforests, it will be too late (quite literally) to «stem the tide».
We can not begin to seek Him without a special gift of His grace, yet if we wait for grace to move us, before beginning to seek Him, we will probably never begin.»
If we wait for «enough time» or «just - right» circumstances for significant relating, we may never find them.
If we wait for that, we will truly be waiting until return of Christ.
Actually, this is an important question and I'm very glad you brought it up: the rule is, if you wait for the kids to get home, you're in big trouble.
If you wait for it to chill, the roll will hold better.
My husband doesn't eat desserts with citrus fruits, but I LOVE them... I guess it's better if I wait for when we have guests
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